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" Okay, what do we have so far?" I asked him. He picked up his notebook and looked it over. We  had spent the last hour working on this project. " Okay, you were given up for adoption instantly after you were born. You have never been adopted, but you've only had two long term families. You have been a varsity volleyball player since you were a freshman. You hope to be a firefighter one day. You love all animals, dogs and horses especially. Your birthday is September twentieth of two thousand one. You favorite color is blue. You're favorite town you've lived in is New Orleans. You are allergic to avocado and blackberries. You love action and adventure movies like fast and furious and avengers. You love trucks and you are tomboyish cowgirl who loves to barrel race. And, your best friends name is Kyle Harvey." He said. I nodded. " Nice, you paid attention." I told him. He shrugged.

" Alright. You have three siblings. An older brother and two younger sisters. Your mom passed away seven years ago and you live with your step father. You are the quarterback for the school's football team. You wanna become a cop one day. You are allergic to nothing... lucky. Your favorite movie is Grown ups. You have only ever lived here in Alabama. You are in love with Chevy, weirdo, You like horses and dogs, especially your black lab, Harley, and your best friends are Caleb Hart and Taylor Langford." I said. He nodded. Ty came downstairs holding his kid.

" Hey, dinner's ready." He told me. I nodded and started cleaning up my stuff. " Oh, Jacob, my mother says you are staying for dinner." He added, walking back upstairs. Jacob looked at me and looked a little nervous. " Um, I can't stay. I... have to pick up my sisters from my grandpa's." He said, thought it seemed he wasn't telling me the truth. But hey, I barely know the guy. Whatever he does is his business. I nodded. We walked upstairs. Everyone was sitting in the living room with bowls of spaghetti. " Come on Jacob. Grab a bowl and have a seat." Mom said.  " Mom, Jacob can't stay." I said.

" I have to get my sisters from my grandpa's. But I appreciate the invitation." He said. He isn't as rude as I was expecting, the way the others would talk about him. " Oh, well, next time you are over, you are staying and I won't take no for an answer." She said. I chuckled and Jacob gave her a small but genuine smile. " Sure thing, Mrs. Casey." He said. She shook her head. " Marnie. Please. You be safe getting home." She said. He nodded and left. Sitting next to Ty, I began to eat my food. Our family rarely uses our dinning room. We like to sit in the living room together and have a movie night every night. Tonight, it's Fast and Furious one... again.

" Hey, Tanner, I have a question for you." I said, I walked into my brother's room, and sat on his bed. He was sitting in his desk chair and facing his t.v., playing video games. The only console in this house and it's because he bought with his birthday and Christmas money from the past two years. " Shoot." He said, pausing his game and looking at me. " What do you know about that Andrew guy?" I asked him. It's been bugging me since I met him. He seems so familiar, but I can't quite pin point it. He shrugged. " He's kind of quiet. Doesn't talk a whole lot. He comes from a family of football players. His dad was one. His mom was a football cheerleader. He has five older brothers, all football players. Has three younger sisters, who are triplets. He plays, as well. And he and Leah-Lynn have been together for two years." He said. " Why?" He added.

I sighed. " I don't something about him seems familiar. I don't know. Anyway, what time is your practice in the morning?" I asked him. " Five thirty. Why?" He said. " Because I wanna go. Check out the team. Everyone always says how we are the best team in Alabama, but I have no evidence. So, I am going and I will drive, because I don't trust your truck." I said He shook his head. " My truck is awesome." He said. I sighed. " Whatever makes you feel better." I said, before leaving his room, and throwing a 'goodnight,' over my shoulder. Heading downstairs to the basement, I walked to my bathroom, so I could brush my teeth, before heading to my room and going to bed.

ADRIENNE PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now