~ Motivation Lost ~

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Title of one shot; Motivation Lost
Requested by; LillithTheNerdyDemon
Type of angst; Donnie feels Depressed and Exhausted
AU; None
Prompt; None
Summary; Donnie has lost motivation to invent, His inventions always seem to fail, even though he's tried countless times. All the brothers notice his behavior and confront him soon after, and with extreme reluctance Donnie opens up. Comfort from da bros ensues, and soon he's back at it.
Brofluff?; Yes
Notes about AUs; None
- Third Persons Pov -
Donnie was in his lab, he had been pulling-Nighters lately, at first it went off not noticed. Well, it only lasted for a week. The genius had black coffee next to him, as he tried to gain motivation but nothing seemed to came to his mind. He let out a frustration groan, as he tried to gain motivation which failed miserably. But he had been losing motivation, he glanced at his inventions that he had worked on before this 'Motivation Lost' wreck happened. He frowned, the inventions he had failed. Hell, even his Tech-Bo fails sometimes! 'Just like when we first tried to fight Draxum.' He thought, frowning.

Maybe his motivation is being stripped away from cause of his failures? At this point, he really know what to do. He had tried to leave the lair, looking for materials, parts from the junkyard for his inventions. He did indeed find some, but he never felt motivated to invent. He had started questioning his role since the whole drama in Witch Town, no matter how much April's words had tried to reassure him at the time. It did reassure him for the first 2 weeks, but it soon became a old quotation.

The softshell leaned back against his chair, he clearly hated the demotivation that he had been clinging onto after the first week. And the whole drama with shredder? Donnie shuddered, all of his progress had been destroyed. He had already repaired his battleshell, but he couldn't help but wonder, was he needed here? 'Science isn't better then Mystic powers. Those damn mystic powers and creatures can do so much then what I can do.' Donnie thought, feeling even more demotivated after so.

He glanced at the inventions that shredder had literally smashed into pieces, he stared. He then looked away, he can't even feel motivated to rebuild his inventions. God, he hated this so much. He let out another groan of frustration, speaking of his brothers, his behavior had gone off without noticed at first. For the first week, after the next few weeks. His behavior had gone noticed. Course' Donnie didn't realize that as he took the last few sips from his coffee, he realized he needed to get some more.

The genius looked at the clock, it read; '10:25 PM.' He grumbled, and stood up. Grabbing the now empty coffee cup, Raph snuck a glance towards the genius who went into the kitchen. He seemed to be mumbling something to himself as he started to make himself some more coffee, "Hey Dee." Donnie jumped slightly at Raph's voice, he quickly shook himself and looked at his older brother. "What now Raph?" He sighed, trying not to show his exhaustion, but he did show his annoyance.

Raph sighed at the annoyance from his younger brother, "Are you okay?" He Asked, no matter how much Donnie wanted to snap at him, he just growled. "I'm fine." He muttered sharply, grabbing his coffee and headed into his lab. "Leo! Mikey! Come here!" Raph called, Donnie sighed, knowing he needed to go to the 'meeting'. It's not like he can do anything about his motivation problem though.

The genius just stayed where he was, leaning against the wall. Taking a few sips from his coffee, it was warm and bitter. Just the way he liked it. Leo came into the kitchen, alongside Mikey. "What's the problem Raph?" Mikey Asked, his light yellow eyes glimmering.

Donnie just silently enjoyed drinking his coffee. "We are gonna talk about Donnie and his behavior lately." This made Donnie spit out his coffee, staring in surprise. 'THEY KNEW?!' He thought as they looked at him,

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