~ "I'm just tired." ~ Pt.1

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Title of one shot; "I'm just tired." Pt.1
Requested by; Nobody
Type of angst; Donnie knows how it feels to be shocked. . .
AU; Electrifying tortured genius
Prompt; "I'm just tired."
Summary; Donnie finds himself wearing the same shock collar he had made for Leo, but the questions are; How did he get it on him? Why is it on him? And what will happen?
Brofluff?; Yes
Notes about AUs; Donnie has the shock collar now, and is now being tortured by it. Now realizing what Leo had went through. And what's worse is that it won't come off anymore. . .
- Third persons pov -
Donnie groaned as he shifted and tossed uncomfortably in his bed, like if there was something on his neck. He hoped it wasn't a spider, "Donnnn! Wake uppp!" Leo's voice called from outside of his bedroom, Donnie hissed in annoyance. Opening a gray eye, "Leave me alone Leo! I'm trying to sleep!" Donnie Replied, closing his gray eye. "Fiiiinnneeeee!" Leo whined, and left.

Donnie let out sigh of relief, before rolling onto his left side uncomfortably. He hang his arm off of his bed, as well as his leg. Since now he had rolled onto his stomach, he heard a loud beep from somewhere but it oddly sounded like it was close. "What the- AHH! OW!" Donnie screeched out in pain as he suddenly felt electricity shocking him, it soon stopped but it made him fall off of his bed.

The softshell felt a piercing pain through his shell, he glanced at his shell, making sure it wasn't damaged. No scars. He sighed in relief, but he glanced down and saw a familiar technology that he had built many, many years ago. "What the. . .?" He whispered, "Donnie? Are you okay?!" He heard Raph ask from outside,

The genius took a deep breath, sighing to himself. 'Okay, How am I gonna explain this to my brothers?' He wondered, "I - I'm fine Raph. . I just had a strange. . .Electrifying awakening, that's all. ." Donnie answered,

Donnie slowly stood up, slightly shaken by the sudden waking. He glanced down again, that's when he realized. . .

It was the shock collar he had made for Leo. . .

He took a few deep breathes before he could start having a panic attack, 'Okay how am I gonna hide this?' He wondered before looking at his battleshell. He then puts it on but he couldn't, 'Stupid damn collar!' He thought, the collar was in the way. The genius puts down his battleshell and grabbed his favorite signature purple hoodie and puts it on,

'Dear god. . .How am I gonna live through this?' He kept wondering, realizing the collar was kinda well hidden underneath his hoodie. 'This will have to do for now. . .' He sighed,

Donnie soon left his room, 'Maybe I should try taking it off.' He suggested to himself,

"You Okay Dee?" Mikey Asked, Breaking into the genius's thoughts. "Oh um, Yeah. Why?" Donnie answered, "Well, you look like you were deep in your thoughts and your wearing your hoodie." Mikey answered, the genius frowned. 'Is it that obvious I'm not okay? I'm tired as you can see!' He thought crossly, "I'm fine." He answered, his eyes felt heavy since he had pulled a All-Nighter last night. He had finally gotten to sleep at 2:30 AM, and now was woken up by the shock collar at 7:45 AM. 'Then again; Don't I pull All-Nighters all the time? Well, Most of the time?' Donnie thought,

The softshell went to the kitchen, and saw a bowl of ramen noodles on the table. He shrugged and sat down, he started eating the noodles. 'Okay, It only shocks Leo when he tells one liners. But it never beeped. So, If I'm stating this correctly; It will only shock me if I tell dark jokes and if it gets hit.' Donnie thought, hoping his theory was correct. Leo and his two brothers noticed Donnie looked oddly lost in his thoughts more then usual, "So if I can get it off without hurting myself, somehow, I should be fine." Donnie mumbled, "Uh. . .Don? You feelin' Okay?" Leo Asked,

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