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" Alright people! I'm ready to go swimming, so let's get on the road." I said, grabbing my bag. We all started loading up the cars, dad pulling the camper with his truck. Today, is we are going camping at Montgomery state park, and I am ready to just get away from the craziness that is life, and relax for the weekend. We are doing a huge family camp out, and Jake and his sisters are joining us.

Gonna have three campers, and two tents full of over twenty people. Hopefully, it's drama free. Pulling up to the campsite, Dad parked in the camper, and we got all three of them set up in a kinda square, the tents, taking over the last section of said square. I took  my stuff inside our camper, before changing into my bathing suit. Walking outside, I sprayed on some sunscreen, before sitting in a lawn chair, and waiting for the others.

Drew came out and sat down next to me, and sighed. I looked at him. " Do you something you need to get of your chest?" I asked him. " They brought him. They brought that traitor on our family camping trip." He said, sounding like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. I chuckled.

" It's three days, Drew. I promise you, you'll survive." I said. Jake came and sat down next to me. I smiled at him. " Okay, who is the jerk that is hanging out with the twins?" He asked, talking about Tori and Tanner. I chuckled, while Drew groaned. " Jordan." Drew said. Jake's eyes nearly popped out of his face.

" Jordan? As in, kiss your girlfriend at a party, Jordan?" He asked. Drew nodded. Jake chuckled. Drew narrowed his eyes at us. " You guys really do make a perfect couple." He said. I shrugged. Jake looked over at Jordan and the twins. " So, why is he here?" Jake asked. Drew sighed. " My mother is letting him stay with us, until he finds his own place, which is why I am staying in the tent with you and the girls." He said. Jake nodded.

I heard someone pull up a chair, and I saw Jordan sit down. Drew rolled his eyes, and Jake chuckled at him. " Well, now who is this pretty lady?" He asked. Drew shook hi head. " Could you not hit on my sister, Rick." He said. Jordan raised an eyebrow. " Sister. Since when do you have an older sister, than the triplets?" He asked. " Since she was a foster kid who finally found her birth family after seventeen years, that's how." I said.

He nodded. " Feisty. I like it. So, long lost twin sister... do you have a name?" Jordan asked. " I do. Adrienne." I said. " Well, it's nice to meet you Adrienne. Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked. I chuckled, and looked at Jake, who smiled at me. I looked back at Jordan. " Uh, kind of." I said. He looked between Jake and I. " Jacob Holt. How you been man?" He asked Jake.

" I'm doing alright, Rick." He said. " You landed yourself a pretty one." He said, glancing over at me. Jake nodded. " That I did, and back off." He said. Drew rolled his eyes. " You know, for a couple who hasn't been on an actual date yet, you act like you've been together for months." He said. I shrugged. " We went to homecoming together." I said. Jake nodded.

" Dre!" Lilly said, jumping onto my lap. " Oi! You, my darling Lilly, are getting to be to big to jump onto me. But, you still jump on your brother." I told her. She looked at her brother with a smirk. Jake glared at me, just as Lilly jumped onto his lap.

I smiled. " Okay, you two lovebirds. Break it up and let's head down to the lake." Tori said. I rolled my eyes, and stood up. After two hours of swimming and pushing my siblings off the dock when they least expect... and then, Drew picking me up and throwing me in the lake as payback, we walked back to our campsite, where the parents were working on dinner.

" What are we eating tonight?" Georgia asked, as I brushed her hair out. " Pork chops, and veggies." Mom said. She smiled, happily. " So, where are we doing Thanksgiving?" Emmett asked. " I honestly have no idea. Where do you guys think we should do it?" Mom asked, mom and Stefan. They shrugged.

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