~ Toxic ~

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Title of one shot; Toxic
Requested by; 15161805118a
Type of angst; Donnie can only trust certain people. . .or mutants
AU; None
Prompt; None
Summary; Splinter, Raph and Leo had been really toxic to Donnie. Donnie doesn't trust anyone, which after he was told, it made his trust issues go a bit higher. He could now only Trust Mikey and Draxum, the ones who had told him and defended him. What happens now?
Brofluff?; Yes -w-
Notes about AUs; None
- Third persons pov -
Donnie heard lots of loud banging and arguments, he shuddered in worry and decided to check what's happening. He went outside of his bedroom and saw Mikey and Raph arguing. Leo joined in as well, Splinter and Draxum were also arguing. "What the HELL is happening here?!" Donnie demanded, Mikey immediately rushed over and hugged him. Tearing up already. Draxum was staring at him with sympathy. "Erm, Can you let go? Please? Thank you." Donnie mumbled as Mikey let go of him,

Draxum went over towards the two turtles, shooting a glare at the other four family members. "Come on Donatello and Michelangelo." The Yōkai mumbled, leading Donnie and Mikey to Donnie's lab. "Wait - Wait, Hold on, You Guys never told me what's happening!" The genius hissed, as Draxum closed the lab door. "Why can't you see it Dee?" Mikey whimpered, "Splinter, Raphael and Leonardo are being toxic to you Donatello." Draxum explained, Donnie's eyes widened a little.

The genius knew something was off about his two older brothers, Well Leo was like 2 minutes older then him. He also knew there was something off about Splinter as well. But he had been so busy with his inventions to not research more about it, "I um, well, I did notice their strange behavior but. . .um. . .I - I never thought they would be. . .T - Toxic towards me. . ." Donnie mumbled, avoiding their gazes.

Mikey placed a hand on Donnie's left shoulder, "They have been extremely toxic towards you Dee. . ." Mikey whimpered, Draxum silently felt bad for the genius. He couldn't believe that Splinter would do this to his son, 'Does he even consider Donnie as his son anymore?' The Yōkai Thought,

Donnie felt Mikey hugging him now, he grumbled quietly. But he didn't say anything, he just stared at the ground. 'Splinter never loved me. . .They never did. . .' The genius thought,

- 2 weeks later -
Donnie was taking a few sips from his black coffee, "Hey Don? Can you -" Donnie cut Leo off with a warning growl, glaring at the slider. "Fuck. Off. Leo." He growled darkly, Leo backed away, sweating with fear. But was confused at the sudden snap. The softshell didn't exactly trust Leo, Splinter and Raph anymore. Which made his trust issues a bit worse, course' He didn't care. He soon finished his coffee and left the kitchen, Mikey was glaring at Raph, who went over to Donnie. "Hey Don, can you-" Donnie cut his older brother off by slashing his left cheek with his claws, he then walked off.

Mikey and Draxum were surprised but followed after the genius, 'I hate them. . .I hate them. . .I hate them. . .' Donnie kept repeating to himself, shooting glared at Splinter, Leo and Raph who stared at them in shock. "Okay! That's enough Donatello!" Splinter growled, Donnie rolled his eyes and turned to face them. "Enough of what? Your fucking assholes are toxic to me. So why do I have to listen to YOU now?" Donnie growled, "I don't need you guys anymore. You guys destroyed my trust. Mikey and Draxum are the only ones that I can trust now," he continued, "And plus; They defend me, they trust me, they actually treat me like I'm worth something." He went on, ignoring their faces. "I hate you." He finished, before storming off.

One things for sure. . .

He never wanted to see them again. . .
Three on the same day. Special treats. But I'm not special. So um, yeah -w-
I hope you guys enjoyed the oneshot!

I also hope you enjoyed the oneshot too 15161805118a!

       Sayonara my lattes!~

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