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Ellie's POV
I started coughing a lot again and I couldn't breath from coughing so much and it hurts my chest a lot my eyes watered and I can't even open them.
I feel like I'm a lot of trouble like every time something's ok something bad happens to me.
I coughed again and started to sweat and to feel cold like I was freezing. I whimpered and I felt someone pick me up and hugging me to their chests.
"Snow wake up Ellie c'mon Hun wake up" I opened my eyes slowly and found zayn's worried eyes staring back into mine. I started crying in his shoulder he rubbed my back and I shivered cause I was cold yet hot at the same time zayn got a blanket and he put in on me but I pushed it off.
"Are you feeling hot?" He asked I nodded I shivered again
"Then why are you shivering? Are you cold too??" I nodded again he took me to the kitchen and took out the thermometer and my temperature was 103 zayn picked me up and gave me a medicine and a cup of water and then went to his room again and I started to feel sleepy he stroked my hair and kept singing random lyrics until I fell asleep I felt really sorry for him so before I went to sleep I whispered
"I'm sorry" then I went to sleep.
(Now it's gonna be zayn's POV but a really small one"
Zayn's POV
"I'm sorry" she whispered before falling asleep. what the hell was she sorry for? I'm gonna tell the lads and we'll talk to her when we wake up for now I need to sleep we're going to the studio tommo-well today. I put a wet piece of cloth on her forehead and fell asleep
Ellie's POV
I woke up to someone shaking me.
"Ellie Hun wake up babe c'mon you have to get ready" I heard zayn's voice say I groaned and opened my eyes.
"C'mon Hun you have to get ready we're going to the studio and you can wake spencer up" he said and at the mention of my twin I smiled we didn't hang out and talk like we always do two days ago so I got out slowly out of bed and went to mine and Spence's room I went in and went to his bed and hugged him he woke up looking slightly confused then he smiled and hugged me back.
"Hey Ellie how are you feeling babygirl?" I moved my hand from side to side saying that I'm not good but not bad and if you're wondering Toby is with Perrie for a few days so he can play with hatchi who I offered to look after later. I went to the bathroom took a warm relaxing shower,brushed my teeth and put on my undergarments,some comfy dark Grey leggings,a light grey tank top and a red jacket and I slipped on some slippers I put my hair in the messiest bun ever took my backpack and put in it my MacBook,headphones,pillow,
Thermometer.a box of tissues, that thing that covers your eyes,my laptop charger and finally my phone.
I looked in the mirror my face was pale,my nose and mouth were red
My cheeks were a shade of pink I decided with no make up I just slipped on my nerdy fake glasses I got out from the closet to find spence with a blanket in his hands I smiled and took it from him wrapping it around my body he carried my backpack for me which I was thankful of since I felt like I was gonna fall any second when we went downstairs Liam took the blanket from me and Niall picked me up and Liam put the blanket on me again I rested my head on Niall's shoulder and we went to the car when we got to the studio Spence took the pillow out and put it on the couch Niall laid me down and put the blanket over me and the guys kissed my forehead and went to record then spence came to me and sat on the other side of the couch he gave me my laptop and my phone and I texted him from my phone since I can't talk and we texted each other even though he's right infront of me he told me that he knows that I'm upset about something and i put my phone down and told him to come and sit next to me he came I laid my head on his shoulder and let it all out in whispers though.
"Spence I just feel like I'm trouble to the boys like every time something good happens I ruin it either dad comes back or I go to the hospital or I get sick and I woke Liam,harry and zayn up a lot from their sleep and they need to sleep because I mean look at their jobs they work a lot they travel a lot and I don't like that feeling you know that feeling when you know that you're just trouble nothing else I'm sick of the drama and right now I'm literally sick and you and the guys help me through it but I'm still trouble and I don't want to spence like who would want to be a burden to everybody I promise I don't but i can't help it" I said now full in crying on Spencer's shoulder.
"Hey Ellie it's okay I'm sure that the guys know that you don't mean it and Ellie they love you babygirl we all do I mean look at you you're a cute,funny,bubbly,happy person and by the way only me and the guys and sky,matt,and Logan,and their families and the girls and the guys families and uncle si and mark are aloud to say that no one else but Ellie please stop crying I love you, the boys love you Logan loves you,matt loves you,sky loves you,mark loves you,uncle Greg loves you ,Theo loves you lux and Lou love you Perrie and Eleanor love you Toby loves you Cody loves you,uncle simon loves you we all love you Ellie no matter what happens we always will no matter what"he said softly hugging me and kissing my forehead.
"AWWWWWWWWWW" we hear we looked up and saw that we had a crowd there was uncle Simon, the boys,lou with lux on her hip,logan,sky and matt and Cody smiling at us.
I hid my face in Spencer's chest and they chuckled and all came to hug us except for lux and Cody cause I'm sick and I don't want them to get sick as well. All of them except the boys left to give me and spence and the boys some privacy.
"Ellie why do you and spence always think that you guys are not a burden and it's definitely not you're fault that you're dad came back or that you went to the hospital or that you're sick it's not you're fault and even if that happened every day we don't care you're our little sister and spence you're our little brother so stop doing this and for the last time you're not a burden or trouble."louis said and the guys nodded then looked at louis surprised cause that was deep.
"Louis I have a question." I said
"Shoot" he said smiling goofily.
"Why do you always get so deep for a minute then return to your goofy self?" I said giggling.
"Hey at least I get you to giggle" he defended.i giggled again
"See" he said
"Alright we're gonna record 4 more songs and then we'll get going". We nodded the guys went to record and me and spence cuddled up and watched movies on Netflix but during a movie I fell asleep.
'Click' I hear I stirred but didn't wake up.
"Dude shhhh you're gonna wake her up and Simon said that there are paps out there."liam said
"Alright Louis pick Ellie up and were gonna put the blanket over and spencer walk next to one of us and were gonna make a circle around you and louis and Ellie ok?" I'm guessing they all nodded since I didn't hear 'ok's
I felt someone pick me up I'm guessing louis I snuggled up put my head in the crook of his neck they put my head phones on for me and put on songs I'm guessing so I don't hear the screams then they put the blanket on me like they covered all of me.
"Spence put this SnapBack on to cover your hair these big sunglasses to cover a bit of your face and these headphones so you don't go deaf" Liam said and I'm guessing that he did that.
I felt louis starting to walk and the. We got out we were met by a lot of screams I whimpered and held onto louis. I felt someone rubbing my back.
"Shhhh it's okay it's gonna over we're nearly in the car"louis said
i snuggled to him and went back to sleep.
I felt like we were in a car then I felt someone putting me on a bed and louis saying
"Goodnight Elliebear" and getting in next to me and then I completely blacked out.
A/N here ya go hope you like bye.

-lots of love ❤️😊😘😍🙊🙈

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