~ "Everything hurts." Pt. 2 ~

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Title of one shot; "Everything hurts." Pt. 2
Requested by; Nobody
Type of angst; Donnie is hurting and is just tired. . .
AU; The electro torture AU
Prompt; "Everything hurts."
Summary; Donnie is hurting everywhere. Mentality and psychically. He is tired of everything, and the shock collar. He just started giving up hope, knowing he can't do anything about it. . .
Brofluff?; Maybe. . .
Notes about AUs;
- Third persons pov/Flashback -
The electricity was much more painful and stronger this time. Donnie cried out in pain as he landed on his shell, even in more pain. Tears of pain streaming down his face. His whole body felt like it was on fire, like it was being torn apart.

The softshell kept crying out in pain, screeching as well. His whole body was shaking badly, he could barely move as he curled up. Clenching the collar out in pain. He didn't even know how to stop this anymore, he was afraid of even trying to at this point. He sobbed as it kept continuing to shock him, he just kept laying there, being electrified. He wasn't sure if anyone heard him or not, he just kept sobbing in pain.

He just wanted this to end, he wanted to end the pain, the torture. He hated this, he really did. The genius suddenly fell unconscious as the collar finally calmed down. Now, he just laid there, unconscious. Tears on his face. A bruise on his shell.

- Next Flashback -
Donnie slowly stood up, he grabbed the edge of his desk to support him, he yelped in pain. Before sitting down on his chair, leaning backwards on it. He felt extremely exhausted and in so much pain at this point, he choked out a few sobs. Tears starting to stream down his face again,

Now he knew how Leo felt. . .
"I - I'm just tired. . ."

- Flashback ends -
Donnie had fallen asleep in his chair, the bruise on his shell had healed a bit. He felt something poking him, he slowly opened his gray eyes. That looked red and puffy, definitely signaling whoever had woken him that he had been crying. His face were drenched from his tears, he glanced at who had woken him up. He noticed it was Leo, "Dude! What happened to you when we were gone?!" Mikey Asked, sounding like he was panicking. "N - Nigh. . .Night. . .Mare." Donnie answered, knowing that was a lie.

Mikey relaxed a bit, looking convinced but concerned. Leo didn't look convinced, "Alright. . .?" Leo mumbled, leaving the lab, alongside with Mikey. Donnie slowly stood from his chair, his legs trembling a bit. He slowly staggered out of the lab, he winced as the bright light hit his face. 'How long was I out?. . .' He wondered, glancing around. His eyes soon got used to the bright light that shone in the lair,

Donnie glanced around, he noticed Splinter standing there. "D - Da. . .d?" He rasped, wincing slightly. Splinter only stared at him with sympathy, "What has happened to you my son?" He Asked, Donnie Only shrugged a bit. "I - I don't. . .know. . ." He answered before staggering towards the kitchen,

He was hungry that's for sure, "Hey Bud! Are you okay?" Raph Asked, the softshell noticed his older brother wanted to hug him, but he just looked away.

He didn't want to be shocked again. . .

"Oh mi gosh! His shell!" Mikey exclaimed, pointing at Donnie's shell. It had a medium sized bruise that was already slowly healing, "Oh my god! Donnie What did you do to yourself?!" Raph asked frantically, Donnie didn't reply. He just grabbed some food, which was pizza rolls. He started heating them up, he still felt so tired. But he knew he had some work that needed to be finished, so he just kept himself awake. He heard a loud beep, it made him panic before realizing it was only from the microwave, he let out a sigh of relief.

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