~ Rain of Silence Pt.1 ~

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Title of one shot; Rain of Silence Pt.1
Requested by; Nobody
Type of angst; Who knew the rain could be so silent?. . .
AU; Deaf AU!Donnie
Prompt; None
Summary; Donnie finds himself in the middle of nowhere, it's raining and he's alone. He doesn't understand what he was doing here, or how he got here. But it definitely messes him up. But in what way?
Brofluff?; no
- Third Persons pov -
Donnie just stood there, clearly drenched with the wetness of the pounding rain. He felt the raindrops hitting his shoulders, he couldn't exactly hear it. He frowned as he slowly walked along, the rain was silent. He didn't know why he was here, or what he was doing here. He also didn't know how he got here, it kinda made him cautious. He knew he wasn't in his own world anymore, at least, he didn't think so. The genius looked around at his surroundings, there was absolutely nothing here. Just. . .rain and the hard solid sandy surface of the ground, he got even more confused. Why was he here? He didn't understand.

"Hello?" He couldn't tell if he had called out or not, despite that he probably was the only one in this strange place. If anyone did Replied; he probably didn't hear it. He kept wandering around aimlessly, trying to figure out where he was. Failing miserably. But he kept trying, 'Okay, maybe I should just figure out how to get out of here instead.' He scolded himself from his mind, but he saw no materials for anything.

'It's like. . .a empty void?' He thought, shuddering at the thought. The softshell headed towards the direction of right, the rain was still here. It just kept pounding. It was a peaceful comforting silence, course' to Donnie. Since he was deaf n' all. But he learned how to lip read, 'Okay, there's no parts or technology in here! Wait, where's my Tech-Bo?' He questioned himself, looking at his shell, he didn't have his weapon. 'Shit!' He cursed in his thoughts, facepalming himself. But he did had his battleshell and other gear on, so he also had his goggles on and his wrist device thing.

'If I'm lucky enough, I don't have to encounter any villains.' He thought, he silently prayed he wouldn't encounter any villains at this point. He shuddered but not from fear or anything, from coldness. The air was starting to become a bit colder, he frowned, disliking the temperature. He knew his body wouldn't handle the cold if it got even colder, I mean, he's cold-blooded for crying out loud! 'Fighting villains, getting cold in a Unknown place, and where I can't even rest or something? What a good situation for me!' He thought, sarcastically.

But he realized a few things as the rain got heavier, which meant the air got a little bit more colder. He bit his lower lip as his body started shaking a bit, nonstop too. 'What will I even eat if I get hungry? There's clearly nothing here!' He scoffed, as he kept on moving.

- 3 Days later -
It's been 3 days for Hamato Donatello, he still hadn't gotten a clue of where he was. But he had somehow managed to find some large leaves, they were large enough like a blanket. He knew it wasn't much, but hopefully it might keep him warm. He was using the second leaf to hold above his head, using his spider metallic arms from his battleshell. He was sitting on the ground, watching the raindrops hit the ground. He will admit, the rain looked beautiful up close. 'But when will I leave this place? Can I even leave anyway?' He wondered, before looking at his wrist device. 'Will it even work? Only one way to find out.' He started by trying to tap on the device, nothing happened. He silently cursed to himself, not like he heard it though. 'No internet access here! Damnit!' He thought, frowning. Suddenly feeling incredibly lonely, he had never thought he would miss his brothers more than the time he had 'switched' their minds. He also never thought he would miss Shelldon way more than the time the robot had ran away.

Donnie frowned at the memories of himself and his brothers, and the memory of when he rebuilt Shelldon. He couldn't help but smile to himself, 'I miss them.' He sighed quietly to himself, shuddering. The first giant leaf that was being used as a blanket wasn't working as much like it did yesterday, but he still kept it. 'It's better then nothing.' He grumbled, glancing around. Nothing interesting. Nothing. 'That's what this place is. It's filled with absolutely nothing but rain of silence.' He huffed, annoyed by the fact he couldn't hear anything. Sometimes he wished he could hear, but only sometimes. 'I highly doubt this is a dream, cause I would've waken up already if it was.' He started shivering even more, he disliked the coldness even more.

He glanced around at his surroundings once more, he let out a quiet whimper. He liked the rain, he didn't like the cold wetness from it. He sighed and tried to wrap the leaf around him tighter, but it did no good as he heard a small 'rippp' from somewhere in the leaf. The genius winced as the much colder air went through the small hole, he felt a bad chill went down his spine. It was quite uncomfortable. Of course, he had his battleshell on but it did no good to keep his whole body warm. Just his softshell that was underneath it and parts of his shoulders. He flinched when he heard his stomach growled at him, he glanced down at his stomach. He knew he really needed to find food soon,

'I can only last without food for30 to 40 days, I hope I got that right. . .' He thought, he didn't exactly need to worry about water since he had drank some of the rain water. It didn't taste very pleasant but it was better than having no water, he looked at the rain which rained harder. He could tell. He didn't need to hear that it was raining harder, he could tell by the speed and everything. At least the genius kept his smartness. But it didn't exactly helped that he was in a situation where he might have to use his resourceful and survival skills. 'Damn I should've read/listen to Todd about survival skills.' He scoffed at himself,

He knew Raph or Leo would've told him the thing, until he started to wonder. Did his brothers even know he was gone? He rolled his eyes, now doubting the question. 'I bet they are all happy without me, having fun without me. I bet they aren't even worried about me at all.' He snorted, until he lowered his head. He didn't really know what to do, he felt tears swelling up in the corners of his eyes. 'Don't cry, Donnie. Don't cry!' He reminded himself, though he was failing miserably as the tears started to roll down his face.

At least he wasn't crying in front of anyone, but he always hated the fact of crying alone or not. Donnie let out quiet sniffles, why had he thought about that? He knew he always felt horrible about himself since he had failed his first 4 inventions, his problems were only worsening and he tried to find ways of taking care of that. 'I'm such a failure. I highly doubt that anyone misses me. I'm useless. . .' He thought, his tears were rolling down his face quicker this time. He lowered his head, pulling his knees to his chest.

He rested his forehead on his knees, placing his hands on top of his head. He sobbed quietly to himself. 'It's useless. Why can't I do anything right? I'm deaf, I'm smarter than them. But. . .I'm a failure, aren't I supposed to be the genius? The brains of the team? If so, then why do I mess everything up?' Donnie sobbed, these thoughts were getting to him. But it's not like he could stop that, he was alone here, he couldn't find a way out of here.

He felt like he would die from hunger or from hypothermia, truth to be told; He didn't want to die at all, not in this place at least. He lifted his head from his 'little spot' and noticed the rain haven't stopped, he slowly wiped away his tears with his arm. He slowly steadied his breathing, or he tried to at least.

The genius sighed as he felt rushing cold air, he glanced at himself and noticed the leaf was blowing away, 'Really wind?!' He thought crossly, slowly standing up. But he was trembling badly,

Now he wished he put a heating system in his battleshell.

That is, if he can leave this place.

'Wait, could it be one of those worlds where I have to realize that I'm nothing without my brothers or am I thinking of something different? No, I don't think it's that. It's definitely a world where I'm completely alone.' He observed carefully, he held a strong grip on the only leaf(2nd one) with his metallic spider arms. He held it tightly above his head, 'I can't do anything even if I did figure out how to leave and where I am. I wouldn't be able to build—Unless. . .' He trailed off as he glanced at his battleshell, the softshell didn't want to do this. But how was he supposed to do? 'And do I even have enough parts?' He wondered,

This world is only rain of silence.
I hoped you guys enjoyed the oneshot! Rip Donnie,

Sayonara my lattes!~

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