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He laughed. He seriously started laughing. And he didn't stop until he saw how serious our faces looked. " You're kidding?" He asked. We shook our heads. " Afraid not." We said in unison. He ran his hand through his hair and sat down on the waiting room couch. We sat on the other one, across from him. " How could I be your father?" He asked. I sighed. " Remember Eleanor Baxter? She was here helping her sister almost twenty years ago." I said. He looked confused for a second, before his eyes widened.

" We were only together for two months, and she left. She would've told me... right?" He asked. I shook my head. " I doubt it. She gave me up at birth and then never told him he was a twin. Telling you she wasn't pregnant, isn't the biggest secret she has kept." I told him. He sighed. Shaking his head, he looked at me. " Wait, she gave you up?" He then looked at Drew. " But kept you?" He asked us. We nodded. " Why?" He asked.

" Because apparently, I looked so much like you, and she thought it would've ruined her marriage, that she had already messed up." I said. I will never get over that part, because it was a ridiculous reason. Especially since, Stefan doesn't seem to have any issues with me. " She was married?" He asked, eyes wide. " You didn't know?" Drew asked. He shook his head. " No. If I did, I would've never gone out with her." He said.

" I never thought my mom could be a pathological liar." Drew said, shaking his head. I patted his back. " When were you guys reunited?" Aaron asked us. " A week ago. A family in Montgomery were kind enough to take me in, and we ended up at the same high school. That's when everything came out. We have a very busy month ahead of us, so we had to come up here this weekend. I would've waited, but I found out something that I need answers to." I told him. " What's that?" He asked.

" Well, he was raised by our birth mom, and his step dad, technically. He is Andrew Baxter. I was Taken in my first social worker, and I was with her and her husband until I was eight. Harper and Alexandria Parker. You parents." I said. He didn't looked as surprised as I thought he would've. " So, you..." He trailed off. " They named me. Adrienne Rose Parker." I said. He didn't look surprised anymore, but kinda... sad?

" Adrienne?" He asked. I nodded. " Yeah. Why, does that mean something to you?" I asked him. He gave me a small smile. " It was my sister's name. My twin sister. She died when we were fifteen." He said. Wow... okay, so I am named after my dead aunt... could this family be more complicated?

" I lived with Dria and Harper for eight years. How come you never knew about me?" I asked him. " I did, Adrienne. I knew that they had taken you, but trust me, if I had any sorting of thought, that you were mine, I would've taken you in. I would have been am actual father to you." He told me, and I believed him. " Who was that girl?" I asked him. He sighed. " That was your older sister, Charlotte. She was my first kid, with my long time girlfriend, before your mother. I have two other kids. A son, who is seventeen, and a daughter who is fifteen." He said.

The door closed and we heard footsteps. " And here they come." He said. He stood up and we looked behind us, and saw Charlotte and two other people. And the boy, looks a lot like Andrew, but the girl, barely looks like Charlotte, and almost nothing like me. " Hey, Dad." The boy said. Drew and I stood up. The girl looked confused. " Who are they?" She asked. " I'd like to know that too." Charlotte said.

" Andrew. Adrienne, these, are your sisters and your brother. Charlotte, Sebastian, and Luna." Aaron said. " I'm sorry... sister?" Luna asked. " Brother?" Sebastian added on. " Char, you remember Ellie, right?" He asked. " Uh, barely..." She said. " Well, it turns out she was pregnant... with my kids. Twins. Andrew and Adrienne." He explained. I looked at them. At first, they said nothing. But then, Sebastian did. " What's a few more siblings." He shrugged. I chuckled. " You're telling me. You three, making nineteen siblings for me." I said. Their eyes widened. " Ans twelve for me." Andrew said. " Nineteen?" Luna asked me. " How do you have more than he does?" Sebastian asked. " That's on me." Mom said, walking in with food for Drew and I.

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