~ "I'm done trying for you." ~

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Title of one shot; "I'm done trying for you."
Requested by; Nobody
Type of angst; Donnie is done.
AU; None
Prompt; "Please, just try a little harder?" . . .  "I'm done trying for you."
Summary; Donnie is so done with His brothers, they kept pressuring him. Making his inventions better. Make them better without Malfunctioning all the time. What happens if Donnie finally snaps?
Brofluff?; No
- Third persons pov -
Donnie had stayed awake all night that night, just to try and perfect his own tech-bo. I mean, Raph had told him. "If you make your Texh-Bo a lot better, it might not malfunction at all." Those were his words to the genius, Donnie leaned back against his chair, he was perfectly capable of his own skills and abilities. He trusted himself, but why did he feel like his brothers wanted more of him? Wanted more from him? "I think you should upgrade your battleshell, so it's more secure to mystical powers! You really don't want it to be ripped apart again by a mystical creature, do you D?" Mikey had said, Donnie growled in irritation.

His brothers definitely wanted his inventions to be a lot more better, it wasn't his fault that they Malfunction all the time. Well, most of the time. Donnie heard their laughter from the living room, he frowned as he closed his eyes. He just wanted to rest for a few minutes, but it seems like luck wasn't on his side. "The only thing that doesn't malfunction is the turtle tank. Right? Okay, How about you make your other inventions just like that? Ya know; Make them a lot fancier and better? And make them not malfunction? Kay? Thanks Don!" Leo had told him as well, and Don't let Donnie get started on Splinters words.

Though Donnie felt slightly reassured when he remembered April's exact words at Witch'Town. "You aren't important to me because of your tech, you're important to me because of you! I don't think mystic powers are better than science, if anything, they're stronger together. Just like us, right?" April had told him, "Right!" He had Replied with, Donnie sighed to himself. 'If only my brothers felt the same.' He thought, keeping his eyes closed. He kept thinking to himself, he wasn't exactly sure what to do. He hissed In annoyance as he heard a loud thud from the living, "NOOOO!!!! THE TV DIED!!!" He heard Mikey cried out, 'Well looks like my relaxation is over. Time to be Mr.Fix it guy.' Donnie thought sarcastically, clenching his teeth as he stood up from his chair.

The softshell left his lab and saw the TV was indeed on its back, with a bad cracked screen. He was holding his tool box and got onto his knees. "Yay! Donnie has come to save the day!" Mikey exclaimed, Donnie grumbled in annoyance as he started fixing the TV. "Once he fixes it. We can continue to watch Lou Jitsu!" Raph smiles, Donnie sighed to himself. He had lost interest of watching that show, he didn't understand though. One minute he loved it as hell like his brothers and the next minute he just tired of it, but he would worry about that later. Alongside his feelings. He didn't need to worry about his feelings either.

Donne then finished the TV, "Done." He growled, not really sounding joyful or cheerful. "YAY!" Mikey practically screamed, Donnie winced at sudden scream. He grumbled a few curses underneath his breath as he rubbed his forehead, "Why is it not turning on?" Raph Asked as he tried to turn on the TV, he was indeed pressing the power button on the remote. Donnie sighed to himself, 'I swear, is it malfunctioning?!' He thought in annoyance, looking at TV, "Oh! There it goes—Anddddddd it's just a black and white glitching screen now. And now it's malfunctioning." Leo said, Donnie sighed again. Muttering a few curses underneath his breath.

"Don can ya-" Donnie held up his hand, silencing Leo. He already know what his brother was gonna ask, he went over to the TV and got onto his knees again. He took a few moments to observe the problem before facepalming himself, and looked at his brothers. "It's a old TV, we just need a new one." He reported without even caring, he heard frustration groans coming from his brothers. "Wait! Instead of ordering one; How about you build one?" Leo Asked, Donnie rolled his eyes. He kinda already expected this question, he stood up. "And make sure it doesn't malfunction!" Mikey added, The genius was heading towards his lab. He froze when he heard those words,

"Please, Just try a little harder?" Donnie just stood there, as the question hit him like a million of bricks. He just kept standing there. Silence filled the living room. It didn't make him uncomfortable, but it made his brothers uncomfortable. Splinter came into the room, confused. Same with Draxum. Tears started swelling up in the genius's eyes, but his back was facing towards his brothers. So they didn't know that he was tearing up, "I'm done trying for you." He started, sounding a bit breathless. He turned to face his brothers, who looked confused and surprised. "IM FUCKING DONE TRYING FOR YOU!" He snarled, tears ran down his face.

"THATS ALL YOU TALK ABOUT, MYSTIC POWERS! AND HOW MUCH I NEED TO MAKE MY INVENTIONS BETTER AND NOT MALFUNCTION! IS THAT ALL YOU CARE ABOUT?! AM I JUST A ROBOT?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK AM I TO YOU NOW?!" The softshell Snapped, Mikey shrank back. Splinter stared in shock, Leo was silent. Raph was clearly surprised and started shaking a bit, Mikey had never seen Donnie this upset. The genius was much more upset then the time when Splinter had lied, "Don-" Donnie Snapped his gaze towards Leo, who immediately shut himself up. "NO! IM FUCKING DONE! IM FUCKING DONE TRYING FOR YOU!" Donnie Snapped, he then immediately ran out of the lair.

Tears were rolling down his face, coming out in large amounts. He had no idea where he was going, he just wanted to be alone. He didn't want to be around his family, he really didn't. He let out a startled shriek as he tripped over something, he grunted in pain as he landed near the ladder to the surface. But he didn't go up, he just sat up and leaned his battleshell against the wall behind him. He pulled his knees to his chest, sobbing to himself.

What will happen now?. . .
Oof, I hope everyone enjoyed the oneshot!
Sorry it came out a bit later - Oh wait, NVM!

    Sayonara my lattes!~

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