Adopting Tommy

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Ellie's P.O.V
I woke up at 8:00 am and looked beside me to find Tommy sleeping peacefully I kissed his cheek and got up took a shower and got dressed in some light jean shorts,grey crop top,a creamy white oversized cardigan and my white high top converse. Then for accessorize I put a black choker on,a ying yang necklace,some rings,a watch and two bracelets. for make up I put on winged liner,some mascara and lipgloss,i painted my nails black and woke spencer up so he can get ready.

"Morning spence" I said kissing his cheek he smiled sleepily whispering a morning and getting up to shower and get ready. I went back to my side to wake Tommy up.

I shook him lightly and kissed his forehead not wanting to scare him.
"Tommy bubba wake up" I whispered running my hand through his hair softly. he opened an eye sleepily and smiled then got up reaching for me.

"Good morning Tommy"i said
"Mownin ewwie" he said rubbing his eye and putting his head in my shoulder,since we already gave him a bath last night I just went to my bathroom helped him to wash his face and got him a spare toothbrush so he can brush his teeth then put him in my bed again so I can get his clothes out,i changed his diaper then put on cody's grey jeans,white shirt with words written in red on it ,white converse and a dark grey beanie. spencer got out wearing black skinny jeans a white shirt and a green/blue button up shirt which he left open he put on his white converse as well mums necklace a watch then came to my side where me and Tommy were waiting for him.

"Good morning Tommy" he said kissing tommy's head making him relax when he knew that spence isn't gonna hurt him then smiled at him.
"Mownin s-spencew" he said trying to pronounce Spencer's name. I got the small backpack that Matt gave us the clothes in I put in some spare clothes which were some grey sweatpants and a black tshirt and also put a jacket in case he got cold then put diapers in the backpack and got up taking the bag with me and held Tommy's hand with spencer behind us and we went downstairs to find all the guys already there ready and eating breakfast.

I sat down and spence put some book on a chair so Tommy can sit there and sat down in the other side of Tommy then Liam put a plate infront of us the one infront of Tommy had some bananas,strawberries then he put a cup of orange juice infront if him mine and Spencer's were some toast that had Nutella and strawberries on them.

We ate then washed Tommy's face since it had mashed bananas all over it, I fed Toby and played with him for about 10 mins took him out to pee then we went to the car Tommy on Spencer's lap since he started to warm up to him a bit, then we went to the orphanage that we got adopted from.

We went in the orphanage to find Mrs.cole there.
"Hey Mrs.cole" me and spence said.
"Spencer,Ellie hey guys" she said hugging us then looked at Tommie.
"Are you here to drop him off?" She said reaching for him so he hid behind me and spence.
"Actually no we're here to adopt him" Louis said. she looked at them then nodded.
"Okay follow me" she said heading is into her office.

"Okay what do you know about him?" She asked.
"Yeah all we know is that his name is Tommy and that his dad abused him" Harry said she nodded she looked at him then looked at information(I don't really know how adoption works so just pretend that she found information about Tommy)
"Okay so his name is Tommy Alexander Flynn he is two years old his birthday is May 3rd 2014 his mom died giving birth to him and he was in the custody of his dad. he is allergic to cinnamon he has brown hair and blue eyes" she printed the information and handed them to us along with the adoption paper Louis filled it out then signed it along with the boys.
We had to wait for a few minutes.

"Okay Tommy Alexander Flynn is now Tommy Alexander Tomlinson legally" she said smiling at us

"Thank you Mrs.cole" we said and left.
We went to a furniture store to buy Tommy stuff for his new room which we were gonna start on today.

It already has a walkin wardrobe and a bathroom since it's gonna be his when he grows up as well. all we have to do is paint it and decorate it a bit. So we got him a white wooden crib,a white drawers unit, a big wooden toy box,and a high chair and a car seat then we made him choose the paint which was dark blue and he also got dinosaur wall stickers.

Then we went to a baby clothes store thingy we got him everything onesies,pjs,jeans, sweatpants, shirts,hoodies and all the clothes he'll need them we got him underwear
Socks,shoes,and about four swimming suits.

Then we went to the toys store and made him chose the toys that he want which was a lot he chose a lot of cars and dinosaurs and teddy bears,stuffed animals,coloring books and colors, and a LOT more,and we found a blue dinosaur lamp so we got that as well.

Then we got him diapers,sippy-
cups,plastic plates,spoons and forks and we got a baby monitor,tooth brush,tooth paste,hair brush,
Shampoo,conditionor,body soap blankets,a blue and green with little dinosaurs on it duvet and pillows.

Then we went home left Tommy with spencer in our room to play white some of his new toys and took the paint-after we got dressed in old clothes-and went to Tommy's new room to paint it.

**two long hours later**

"Finally" I said when I saw that we were done we went downstairs to find spence and Tommy watching sponge bob and Tommy was sooo focused I took a quick pic then went to the kitchen had a cup of water then we all relaxed for about an hour until the walls dried then we went upstairs again this time with spencer varying a sleeping Tommy following he put Tommy in my bed then put on the baby monitor and went to his room the guys put the crib together then the drawers unit then his toy box next to his wardrobe's door I put all of his toys in the box except for the stuffed animals I put some of them on the ground and the some on his bed and some by the Windows. And put the dinosaur stickers on the wall then the letters of his name which were in grey on the wall above his crib.

Then I went to his bath room putting his stuff in there then heard Tommy from the baby monitor so I went to his room found him awake sat in my bed looking around and once he saw me he reached for me so I picked him up and got the guys to show him his new room.

"You ready to see your new room Tommy?" I asked and he nodded.
Spencer opened the door and he gasped and jumped from my arms looking around we all chuckles and awwed when he started giggling and jumping around then came hugged me and spencer then e looked at the guys who were smiling at him he looked at me and spence again we nodded so he hugged them too.

"Tank you" he said to all of us and kissed our cheeks.
"Your welcome bud" Louis said.

"Alright bud do you want to sleep next Ellie today again or in your own bed and if you wake up you can talk into this to call Ellie or spencer?" Niall said pointing to the baby monitor in his crib.

"Hewe" he said sitting on the floor.
"Alrighty if you wake up just call me or spence and we'll come get you okay?" I said/asked. and he nodded.

It was now 7:00 pm so I changed Tommy in his kangaroo onesie then took him to mine and Spencer's room saw that spence already changed so I told him to take Tommy while i change and I put on my unicorn onesie while spencer had his batman onesie on.

Then we all went downstairs had dinner then watched finding nemo since Tommy said that he never watched tv.

Then at about 9:00 pm we went to sleep all of us on the couch,the order was liam,niall,spencer,tommy,me,louis,

Hope you guys like the chapter
Tell me if you want me to write something specific for the next chapter.

Love you guys❤️❤️🦄

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