~ He's hurt cause of Me. . . ~

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Title of one shot; He's hurt cause of Me. . .
Requested by; 15161805118a
Type of angst; Donnie blames himself. . .
AU; None
Prompt; None
Summary; During a battle that was almost over, Mikey takes a hit for Donnie, causing him to get badly injured. Donnie started blaming himself for letting Mikey to get hurt, his other two brothers; Leo and Raph started to ignore him. Who tried to hit Donnie? What will happen after?
Brofluff?; Donnie and Mikey -w-
Notes about AUs; None
- Third persons pov -
Donnie panted, his battleshell had literally been ripped off of his shell. He was terrified of moving, he expected fangs to pierce through his shell, expecting pain to course through him. "NO!" A voice shouted and then next thing he heard was a loud bloodcurdling scream. He felt as if he had just gained another weight on him, "MIKEY!!" Raph cried out, Donnie started shaking even more. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing a unconscious box turtle on him. Words stuck in his throat as he carefully moved Mikey off of him,

He helped in surprise as Raph shoved him out of the way, Leo rushed over to Mikey and Raph. Donnie just backed away, glancing at his torn battleshell, he looked back at his brothers then at the vampire bat mutant who hissed and flew off. That's when Leo looked at him, Donnie slowly stood up, his whole body shaking badly. Probably even more, he glanced at his battleshell again, it had been ripped to pieces. He glanced at Mikey, the box turtle's chest was bleeding but now had bandages on him.

Leo glared like daggers at the softshell, "And Your supposed to be the genius!" Leo Snapped, it caught his attention. "I am. . .I - I didn't. . .I didn't see this coming. . ." Donnie Replied, breathlessly. Clearly shaken by what had happened. "HE COULD'VE DIED! CAUSE OF YOUR DAMN SPECIES!" Leo screeched, Donnie dared himself not to move. But he did, stepping backwards a bit. "Leo! We will talk about this at the lair! For now, we gotta get Mikey back to the lair." Raph growled calmly, well calm as he can manage.

But Donnie knew he wasn't seeing things, he knew his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, but Raph had shot a glare at him. He didn't show the fact that he was intimidated by the snapping turtle, but really, he was. But he was good at not showing things. He stared in shock and horror at the sight of Mikey, Raph picks the box turtle up carefully. "How did you not see this coming at all Donnie?!" Leo demanded as they began to walk towards the manhole, "I. . .I. . .I didn't. . .I didn't know it was. . .a vampire bat mutant. . ." Donnie answered slowly, but hesitantly, he knew it was a mutant but he didn't know it was a vampire bat.

"How did you not know it was a vampire bat?! You did know that it was mutant! Right?!" Leo hissed, Donnie glanced at him. He shuddered ever so slightly when he saw burning fury in Leo's brown gaze. He had never seen his 'twin' brother this upset before, he then glanced away. "I. . .I knew it was a mutant. . ." He trailed off, his scanners for mutants had never detected a vampire bat mutant before, "B - But the scanner never. . .de - detected one of those Vampire bat mutants before. . .I - If there's more of them." He responded slowly,

- At the lair -
Leo glared harshly at the genius, "Raph you go ahead, and take him to the med bay. I will talk to Donnie." He growled, Donnie had finally calmed himself down a bit on the way to the lair. He had been silent, he may had calm himself down, but how can he calm down when he knew Mikey was injured cause of him? Cause of his softshell? He forced himself to meet Leo's gaze, no matter how much he wanted to hide away in his lab. He swallowed a bit, staring at Leo as if he expected the slider to harm him. 'After all, I deserve it. I got Mikey injured,' He thought, waiting for anything. "You Are the reason for this, You are the reason why Mikey's injured." Leo started

Donnie stayed silent, "You are the one to blame! You knew what we were up against, we could've done something!" He growled at the genius, "And we call you 'The genius' for nothing." Leo muttered before leaving to the med bay, Donnie wanted to call him back and apologize but he just stayed silent. He just turned away and made his way to his lab, he didn't even bother looking behind him,

- 4 days later -
Donnie hasn't really visited Mikey in the med bay, he couldn't bring himself to even leave. He only relied on his comfort zone, his inventions he had left, Shelldon and his black coffee he always drank. He was in his chair, covering his face. Letting out quiet whimpers. Leo and Raph had been ignoring him, he heard Raph and Leo retreating to their rooms. The genius knew he needed to visit Mikey at some point during the box turtle's recovery, Donnie sighed and slowly stood up. He grabbed his usual signature purple hoodie, he puts it on. He hadn't been able to retrieve the left over parts of his battleshell, but now he couldn't, cause when he went back, it looked like the Vampire bat mutant had stolen it.

The softshell quietly snuck across from his lab to the med bay, he cautiously peeked in. He knew he had to be extra careful, Sure, Raph and Leo May be ignoring him. But Donnie doubt that they would let him stay, which caused his frown to deepened. He quietly sneaks into the med bay, seeing Mikey on the recovery bed. He bit his bottom lip, shaking a bit at the sight of seeing Mikey like this. "M - Mike. . .? I - I don't know if you can hear me. . .but um, I - I'm sorry for getting you injured. . ." Donnie whispered, trying to keep himself quiet. He hasn't really slept, since he been pull all-nighters. He slowly placed a hand on Mikey's hand, "I - I'm sorry. . . ." He choked out, "B - But. . .um, I - I love you. . .M - Me and our b - brothers miss you. . ." He mumbled, now turning away. About to leave the med bay before he could get caught,

"Dee. . . .?" Donnie paused, glancing at Mikey who was opening his light yellow eyes. The genius cautiously made his way back to the injured box turtle, he sat down on a chair that was near the bed. "What. . .what happened?" Mikey asked quietly, Donnie frowned. "It's. . .Its all my fault, I should've known, I should've known it was gonna be a vampire bat mutant! I should've. . .I should've made a stronger battleshell. . .!" Donnie wailed quietly, as a response. Mikey carefully sat up, staring at the genius.

The box turtle frowned, as Donnie rested his head on Mikey's legs. "Donnie." Mikey started, his voice sounded stern. The genius just glanced up at the box turtle, "What happened to you?" Donnie shruddered, realizing he was about to use Dr. Delicate touch. "Being. . .Ignored. . .All-Nighters. . .Blaming myself. . .For your injuries, it's. . .Its all my fault." Donnie responded, he really didn't want to get in trouble with Dr. Delicate touch.

Mikey growled in annoyance, Donnie looked at him in confusion. "What happened to the Donnie that I know? The Donnie that is stubborn? The Donnie that is sassy? The Donnie that always had so many ideas? What happened that Donnie?" Mikey scoffed, Donnie frowned. "How can I be like that? When I know that I put my younger brother in danger! All because of what I am!" Donnie hissed, avoiding his eyes.

The box turtle sighed, "Donnie, this isn't your fault. . .None of this is your fault." He smiled, Donnie only nodded slowly. He suddenly shot his head upwards when he heard footsteps, "S - Sorry, Mike, But I gotta go. . ." He whispered, before sneaking out of thee med bay quickly. He headed towards his room,

Sure, Mikey's words felt reassuring but he couldn't help but feel like. . .

This was all his fault. . .
I hoped you guys enjoyed the oneshot!
I hope you liked it 15161805118a!

   Sayonara my lattes!~

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