~ Overstimulated ~

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Title of one shot; overstimulated
Requested by; toonyfanatic
Type of angst; Overstimulated; "To cause Someone or something to become too active or excited : to stimulate someone or something too much." (PLEASE EXCUSE ME IF IM WRONG, I NEVER MADE A OVERSTIMULATED CHARACTER BEFORE! I DID SOME RESEARCH THOUGH IM VERY CONFUSED, I NEED A SIMPLE EXPLANATION FOR THIS!)
AU; None
Prompt; None
Summary; Donnie gets overstimulated, and his brothers do their best to get him comfortable.
Brofluff?; Yes
- Third persons pov -
Leo sighed to himself, as Raph went into the lab. Seeing Donnie was on a strange building mission today, well not really a mission. "Ta-Da!~" He chirped, his gray eyes glimmering. Leo came into the lab, seeing Donnie extremely. . .active and excited. "What's wrong with him?" Raph asked quietly, he looked worried. Donnie pulled out a familiar shock collar, "Who shall I put this on? Hmmm~" he hummed quietly, Leo sighed and went over. "Don? You okay dude?" Leo asked softly, Donnie looked over. "Put the collar down slowly, okay?" He said gently, but Donnie just blinked and poked his nose. "Nah!~" The genius answered in a singing-tone, Leo sighed quietly. He gently grabbed the collar and set it down,

Donnie looked down at it and looked at Leo again, "Come on Don, you gotta get some rest. Alright?" Leo said, trying to sound soothing and gentle as possible he could. "No! I wanna build some more inventions and maybe soon, I can be the best scientist ever!" He chirped, Leo frowned. 'How did he become so. . .strange?' He wondered, the three dumb brothers didn't exactly know the proper word for the genius's behavior. "Come on Don." Leo mumbled, before straightening himself. "Let's go to a more. . .quiet and comforting place, shall we?" He offered, Donnie stood up and rolled his eyes without even meaning. Leo carefully grabbed his wrist and gently led him out of the lab, he could feel Donnie tensing up more.

Leo sighed to himself and went to his own bedroom, it was more quiet and hopefully comforting for the genius. He pointed towards his bed, "Sit here, don't move. Okay? I'm gonna get the others." He ordered, Donnie shrugged and sat down on the bed. Pulling the blanket sheets over his legs as Leo left the room. "Raph! Mikey! Get over here!" Leo called, Raph was here already and Mikey rushed over. "What's up Leo?" Mikey Asked, Leo pointed towards Donnie who was now gazing at Leo's stuff seeming like he was getting meaningless inspiration. "Whoa Dude! What's wrong with him?!" Mikey Asked again,

"That's the thing, I don't know. But for now; we need to try and get him comfortable." Leo answered and they all went into the room, immediately catching the softshell's attention. "Heya Bud, how are ya?" Raph asked gently, sitting next to the bed. A soft smile on the snapping turtle's snout, Donnie shrugged. "I feel. . ." He trailed off, thinking. "I feel off. . .Like I'm nervous? Or - or upset? I'm not sure. I do feel tired though!" Donnie answered, his gray gaze glimmering with a meaningless emotion. "Alright then, if you feel tired, then why don't you sleep?" Raph was trying his best to soothe the male in purple. "Noooo! I wanna make more inventions!" Donnie protested, Leo frowned. "No Don, you need to get comfortable and rest. Okay? Take it easy." He replied, Donnie glared at them. That's when his gray gaze immediately lit up with joy at something.

Leo and Raph turned their heads towards Mikey, he was holding Donnie's Favorite purple hoodie. He went over towards them, "I have something for ya D!" He smiled, The genius let out a excited gasp. His tail wagging excitedly, "My favorite hoodie! Give meeeee!!" Donnie hissed, he wanted his hoodie. Raph carefully takes off Donnie's battleshell and set it down next the bed, Leo grabbed the hoodie and helped Donnie put it on. He pulled the hood over the overstimulated male, just the way he loved it. "Comfyyyyy~" Donnie purred, nuzzling his face into the chest of his hoodie.

The red eared slider could tell that Donnie did look indeed tired, due to the bags underneath his eyes. "We need a few more things he loves and comforts him. And makes him feel comfortable. So that way he could take it easy," Leo mumbled, secretly gesturing towards Donnie's face, well mostly to the bags underneath his gray eyes. "Okay, I know he loves his hoodie, Wait, he loves Uranium. But we don't know anything about that! Or what it looks like." Raph mumbled, lowering his head. "Oooh! How about I make painting of purple paint?" Mikey suggested, "Mmmm, No. I don't think that's gonna work." Leo answered, "Come on guys! This should be easy! It's our brother!" Leo quietly growled,

"Wait; What about the purple dragon jacket?" Raph mumbled, realizing Donnie loved it so much that he had showed it off when he first got it. "I mean; He did really love that jacket." Mikey answered, Leo frowned. He knew that for a fact. "But how will we find it?" Raph Asked, Leo sighed to himself and shook his head. Glancing at Donnie who was still nuzzling his face into his hoodie. "Mikey, go find the jacket. Me and Raph will stay here and try to figure out more ways for Donnie." Leo ordered, Mikey nodded and immediately rushed out. Raph gave him a look, "What? I know I'm not leader! But can't that wait for later?" Leo growled, Raph glanced at Donnie and nodded. "Your right, Donnie needs us." He agreed,

"Now, We all know that he loves purple so much. So something purple." Raph whispered, Leo thought for a few moments and glanced over at the genius. "Maybe something fluffy too." He added, Raph blinked. "Like what though?" He Asked, "A fluffy purple blanket!" Leo exclaimed, Raph smiled brightly and rushed off to get one. Leaving Leo in charge of keeping an eye on Donnie. "Heya Don, I have a question." Leo started, Donnie didn't stop nuzzling his face into his hoodie but he did glance at him. "Yessss?" He answered, Leo shuddered a bit. "How did you get like this and what is it called?" He Asked, Donnie shrugged. "If I can remember correctly, it has something to do with the grain overdriving or something." He answered,

Leo was guessing that Donnie was having a hard time of thinking due to the overdrive he was experiencing in his brain, "I'm back!" Raph said, he was holding a big fluffy purple blanket. He slowly moved Leo's blankets off of his bed and placed the purple blanket onto Donnie's legs. The genius let out a loud content purr, "Flufffyyyyyyy~~" Leo stifled his laughter as Donnie made a kawaii cat face expression, "I'm back as well!" Mikey smiled and went over towards Donnie, placing the purple dragon jacket onto the genius. "Softtttt, I love ittt!" Donnie purred happily, enjoying the items he had received. But he didn't realize these things were slowly comforting him and making him feel comforted, soon enough; Donnie felt so exhausted that he could barely hear his brothers telling him to lie down.

He laid down, immediately crashing into slumber. "What made him like this?" Mikey whispered so quietly, that only Raph and Leo heard him. "Who knows. . ." Raph mumbled in response, Leo was staring at Donnie with sympathy

"We will help him again if it happens again."
I hope this is what you wanted toonyfanatic!

I'm so sorry if I got overstimulated All wrong! This is my first time and it was interesting to write, whenever you request something that I'm not familiar with. Give it a Explanation(A SIMPLE ONE PLZ!)

      Happy winters!
    Sayonara my lattes!~

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