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Tori jumped on my bed again. I opened my eyes again, and sighed. " Tori, if you keep jumping on my bed, I am going to kick you." I told her. She got up and walked over to the side of the bed so that she could see my face. " Dude, get out of bed. Why am I up before you?" She asked. I sat up and sighed.

" Because, Kyle called last night, courtesy of you picture that you took of Jake and I, and then wanted to know what's been going on since we last talked. A month ago. So that whole had me up about an hour later than usual. So thank you, for that." I told her. She raised her eyebrow. " Excuse me? You are the one who posted it." She said.

I looked at her. " Whatever." I said. She laughed as I stood up, and looked at the bottom of my bed. There was an outfit on it. It was a Royal blue t-shirt, a royal blue bandana, light wash skinny jeans, with a few rips in them, and then my ariats. And a wave ring, and a sterling silver rose ring. I picked up the rose one, and turned toward her. " What's this?" I asked her. She smiled. " Well, it's a half of your birthday present, and it is part of our outfit." She said.

She held up her right hand, and her middle finger had a sterling silver violet ring on it. Her middle name is violet. " How helpful was it that we both have flowers for middle names?" I asked her. She smiled. " A lot. Now come on sister. I didn't buy myself a pair of ariats to not have you put on yours, so let's go." She said. I looked at her shoes, and indeed, she bought some similar to mine.

I looked up at her. " You really bought a pair of boots?" I asked her. She has a pair of nice durangos that have more of a high heel type of heel on them, that she only wears to the rodeos or to nice occasions that she feels call for boots. but these ones are like the ones that you could work in or ride horses in.

She nodded. " Not a fan of them, because that are just a plain brown, but you won't wear heeled boots, so I figures I sacrifice my comfort for you, especially since your birthday is this weekend." She said. I nodded. I went into the bathroom, and took a quick shower. After getting out and drying off, I got dressed, tucking the shirt in and putting on my belt. I brushed out my hair and left it down before wrapping the bandana around underneath it and then tying it on top of my head. I brushed my teeth and I had a metallic blue hoop nose ring, so I put that in and then I let Tori paint my nails a royal blue.

After they dried, I put my boots on and grabbed my phone and bag, going upstairs. Mom looked at us and stopped. " Wow. Y'all are... blue." She said. I nodded. Tori has shoulder length hair that is just a bit lighter than mine, and she is 5'6, while I am 5'3. So she is a bit taller, but, other than that, we do look a little like each other, despite not being at all related.

" I like it." Shay said, slowly walking into the kitchen. She has been having more Braxton hicks contractions lately, so she and Theo have been making sure that they have everything, just incase she pops. Theo is a pretty laid back guy... except when it comes to his child. So, he has been having them practice what they would do when she does go into labor.

" Well thank you, Shay. Now, how are you feeling?" Tori asked her. She sat down in the chair at the dining table. " Like he's trying to break out of my stomach." She said. I chuckled. " Well, I better be the first person called when you go into labor, seeing as how I am the god mother." I told her.

" Yeah, why am I not the god mother?" Tori asked, eating some toast. " Because I am better than you." I said, eating a donut from the box that mom had brought home. She glared at me. Before she could say anything, we heard the front screen door close and in walked Tanner and Drew. They were actually matching. They were both wearing black t-shirts, and light wash boot cut jeans, both in boots, and they also had black bandanas wrapped around their heads.

I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures of them. " Aww, you guys are so cute!" Tori said. They rolled their eyes. " Well, our twin sisters didn't wanna match with us, so we decided to match with each other." Tanner said. Drew nodded in agreement. " But, for some reason, the bandana was necessary." He said. He isn't really a bandana kid of guy, although, he keeps trying to put one on my dog.

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