Part 21

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Jungkook's POV 

I made my way towards Lisa's room . No matter how prideful and arrogant I am , I know that I myself am responsible for the state she is in today . Thinking such , I quickened my steps . 

The number of guards placed before her chamber made me realize just how grave the situation was . The other officials were practically running hither & thither in the corridor , some carrying files , some documents and some simply to keep everything outside the palace in check . 

The people of the kingdom were extremely worried for their youngest princess and all had prayed for her safety and well being . I started feeling immensely guilty , knowing that I was the cause for all this chaos . All of the nobles who saw me , bowed in respect and I bowed back . The feeling was really awkward , knowing that they probably hated me to death after knowing that I was the one who hurt her .

Soon , I found myself standing in front of Lisa's chamber . Fidgeting my fingers behind my back , I saw someone coming this way . When the person got closer , I recognized him as the eldest prince and cousin of Lisa , Sangyeon . 

He was dressed in semi - formal clothes , radiating cold vibes . He was an elder and it was my duty to respect him . I bowed down , greeting him in a low voice . He bowed back and on hearing my greeting , he snickered slightly . I knew that I deserved it . 

Just then , he patted my back lightly . Surprised , I looked up , only to meet his freezing orbs staring directly into mine . He knew I was slightly scared and smirked . " I cannot bear to see her hurting like this , just for some guy who doesn't understand her value , I'm warning you - STAY AWAY FROM HER . If you can't treasure her the way she deserves to be , tell me and I can stop the engagement with the lift of my finger " , he spoke in a very clam and collected manner but the stress he put on the words - STAY AWAY FROM HER was un-ignorable . 

" Ohh... And one more thing , maybe , consider this as my payback to you for keeping her company for the years she was away , she'll be left alone during her breakfast and lunch timings , so if you are really guilty , try visiting her during these times " , he spoke with the same coldness in his voice before going inside . 

" Thank you " , I whispered softly , though he had already gone inside the chamber . I did as he told me . As soon as someone called us for breakfast , I slid out , sprinting towards Lisa's chamber . The guards looked at me , wondering why I was here again because they had already seen me early in the morning . I smiled sheepishly before carefully asking them to let me in . 

They grunted , before going in to ask Lisa for her permission . They came out saying that she had allowed me to visit her . 

When I entered , she was looking out of the window . Sunlight falling on her face , creating a picturesque like scenery . I cleared my throat to get her attention . " Oh , you are here ? " , she said without glancing at me . " Yes , I am here to apologize . I know that I was in the wrong this time -- " , I was speaking but she interrupted me before saying , " This time ? Only this time , Jungkook ?? Ever since you have come here , the only thing you did was degrade me everytime you had the chance . You , you honestly are ridiculous and you want to apologize just for this time ?? I'm amazed... " , she spoke , the last sentences spoken in a voice higher by atleast a few octaves . 

I furrowed my brows , displeased with her accusations but I couldn't say anything because though I wanted to straight up stop her with a NO , the deepest part of me , somehow knew that it was all true . I knew I hurt her and there was nothing I could do to make it right .

( Alexa play Make It Right by BTS , jk 😝.
End of Jungkook's POV

Meanwhile in the dining room , Jennie quietly observed all the boys slowly coming in , filling the initially empty and silent place up , with noise . Finally the last one , Taehyung came in . She coldly glared at him before going in to have her breakfast . He shrugged , already used to her cold and indifferent treatment but if one looked closely , the disappointment and sadness in his eyes could be seen .

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