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" This is so cool." I said, walking around the park. It was covered in white lights, and chairs and tables lined up everywhere, and the small stage was decorated really pretty. It's a small party for Jake, Carter, and the girls. Carter won the case. He has full custody of the girls, and Byron is locked up. For a long time. Everyone decorated everything while we were moving our stuff over the weekend. We still have a little over a month before we graduate, but we have a few things to do, and we are gonna keep the important stuff here at home until after we graduate.

" I know. And, your mom decided to sing tonight." Carter said. I raised an eyebrow. " Now way. She hasn't sang since Jeremy passed. I can't believe she's actually gonna do it." I said. He raised an eyebrow. " Whoa. Well, I'm gonna count myself lucky. So, you've never heard her sing?" He said. I shook my head. " Not in person. I've seen videos. Grams showed me the video of her singing at her and Jeremy's wedding. She's amazing." I told him.

" I don't doubt it. If it weren't for your parents help, the girls who have had to stay with Byron when Jake left for school. So, thank you." He said. I smiled. " Don't mention it. You guys are like family, and we would do anything for family. Now, help me move this table, because we only have a few hours left, and I still have to get ready." I said.

He chuckled and helped me move the tables around. When they're all moved, I got into my truck with Tori, Taylor, Leah, and Poppy, and drove home, so that we could all get ready. I got dressed in my light blue skinny jeans, and my cowboy boots, with a flowy white tank top, and wearing a tan leather jacket. I straightened my hair, and put on the tiniest amount of mascara, because if I didn't, my mother would have bugged me about it all night.

" People! We have ten minutes to be back at the park!" I yelled from the basement. I grabbed my phone and ran up the stairs. I grabbed a strawberry off the cake that mom had worked on and she smacked my hand. " Adrienne, that is for the party." She said, grabbing another one from the case and replacing the one I took.

" That is some good frosting." I said. She shook her head, but gave me a small smile, continuing her frosting art. " Hey, Mama, can I ask you something?" I asked her. She nodded. I sat down on one of the chairs sitting by the counter. " Mom said you guys used to be really close. How did you guys become friends?" I asked her. She smiled.

" It was actually through Jeremy, and my brother." She said. She pulled out a cake box. " It was junior year of high school, when your mom moved here from... Louisiana, I think. She was actually an amazing volleyball player too. Just like you. Jeremy and my brother, Danny, were best friends, and all three of us spent a lot of time together. Jeremy and Danny were seniors, and very popular. They were football players. One day, Jer had taken an interest in Marnie. At first, I didn't like her, because, I had a thing for Jeremy for years, and she shows up and immediately, she had his eye.

I was jealous. But eventually, I saw how nice she was, and how much he loved her, and I was happy for them. Marnie and I actually became really close friends. She was one of my best friends, and I was your mom's maid of honor in their wedding. But, after I had you guys, and I did the one thing I regret the most, I drifted from anyone in my old life, because I was trying to keep the amount of people who knew the truth to a minimum. Which again, I am very sorry for." She said, closing the box.

I shook my head. " Mom, stop. I told you, you don't need to apologize anymore." I said. She sighed. " Honey, I will be apologizing for it for a very long time." She said, grabbing her bag. " We better get going or Marnie is gonna kill us for being late. I don't wanna miss her singing either. It's been too long." She said. I nodded. We all got back into the car, and drove back to the park. Everyone was there now. the party was in full swing.

Some friends of Tobi's were singing and playing music for everyone because mom didn't like my idea for a speaker and my phone. We sat the cake down and we dispersed throughout the party. I found Jake and Carter talking to a friend of theirs. Jake smiled at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. " Hey. This is my buddy, Zach. Zach, this is my girlfriend, Adrienne." Jake said. I smiled at Zach.

ADRIENNE PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now