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" Good morning my wonderful family!" Tyler said, walking into the living room that is full of the half dead family, while he was cheery and wearing a Santa hat, holding a tray full of coffee mugs. I glared at him. " It is 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning, and you woke up the entire house. How are you so cheery?" I asked him. " Well, Logan slept through the entire night. Will slept in her own bed, I got to finish watching the Santa Clause series last night. It was a good Christmas Eve. Now, let's get presents started, cause we have to be at Ryleigh's parents in two hours." Ty said. I rolled my eyes.

I helped him pass out the gifts and everyone kind of picked a spot in the living to sit. We do it youngest to oldest... I wonder who is gonna tell Ty that they are gonna be late to Ryleigh's family Christmas. We got to the last gift, almost an hour and a half later, and it was one for both mom and dad. It was from Ry and Ty.

" What is this?" Mom asked. He shrugged. " Just open it." He told her. He looked very excited. So did Ryleigh, but she also seemed nervous. Mom opened the small box, and took out the tissue paper. When she saw what was inside, her eyes almost fell out of her head, and I think dad stopped breathing for a second. They looked at my brother and sister-in-law. I looked at Tanner and Tori, eyebrow raised, but they just shrugged.

" Are you serious?" Mom asked them. They nodded, smiles on their faces. I looked between all of them. Dad still looked shocked. " " Dad? You okay over there?" I asked him, and everyone looked at him. He shook his head. " Sorry. I just... this whole grandkids thing still shocks me a bit." He said. My eyes widened as I looked at Ry and Ty. " No way..." I said. They smiled at me. I stood up and ran over to hug them.

Everyone followed after us. " How far along are you?" Tori asked her. " Um, almost five months. We wanted to wait and tell you guys at Christmas. I've been wearing Ty's close for almost a month now to hide the bump. Which is rather big." She said. She stood up and pulled the shirt tight against her body. She wasn't wrong. For five months, her bump was bigger than when she was pregnant with Will or Logan. I mean, Ryleigh is a small woman, but still.

" Why is your bump so big already?" Tanner asked. " Probably because she's housing not one baby, but two." Theo said, looking at the ultra sound pics that were in the box. My head whipped back over to her. " You're having twins?" I asked. She nodded. I hugged her again, which was kinda hard with the bump in the way. " Yes. This family is full of doubles. Do you know the genders yet?" I asked. She chuckled.

" Well, there just so happens to be one more gift under that tree. Babe..." She told Ty. My brother grabbed two balloons that were sitting under the tree. " We didn't want a big family get together but Ty really wanted to do the balloon thing." She said. She grabbed the pocket knife that was sitting on the side table by the couch. " I was wondering if Tessie and Will wanted to pop these for us. Girls?" She asked my niece and sister. The girls ran over to us. Will didn't really understand but she knew there was a balloon. That was all she needed.

Ty held the first balloon, and Ry helped Tess with the knife. I grabbed my phone, and turned on the video. " Okay, Tess, on three. One... two... THREE!" Ry said. Tessa popped the balloon and blue filling came out. Everyone cheered. " Baby A is a boy. Okay Willie. Your turn, baby girl." Ry said. Will stood up on the stood, and her mother held her hand, and helped her.

On the last count of three, they popped the boon, also dropping blue. Everyone cheered again. Will clapped with everyone, but she didn't quite get it. " Oh boy... two twin boys. Good luck you two. Especially with this one as their father." Mom said, patting Ty's back. I chuckled. Tyler just rolled his eyes. " Okay, now that, that is in the open, and we have finally told everyone, we really do have to get going, so we are gonna go get ready. Merry Christmas Momma." Ty said, hugging mom. Mom laughed, and hugged her soon. Ry hugged dad, and Ty shook his hand.

ADRIENNE PARKERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon