Part 16

248 13 19

Jimin's POV

I looked around the pantry when I heard a voice " No way , oppa . That was cheating . Hmph ... !!!  " 

Wow , who in the royal family could be so childish ? But unknowingly , I felt the corners of my lips being lifted , indicating I smiled - smiled because of someone's voice . " You kidding me - The Jeon Jimin of The Fire Kingdom smiled after hearing someone's voice  ", I thought to myself . Scoffing , I went to see who the owner of the voice was - some 5 years old child ?

I probably was not even so shocked when I came to know my youngest brother had Fire controlling and creating powers compared to the amount of shock I felt as I looked at the person who dashed into me . The girl who suddenly bumped , more like dashed into me without looking ahead , seemingly looked as if she was sent straight from heaven . Could such a beautiful person even exist ? 

( Fight me if you say Rosé isn't an angel delivered from heaven 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻)

I didn't even knew that I stared at her more than I should actually but somehow her cute , chipmunk like cheeks - those were red by now , most probably because of me - hit me in a way , I've never been hit before .

It was as if someone aimed an arrow at my heart and he / she succeeded in shooting it through me , especially my heart . I cleared my throat before creating some distance between us . 

She looked up and shyly smiled , " Sorry " , she spoke in an angel like voice before going past me .  " Umm.... Your name ? " " Park Chaeyoung , Rosé for short " She smiled at me once again before going out of the pantry . 

So her name is Rosé , a lovely name for a lovely person . I was lost in my thoughts when a fit of coughs from behind me broke my train of thoughts . I turned around to see Jungkook with slightly red eyes . I immediately knew something was up . I nodded to him before moving out of the pantry myself .

" Spill the tea , Kook " , I spoke in an intimidating voice . He visibly shook up but calmed down once I patted him before sitting beside him on the large bed in the guest room . " So , what happened ? " I spoke calmer this time , not wanting to spook him up further than he already is . He started telling me everything that he had encountered earlier . ( Read the last chapter if you don't know or haven't read it ) 

I sat patiently listening to him . He was probably shocked when I wiped away the tears that had rolled down his eyes as soon as he started the story . " I can't keep up this cold façade anymore , hyung . Do you know when I saw her face while saying those words to her , the only thing going around my head was to go and engulf her in a big hug and whisper comforting things in her ear , tell her that I meant none of the words I said  " , he spoke while sniffing . It breaks your heart to see your cheerful lil' brother crying , being broken over the girl he loves . And what hurts you even more is the fact that you can't help him . I couldn't help but sigh .

" Look here , Kook , I possibly can't help you in this case . You know you messed up big time but the only thing that I can say is - follow what your heart says . Things regarding love and feelings should be made completely dependent on your heart , not your brain . Answer one thing honestly - you love her , right ? " , I asked him , wanting to check if he understood what I said . " No , that was the past , I hate her now , understood hyung ? HATE . "

I sighed again , just how many times did I sigh today ? I turned to look at him , his eyes slowly turning yellowish , indicating he's determined , really determined in what he's saying . Without another word , he stormed out of the room . I looked at his back before loudly falling backwards on the bed . It was really comfortable .

So where was I ? Oh yes , Rosé - I was wondering if I could see her around the palace . Judging by the way she was dressed , it most certainly looked as if she was a princess . " So she must be a resident of this palace and that means.....

" I WILL SEE HER HERE EVERYDAY " , without my knowledge I had screamed out the last part but that was known of my worries , not when I discovered that I'll be seeing her everyday .  ' Did I fall for her already ? Woah , she's got some power . '

I fell asleep while thinking about her , smiling . 

Anyways :

Wishing our potato - haired guy , a very happy birthday 

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Wishing our potato - haired guy , a very happy birthday 

Happy Birthday , Kim Jungwoo

Don't overwork yourself and keep promoting with NCT

We love you as you are , so don't worry 


A question for y'all

Who's the coldest looking male , even if he's not a k - pop idol , it's ok .

Wanted a cold - looking male lead for my story

I personally thought of either Hyunjae from The Boyz or actor Song Wei Long

Please let me know below.....


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