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I sat down in my bedroom with Tori, and sighed, setting the test on the bed. " What are you gonna do if it's positive?" She asked. I shook my head, running my hand down my face. " I don't know. I've got one more year of school. I'm twenty-one. I wasn't planning on having a kid right now." I told her.

She patted my knee. " I know, Dre. And if it's positive, then we'll figure it out." She said. I nodded. Soon, my timer on my phone went off, and my heart skipped a beat. I picked up the test, and looked at it. My hand flew to my stomach, and I dropped the test on the bed, the other handle going over my mouth. " It's positive." Tori said. It wasn't a question. She knew by my reaction. I nodded.

I sighed, letting my hand leave my mouth. " What do I do, Tori?" I asked her. She picked my phone up off the bedside table and gave it to me. " That is between you and your husband, sis." She said, grabbing my water bottle from the table. " I'm gonna go fill this up for you, and give you a minute." She said, leaving my room. I felt extremely nauseous, and I couldn't tell if it was from the baby or the shock. Probably both. I tapped on Jake's contact, and put it on speaker. I looked at the test as the phone rang.

" Hey baby." He said. " Hey. Uh, are you still at work?" I asked him. I heard the door of his truck shut. " Just leaving now. What's up? You sound a little off." He said. I shook my head, even though he couldn't see me. " Yeah, I'm okay. We can talk about it when you get home. How was work?" I asked him, trying to keep my heart rate steady. " It was fine. Except for Drew stapling his hand to a piece pf ply wood." He said.

My eyes widened. " He did what?!" I asked. He chuckled. " He's fine, Babe. Needed a couple stitches though. Leah took him to the doctor." He said. I sighed. " I'm surprised she didn't murder him right there. They're getting married in two weeks." I said. " Trust me, there was a look of murder in her eyes. I'll be home in about five minutes. Love you, babe." He said.

" Love you too." I said. I hung up the phone, and looked at the test, before looking at my belly. I put my hand back over it. " I guess we're doing this. Time to surprise daddy." I said, standing up, and walking to my closet. I look in a couple of our gifting bags and boxes to see if I could find a small box to put the test in. I took three, and all three said positive. The first two, I took yesterday, but couldn't believe it, so I asked Tori to pick up a digital one on her way here, and I can't I can't deny it anymore.

It's not like I don't want kids. I do. I always have. But I thought I'd be out of school first. I sighed, putting the test in the box as Tori walked back inside my room. " So, how'd he take it?" She asked, handing me my water bottle, and a bowl of fruit. I raised an eyebrow. She shrugged, sitting on my bed. " You are carrying my little niece or nephew. I'm making sure you stay healthy." She said. I chuckled, wrapping the test up in some gifting paper, and sat it in the box. I wrote a quick little note on a piece of paper, sticking it in the box, and closing it, wrapping it with a bow.

" Anyway, I didn't tell him yet. It didn't feel right telling him over the phone. He should be home in a minute." I told her. She stood up. " Then I am going to get started cooking. Caleb will be here soon, and it'll give you and Jake a few minutes to yourselves." She said, pointing at the fruit as she left. Not even five seconds later, Jake walks into the bedroom, caked in dirt and mud, and paint, and dust. The life of a contractor.

He smiled at me. " Hey baby." He said, giving me a quick kiss before walking to the closet and grabbing a towel. " I'm gonna take a quick shower before dinner." He said, going to leave the room. " Wait." I said. He stopped, turning to me. I picked the box up off the t.v. stand. " I have something for you." I said, walking over and sitting on the bed. He sat down next to me, and I gave him the box. He gave me a weird look, but unwrapped the ribbon, and pulling the top off.

ADRIENNE PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now