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" Can we talk?" Nolan asked. I turned away from him. " I though I made it clear that I didn't want to talk to you, ever again, when I found out you cheated on me." I told him.

He sighed. " Look, I told you I was sorry. We were arguing and I was mad, and maybe a little drunk, and Dani was just there and I-" I cut him off. " There isn't an excuse, Nolan. Just cause we were in the middle of an argument, doesn't mean that you can just go around kissing another girl. Drunk or not." I told him.

" Adrienne-" I cut him off again. " And it was with Danielle Grayson. My friend. Who pushed you away and you tried to kiss her again, Nolan. And the girl the Kyle liked at the time. The one who called me and told me what was going at that party." I said. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

" I swear, it was a total accident. I love you, Adrienne." He said. I looked him and the eyes. " Well, I don't love you anymore, Nolan." I told him, one hundred percent serious. I turned back to my locker, grabbing my books and shutting it before walking off. He followed and I sighed.

" That's a lie. I know it is. You wouldn't be so upset about me being here if you didn't." He insisted. I stopped walking and looked at him. " I am upset, because you remind me of one if the worst heartbreaks I have ever experienced in my life. I loved you. You were my first love. And you broke my heart after a year of a relationship. But I stopped loving you a while ago." I told him.

I went to turn around, but he grabbed my arm. " When?" He asked. I looked at him, and told him, calmly, " When I started liking someone else." I said, ripping my arm out of his grasp, and walking away. I saw Jake sitting at our usual seats. I looked away from him, and sat next to Taylor. She looked at me weirdly, and so did Caleb, who just walked in. I kept my eyes forward.

Taylor shrugged at Caleb, who sat next to Jake. She cleared her throat, slightly. " Uh, Dre?" She asked I looked at her. " Is everything okay?" She asked. No. I nodded. " Yeah. Everything is just fine." I said. She raised her eyebrow and gave me a look like she didn't believe me. I sighed. " Just an argument." I told her. She didn't seem convinced, but she let it go.

After what seemed like forever, the lunch bell rang. But instead of eating with the group, I went outside and met Hayden, who brought me something to eat. He wanted to talk to me, since none of them, besides Emmett and Drew has since we all found out everything. I saw him leaning up against his truck.

I walked over to him, and he handed me a sandwich from arby's and a soda. " So, what's up?" I asked him. He sighed. " I wanted to apologize." He started. I nodded for him to go on. " We haven't talked since everything came out, and I wanted to apologize for that." He said. I shook my head. " There is no reason to apologize, Hayden. I haven't really tried very hard either. I have always wondered who my family was, and when I find out, I only talk to two of my brothers out of six." I started.

" I was hoping to come over tonight, with my best friend, and his brother." I said. He went to agree with me, but I cut him off. " But, I want Eleanor to talk to Aaron first." I said. He eyes widened. " Aaron, as in..." He trailed off and I nodded. " My father." I said. He sighed.

" Okay. I can talk to her about it. But I wouldn't get my hopes up, Adrienne. She obviously never planned to tell him about you. Or Andy. She never planned to see you, and she always thought her secret would stay that. A secret." He said. I nodded. " I know. But, I'm hoping if I am willing to forgive her, than maybe Aaron can too." I told him.

He nodded, but didn't say anything else as he just carefully looked at me. " What?" I asked him. He shook his head. " Nothing. I just... you look like Ariella." He said. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I looked at my watch real quick. " Who?" I asked him, after seeing I still had enough time to talk with him.

ADRIENNE PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now