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" No, I don't." I said. Andrew scoffed. I glared at him. " What was that?" Sebastian asked. Andrew chuckled. " She doesn't have a boyfriend... yet. But our school's star quarterback has quite the thing for our dear sister. She just doesn't want to admit it. To herself or anyone else." He said. I shook my head. " What's he like?" Charlotte asked me. I gave her a look that asked why she had to ask. She raised her eyebrows expectantly. I sighed.

" Well, like Drew said, he is the school's quarterback. His name is Jacob. And like me, he is kind of... closed off. He has been through a lot, most of which he has told me about, but some of it, he hasn't admitted, but a lot of people already have figured it out. He is the reason I decided to trust what Eleanor told me, and pushed me to find out more about it. He is probably my best friend I have made since moving tow Alabama, besides Andrew." I said.

Luna looked at Charlotte, and Charlotte nodded. " She's in love with him." She said. I shook my head. " I am not in love with him. I have known him for a week!" I said. Mom shook her head. " Honey, it took Jeremy two days of knowing me before he asked me out, and he told me he loved my after three dates. You can fall in love with someone no matter how long you have known them." She said. Aaron laughed. " Well he sounds like a good guy. But, before anything happens between you two, I need to meet him." He said, as our food got here. " Why?" I asked him, as Andrew handed me the ketchup without me even asking.

Twin telepathy at it's best. " Because, I am your dad. I interrogated Bethanie before I let her take Charlotte out, same goes for you." He said. I knew nothing was going to happen between Jake and I, but I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. I have always wanted a father to scare off potential boyfriends, as strange as that may sound. After a delicious breakfast, we all decided to go to the park for a bit and play some football.

I sat down on a bench after half an hour, take a quick break. I'm a pretty sporty girl, but trying to keep up with two current football players, and Aaron who is in pretty good shape, is hard. Mom sat down next to me. " How are you feeling?" She asked. I took in a deep breath and smiled. " I feel... happy. Like truly happy. Like nothing from my past could ruin this moment. You know?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

" Surprisingly, I do. After Jeremy died, I was in a bad place, you know all about that. Slowly, I started to get back to normal, but I never felt the same. Until you came in to my life. Jeremy always talked about fostering once he retired from the Military. So, I decided to do it, because it was his dream, to give a home to kids who didn't have one. After you came to live with us, that feeling, that you are feeling, I began to feel again. So, I owe you a thank you, my dear daughter." She said. I chuckled and hugged her. " Thank you, mom. For taking me in. Best family I could have ever asked for." I said.

I felt someone else barge into the hug. " Hey, I want in on this hugging." Andrew said. I laughed as everyone else joined in. " Family hug!" Sebastian yelled. " This family is crazy." Charlotte said. I laughed. " Just wait until you meet everyone else." I said. " Oi." She muttered. Mom laughed. After that long group hug ended, I heard someone call Sebastian's name. I turned to find a little kid run up to him, followed by who I believe is Luna and Sebastian's mom, and another guy.

Sebastian picked up the kid. " Hey there buddy." The kid was about four or five. Probably a step sibling or a half one. " Hey Momma." Luna said. hugging her mom. " Hey, baby girl. I know you are supposed to spend the week with your dad, but Raysen wanted to spend his birthday with his brother and sister." She said. Luna took Raysen from Sebastian. " Well, we wouldn't miss it for the world. You play some football, Bub?" She asked him. He nodded, and they ran over to Charlotte.

Raine looked at Drew and me. " Is this them?" She asked. He smiled and nodded. " Yeah. This is Andrew and Adrienne. My long lost twins." He said. Mom chuckled. Raine looked over at her. " I don't believe I know who you are. I'm Raine. Seb and Luna's mom." Raine said. Mom shook her outstretched hand. " Marnie. Dre's adoptive mom." She said. She looked confused. " Just Adrienne's? I thought her and Andrew were twins." She said. We nodded.

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