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A few months later...

I stood in front of the long mirror in mom's bedroom and looked at my outfit. I finally gave in last night and told her I would wear a dress for graduation, and she popped up with a dress. She said she bought it for me, just in case I changed my mind. It was actually cute. Not very fancy. It was a light teal color, and it had wide straps.

It went to my mid thigh. I had on a long necklace, with a heart locket I got from my grandmother. A picture of her, Grandpa, and I. Grandpa gave it to me the day that I went to my first foster home. Something for me to hold on to.

I curled my hair, and did my make up, and put the robe on, but mom refused to let me put the cap on until we got there because she doesn't want me ruining my hair. " Dre! C'mon sweetheart. Picture time!" Mom yelled from downstairs. I turned off her bedroom light and walked downstairs. Mom and Stefan were hear with Drew and the triplets, and Tori and Tanner were ready to go.

I walked over to Drew and fixed his tie. " Did you put this thing on in the dark?" I asked. He nodded. " Actually, yeah I did." He answered. I raised an eyebrow. " It was a long night, I'm tired." He said. I rolled my eyes. " This is why we don't throw parties the day before graduation." I said. He chuckled. " How come you didn't come?" He asked me. " Movie night with Kyle and Molly. We do it every time she's in town." I said.

" I told you that last night, Drew." Jake said, standing next to me, arm wrapped around my shoulder. Drew looked confused before shaking his head. " I drank too much last night to remember much of anything. Let's get this over with so that I can finally get out of my house." He said, walking over to dad. I sighed. Yeah... Jordan never left their house.

After five thousand pictures were taken, and everyone got in their cars, we drove to the school, and my siblings, Jake, Kyle, and I went inside, the rest of our crazy family went to find a place to sit. Jake's dad was here, along with his wife, and their son, who is fourteen. Jake finally caved, and talked to his dad. J.C. took a job here as an architect and they've all been getting to know each other again. And they clicked with Walker pretty well. And Walker acts like a big brother to Lilly and Maisie. Which is good.

Leah got valedictorian, and her speech was amazing for a girl who has a fear of public speaking. I can't lie... I never thought I would graduate. My last few foster homes were touch and go. I was in school one time, but was always late. There was one were they didn't register me for school and I had to do some online stuff for a few months. I honestly thought that with all of that, they wouldn't of let me enter my senior year. But they did. And I was a straight A student all year. I find it funny that almost eighteen years later, I found my way back to my home town, and found my birth parents, and got a huge, crazy, loving family.

I thought about all that as the principle gave me my diploma. I heard my whole family erupt in to applause and shouting. I walked over to my friends, and after they gave out all the diplomas, and announced our senior class, we all stood up, and everyone tossed their caps in the air, and the audience clapped, and cheered for us. We went around to our friends, and hugged everyone, and laughed about finally being free of high school.

A couple hours later, and we were in the park with our friends and family, celebrating. I got up onto the picnic table and tapped a plastic fork onto the plastic cup. " Alright everybody, listen up! I wanna say something!" I said. They got quiet and I hopped off the table. " Okay... a little over a year ago, I was living with a horrible foster family, barely passing my junior year of high school, and in a town where I didn't know anybody, and had honestly given up hope on having a decent future." I started out. I saw my mom put her head down for a sec. She still feels really guilty, and I wish she didn't.

" And then I moved here. I became a part of an amazing family. I met some really nice friends, who I consider family." I continued. " Love you too, Dre!" I heard Kai yell. I smiled and shook my head, as the others chuckled lightly. " And I met a wonderful guy, that I love with my whole heart." I said, looking at Jake. He smiled at me, and I went on with my small speech. " And then a big bomb dropped into my life, and I found my birth mother, and father, and the nine other siblings that I didn't know existed, especially my darling twin brother." I said, looking at Drew.

He smiled. " Why thank you, my dear sister. Continue." He said. I rolled my eyes, and did continue. " I came here with nothing. The closest people to me were my best friends, Molly and Kyle. And now, a year later, I have a huge family, that I love, a wonderful boyfriend, and a very loving and supportive group of friends. You all showed me what it means to have a family. And I thank you, and love you all for it." I said. After a few seconds of quiet, I chuckled lightly. " Okay, so enough with the mushy stuff. We are celebrating." I said. Everyone went back to hanging out with each other, and I stood with my parents, and brother, and Jake.

Mom smiled at me. " I am incredibly proud of you, sweetheart." She said. I smiled back. " Thanks mom. Thank you, for taking in a stray. I know Jeremy always told you not too." I said, joking about that last part. She laughed, and nodded. " That he did. I'm glad I didn't listen." She said. She pulled me into a hug, and held me tightly. " Why'd he tell you that?" Drew asked. Mom pulled out of the hug, and chuckled.

" Because he knew I'd want to keep it. But, I think that he would've been okay with this one." She said. I smiled, looking at mom, dad, and Stefan. " Thank you. For loving me. And for being my parents." I said to my mom and dad. They pulled me and Drew into a hug. After a few minutes, they pulled away. " I know that I didn't make the greatest decision. When I gave you up, and not telling your dad about you. And I am sorry about that. All of it. And I thank God everyday that you forgave me and let me be your mom. And let your dad be your dad. We all love you both. Very much." She said. I hugged her again.

" Thank you. For being my mom." I said to her. I pulled back from the hug. " Okay, that's enough sappiness for one night. Let's get back to the party." I told her. She laughed, but followed me to the snack table. It was an amazing night, surrounded by the people I love. Friends and family. Growing up the way that I did, I never thought I would end up here. Molly, Kyle, and Kellan were the closest thing I had to family growing up.

And in a year, I was adopted into a family of people I could never without, and I found all of my biological family. I am now surrounded with people who love me, and that I love. What else I could ask for.


Here we are! The last chapter before the Epilogue! Let me know how you like it.

Also, I know I haven't been active a lot lately, it's just been a very busy last few weeks.

Q: What's your favorite thing to do during the summer?

: ) Rylie

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