19 if your happy im happy

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Play the song when I say please.

**Your Pov**
I sat on my couch rethinking everything.

I just want him to be here. I just want to kis- no. No, I shouldn't be thinking like that.

I sighed laying my head back on the back of my couch. It's fine right were still friends. Even if we did fuck were still friends. I just need to start thinking that way.

I stare at my ceiling a little longer taking in deep breaths. The wind was going crazy outside my windows which was strange. But I liked listening to the whirring of it.

I didn't even notice my phone was ringing for a while. I finally lifted myself up and grabbed my phone off the coffee table. It was sapnap.

"Whats up snap map" I joke

"Oh shut it" he forces

"Mhm why'd you call"

"George and I decided we would grab our flight today. We're going to get there early Tommaso because the flight we got is late tonight" he said in what seemed one breath.

"Oh uh ....hmm okAy" my voice cracked.

"BURGAah what was that" sapnap laughed in an ungodly way.

"Shut the hell up and go make me a sandwich" I joked.

"Yes, madam what kind" he threw on a fake accent.

"Your choice," I say in an accent now.

"Wonderful, I'll make you a knuckle sandwich with a can of whoop-ass" he laughed.

I joined in" wanna fight you Texan"

"Is that a threat" he inquires

"Maybe" I smirk through the phone.

"Alright then we get down there you and dream against George and me" he plans.

I stifle a laugh. "You think the lover boys are gonna fight against each other. Your hilarious" I joke

He laughs and I can hear George in the background." what are you guys talking about" we laugh even harder.

"Oh-kay Sapp nap I gotta go see you soon" I calm down. "Yeah see you later," he says still picking up laughter.

I hang up and toss my phone to my side. I rub at my face and look around me. My house is such a mess. I groan and lift myself off the couch and go to my kitchen sink. I open the cabinets underneath and grab cleaning supplies. "Alexa play walking with a ghost." "Okay playing walking with a ghost". I let the song start and I bobbed my head back and forth before I tied my hair up and grabbed a washcloth to clean.

~30 minutes later

Play song

" Alexa play No Scrubs by unlike Pluto" I command. "Playing No Scrubs By Unlike Pluto and Joanna Jones". I finished vacuuming the guest room so I headed downstairs and grabbed a broom.

" A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly but is also known as a buster" I sing as I sway with the broom.

"Always talks about what he wants and just sits on his broke ass"

"So no" I sway with my broom singing at the top of my lungs I didn't even hear the knock on the door.

I didn't hear the yelling of my name or the constant pounding on my door.

Nor did I hear the jangle of my share key open the door. I didn't even see the tall dirty blonde man open my door and walk-in shutting loudly.

"And no I don't want no scrub a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me. Hanging out the passenger side of his best friend's ride trying to holler at me". I sway swiftly and turn to face the towering man.

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