Part 10

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No One's POV

While the boys were busy at looking their so called fiancé's photos , the girls were having the time of their lives in the fear that they might not have such fun and freedom in the future . 

It's not that they weren't worried about the Marriage and the rise of the Dark Kingdom , it's just that they wanted to get rid of the stress building up on their shoulders , especially Lisa . She had a huge amount of responsibilities on her shoulders and she even had her life which she decided to enjoy in her own way . 

Being a princess was great but at the same time annoying and Lisa felt both but the initial was greater than the latter . Ever since her birth , she was spoiled not only by her dad and mom but even her sisters and cousins and yeah - not to mention her uncle and aunt who raised her away from the palace . She got everything she wanted or asked for without having to ask for it for a second time . She was always protected , first by Jungkook and now by her family but most importantly by Hyunjae . 

She didn't know why he was so protective of her but she loved him despite his cold attitude because she knew he was an actual baby at heart and was quite sensitive , though he might never shed tears in front of anyone , he would often cry when he was alone . She remembered how they became so close - close to inseparable . 

I'll write about the events which took place in order for them to become so close to each other in the next chapter . And also I'll add Seventeen to Lisa's family because then both the families would be almost equal to each other .

Have a good day / night

Love y'all

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