~ "I'm a monster." ~

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Title of one shot; "I'm a monster."
Requested by; Nobody
Type of angst; Donnie is the monster. . .
AU; None
Prompt; "I'm a monster."
Summary; Donnie can't really control his new findings, which were claws and sharp little teeth. At first; They seemed harmless. But what now. . .?
Brofluff?; No
Notes about AUs; None
- Third persons pov -
Blood. . .

Screams. . .

Slashes. . .

Yōkais. . .

Mutants. . .

Deaths. . .

Brothers. . .

Fear. . .

Terror. . .

Hate. . .

Distrust. . .

Broken trust. . .

Sharp claws. . .

Sharp teeth. . .

Pain. . .

Murder. . .

Harm. . .

Broken. . .

Alone. . .

Trapped. . .

Cage. . .

Savage animal. . .

Monster. . .

Donnie kept on repeating the same thoughts over and over as he just laid in the middle of the cell, he rolled onto his left side. Shivering at the coldness that touched his scales, he whimpered quietly as he tried to curl up to keep himself warm. But how can he? He's in a cell, with none of his tech besides his Tech-Bo, which was completely useless against these strong Yōkais that kept him in this cell. He stared at the blood stained claws of his own, his snout was also stained with blood. He blamed himself for this, he didn't blame anyone else. Only himself. He heard the door open, he hasn't really been in here for that long. Only 2 weeks.

The genius noticed a familiar figure, he bared his teeth, realizing it was Kendra. "What are YOU doing in Big'Mamas hotel?!" He growled, struggling to get up. He winced in pain, bleeding from his left shoulder. Glaring at the female, who had her hands on her hips. "We both do have something in common Von Ryan." She started, Donnie growled quietly. He didn't exactly trust the female, not after his tech being used. The dragon tooth drama. The purple game drama. The Shelldon runaway drama.

Donnie let out quiet scoff, "Us? Common?" He snorted, "We have nothing in common Kendra." He hissed, his small tail lashing. He glared at the female human like daggers, ready to strike at her. "Actually We Do, We both are geniuses. We both hate Big'Mama, don't we?" She said, Donnie rolled his eyes. "Hating on Big'Mama is something I can agree on." He snorted,

Kendra took a step towards the softshell, which caused him to snarl viciously at her. "Fuck off before I make you." He warned, "How would you feel if I helped you escape hm?" She asked, He looked at her skeptically. "Last time I trusted you, which was when I HAD the dragon jacket, you tricked me and stole my tech. Being little sneaky shits that you are." Donnie snorted, ready to strike still.

The genius looked around the room before back at the female, growling quietly still. "You don't need to trust me, But at least let me Help you get out of here." She 'reassured' him, he only snorted again. "Or I can just leave you in here," she added with a shrug. "Shut up! Get me out of here before I change my mind!" He Snapped,

Donnie staggered out of the cell, following the leader of the purple dragons. Seeing the jacket on her made him cringe, but he did miss the jacket on himself. 'Sacrifices had to be made.' He thought,

"Where we are going exactly?" He asked, not really trusting her one bit.

Kendra looked at him, and pulled out a device, Donnie realized it was a portal device. "That's a portal device. . ." He mumbled thoughtfully, "You'll see." She grinned before pressing a button, a purple portal appeared in front of them. He yelped in surprise as he was grabbed by the wrist, he still had his wrist keypad device.

'She completed ignores my question - Oh god, where am I?' He thought, glancing around. "Wait. . .Why did you bring me here?" He growled, glancing at her. "We are in the purple dragons hideout." She started, glancing at the male.

Donnie rolled his eyes, "We need you Von Ryan." She suddenly said,

The genius glared, his claws grew sharper. "I don't need you!" He hissed, "And whys that?" She asked, grinning. "Well first; you stole and used my Tech! Second; You made me watch myself n' you almost kill my brothers! Third; You tricked Shelldon into joining you so you can win that drone race! Fourth; You had a Technical device called the Dragons tooth! And now last but not least; Now your kidnapping me in your hideout!" He Snapped, slashing her right cheek. He just stood there as she grunted in pain, rubbing her bleeding right cheek.

Donnie only stared, he looked at his claws again. More blood stained on them. His breathing started coming out in pants, "Uh. . .Is he okay?" He heard Jeremy Asked, as tears swelled up in his gray eyes. He clenched his head, trying his hardest to not hurt himself even more.

- Flashback -
Donnie bared his sharp teeth at Leo, which caught all of them off guard. "Don. . .Did you just. . .Growl at me?!" Leo Asked, Donnie glanced down at his throat. Clearly surprised as well. "I guess I did?" He shrugged, he knew he needed to do some research now. "Do it again! Do it again!" Mikey exclaimed, Donnie sighed. "Why?" He Asked in annoyance as the box turtle poked him on the nose, which caused Donnie to growl a bit loudly at him. Baring his sharp teeth. "Oh mi gosh!" Mikey chirped, Leo had a worried look on his face.

The slider sighed and went over to the genius, "Let me try." Leo grinned, "Okay Don, I sorta 'accidentally' touched your Tech-Bo and threw your hoodie into my laundry basket." Leo admitted, Donnie Snapped his gaze towards the slider. "YOU DID WHAT?!" He Snapped, before raking his claws across Leo's right eye, tearing haft of his mask. "LEO!" Raph and Mikey screeched, Donnie stared in horror as Leo stumbled backwards.

"DONNIE WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOUR CLAWS WERE HARMLESS!" Raph cried out and rushed over to Leo, who was holding a hand against his right eye. Donnie didn't answer though. . .

He injured his brother. . .

He had harmed his twin. . .

- Flashback ends -
Donnie stared at the floor, quickly shaking his head. Wiping his tears away. He silently reminded himself that Kendra deserved that, not his brothers. He looked at the dragons, "You deserve my claw marks. Not my brothers." He hissed, "Claw marks? You don't even have claws!" Jeremy commented, "Heh, Well now I do." Donnie grinned, revealing sharp teeth. He then charged towards Jeremy, slashing his face. Knowing it would hurt a lot more on a human. "Why you little!-" Donnie turned and felt a scorching pain in his shell, causing him to be sent flying into a window, he winced as his body broke the glass.

The genius knew he didn't have his battleshell, but he did have his Tech-Bo, He suddenly remembered the button on his Tech-Bo. Quickly as he could, he pressed the button as he kept plummeting towards the ground. He felt something latched onto his soft normal shell, he realized it was his battleshell. He quickly activated the hovers from his battleshell, causing him to fly off.

He knew he couldn't go back to the lair, he couldn't. . .

Because he is the monster. . .
Another Angsty oneshot. UwU
I hope you guys enjoyed the oneshot!

     Sayonara my lattes!~

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