🌲{-Chapter 4- Flustered-}🌲

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I'm well aware that the title is awful.


"Having to come up with titles is evil..."


Nightmares POV

(Y/n) came back with a handful of pillows and blankets. dumping them on the couch and then, sorting the pillows from the blankets. "There! That should be enough but if you need more then just ask!" She smiled "That should be plenty, thank you." I gave her a smile in return. "I don't feel quite sleepy myself so I'm just going to read a book if that's alright." she questioned, pulling out a book and waiting for an answer. "Well Uhm, do you... Do you think maybe you could read it to me? Like when we read 'pride and prejudice'?" Her eyes lit up "Of course! Here!" She fluffed the pillows, laid down and opened her arms with her book in hand. "You can just lay on me, if you like." she said with a little blush from embarrassment. I smiled "If I'm not a bother then sure." I laid myself carefully on her as to make sure I wasn't hurting her and she pulled a blanket over us and began to read.(You can choose the book this time) I closed my eyes and listened to her voice, this went on for about an hour before her reading became mumbling. She soon fell fast asleep and as I rose my head to look at her, I set her book down and wrapped my arms carefully around her back. Hugging her, I started to drift off as well and then everything became dark.

When I woke up I saw that (Y/n) was still asleep and I was still hugging her. A deep purple blush spread across my skull as I looked at her sleep peacefully. I got up slowly and quietly as to not awaken her. When I stood up I decided it was time to go back to Dream and apologize somehow. But before I did, I wrote (Y/n) a small note thanking her and saying I would have a surprise for her hospitality. Once done writing the note I left and hurried back to the tree. When I got there I leapt up on my tree branch looking around I saw dream sitting with his back facing me. But what I didn't expect was his emotions, anger, sadness, and- regret. This might be tougher then I expected.

"Dream." he didn't budge "Dream, listen I know you may not want to talk to me but I wanted to say I'm sorry, I didn-" "No, I'm sorry." he turned around, his face stained with tears. "I didn't even care to see that I always left you guarding the tree, you never got to actually have fun. And it's because of me." I didn't expect any of what he said so naturally I was shocked. He started to cry again and I hopped on the branches to get over to him and hugged him. "It's alright, if you hadn't I might of not, uh- , met some people. So don't worry about it." "Who are those people you met?" He said between sobs "Uhm just sorta uh friends? It's not that important right now. Just focus on your breathing and calm down." I rubbed circles on his back to calm him as (Y/n) once did. It worked like a charm and he soon calmed down. "Thanks brother, you mean the world to me." he smiled brightly, positivity practically oozing off him. It made me feel weak and tired but I gave him a grin "Of course, now why don't you go have fun. I found a nice book and I'll sit here with the tree." he tilted his head at my words "Are you sure brother? Because I can stay here." "No, no, that's okay I'll be fine. Now go." he nodded and jumped off the tree branch onto the ground. "I'll be back before sun down!" He quickly raced off and I went to sit back on my favorite branch.

"Now that he's gone what should I get for (Y/n), I said I was going to surprise her but with what?" I tapped my chin thoughtfully and tried to come up with something. "Wait I know! Black roses! I didn't see that she had any in her garden and she likes flowers! Perfect!" I hopped off the tree branch excitedly, but stopped. Looking back on the tree I realized no one would be there to protect it. "I'll just go quickly." I mumbled and ran off to the forest. I came to a clearing where I used to sit and read and saw the black rose bush. I walked over and using my magic I took 10 roses and took the thorns off. Grasping them I ran quickly back to the tree and climbed up. When I got to my preferred branch I set the roses on my lap and took out a (F/c) cloth to tie up the stems. As I was just finishing the bow to tie it all together I saw (Y/n) heading towards the tree. "Finished." I whispered, smiling to myself. I grabbed the roses and hid them in a branch above, moving a few leaves as to keep it hidden.

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