🌲{-Chapter 12- Obstacles-}🌲

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Thanks for keeping up with me :))

(N/n) = (Your) Nickname
"Ma belle" is French for "My beautiful"
His text "Random sentence" (You'll see ;))  )

"How would [Certain character] react? HA like I should know! I'm not them!"

Your POV

Nightmare isn't thinking clearly, he is holding onto me like it is the end of the Multiverse! He kept applying pressure to the hug as he kept mumbling incoherently, "I know I'm gonna wake up and you'll be gone again..." "Gone gone gone-...." He kept repeating words and rocking back and forth as he kneeled on the ground, cradling me in his arms. This was easy for him to do because I was very small compared to him. "N-Nightmare! P-Please! You're applying too much pressure! I-I can barely breath!" Nightmare's grip didn't loosen, nor did it tighten, but he quaked and kneeled in silence. "You want to leave me?" His voice was deep and mallow but slightly cracking with every word. "W-What?! Nightmare of course not! I'm not going anywhere!" "Then why do you want to leave the castle." now his voice was void of emotion but did not fail to be threatening. Finally having enough I huffed in frustration and yanked Nightmare's skull with the palms of my hands, this surprised him and he loosened his grip slightly, "Nightmare, stop and listen to me! I will not tolerate this behavior, I love you and you are mine as well, but, I need to stretch my legs once in a while! You know the guys can be exhausting! You have lived with them for the past two years for goodness' sake!" My voice rose with the burning passion I had hyped up from talking and Nightmare seemed to loosen his grip more and break out of his trance. "Please," I calmed my voice, "I wish to see other AUs and explore! But what I wish the most of all is to do all of that with you." I smiled and caressed his boney cheek with my thumb, giving a quick kiss on the forehead I leaned in to hug him once more. "I'm not going to leave you. Never in a million years and beyond." I mumbled, trying to make the mood lighten. "R-Really? All of what you said is t-true?" Nightmare's voice began to waver, I think he might be crying? "Of course you goopy bonehead~" I laughed softly and rubbed his back in small circles, but not really reaching the center of his back because of his large skeletal frame. I soon felt water droplets on my back and came to the obvious conclusion that Nightmare was crying. His small sobs were softened as he buried his head in the crook of my neck. I let him stay like this for who knows how long before his sobs ceased.

Nightmare pulled away, his eye dimmed and he frowned. "Please forgive me, I don't know how long it has been since I have cried..." He seemed embarrassed at the thought of crying, "Maybe two years ago?" I gave him a small smile and laughed softly. "Eh, you are probably right." He gave a small chuckle as well but then looked down sadly. I took one of his large hands in both of mine and caressed it gently. Sighing I smiled warmly, "I always find that after crying, I feel much better than before," I brought his hand up to my lips and gave a quick press, "You're hands feel like ice." My voice became quite as I continued to hold the skeletons hand and observe it. "I'm made of bones my dear, I do not produce warmth as a human like you does." Nightmare laughed and grinned, running his phalanges through my hair in a calming motion. "Then let me warm you!" I laughed giddily and wrapped my arms around Nightmare's vertebrae and drew his closely to me. Not resisting my actions he slid his arms around my small figure and sighed, most likely taking in my scent which he told me smells like (Favorite Scent). Still hugging each other I started to hum a small melody which caught Nightmare's attention. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is my humming bothering you?" I furrowed my brows even though Nightmare could not see my face, waiting for an answer I was about to speak up until he spoke first. "Don't stop..." Those simple words could mean many different things but I knew exactly what they were and what their intent was. I nodded slightly and continued my small song, humming happily I closed my eyes in perfect and complete content.

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