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Hey guys so the last chapter was of the parents past and what they went through so now i will be going back to the present and you will find out what will happen to lucifer and Nicola.

Nicola POV:
I'm kinda somewhat scared because my father will kill him, Louis deserves to die because he killed my Mate. That hurts knowing he is responsible for my Mates death and i will get my revenge someday, but i will find something that will take him down. I was reading something when something caught my eye it said ' We honour the dead, but we fight for the living' Yess i will honour the death of my partner i wont be able to see his amazing face, i wont be able to hear his annoying but sweet voice and that all because of his stupid brother. Lucifer is my dad and i will support him no matter what and i want Louis to die but i want to be the one to kill him so i can finally have peace with myself. ' Dad, don't kill him I want to! He's taken so much from me so i want to take everything from him.' Said Nicola aggressively. 'Ok sweetheart, but can i have fun with him first. He hurt my baby girl so he will pay!' Said lucifer with the most hostile tone ever. No one is born evil, but things in life change them that makes them evil. And bad things happen and you can't do anything about it, but they are wrong you can do something, Kill the person who changed you and sucked everything that you loved out and just throw it away. I was raging so was everyone, my pack backed me and answered my howl and then i saw my pack come out of nowhere are started to attacking the other pack whilst me and my father got Louis all to our selves. ' It's over you scum bag, give up now or face the consequences!' 'Never I'm an alpha i will not give up so easily.' We both growled at each other, One of us needs to surrender and thats not going to happy whilst i'm here. My pack has my back and i have theirs but at the moment i am in a deeps concentrated stare we could of lasted for hours but he gave up and i had won but now i had to win the fight in my wolf form, i know what you are thinking, why can i just use my powers, I could but that wouldn't be very fair on the other opponent. So I'm going to make it a fair test and we will see who wins. 'Come on then, give it your best shot, try to defeat me' 'With pleasure.' He jolted forward but i moved before me tried to bite me. He was obviously annoyed because he didn't get me, these types of figh.... ' Sis, what do i do now' ' Jacob i need to focus, but what's up' ' They are surrounding me, and I can't teleport anywhere its like they put a spell sound me.' 'Shit, move out the way i will see if lulu can break the spell.' ' ok sis but please hurry.'
'Hey lulu can you please see if you can take the spell wall down from my brother.' Said Nicola hoping she could do it.
' Yes, i can do it but I can't be....' lulu being cut of by Nicola.
' What do you mean you can't' said Nicola aggressively.
' I can but I've already done it so you don't need to worry your paws off now, get on with this fight and watch out he plays dirty, I wouldn't be surprised if he got some of his pack members involved.' ' Ok, thank you! I will try and keep an eye on his pack members as well, Thank you for everything.' ' Bro, go now lulu has done it.' I wasn't paying attention and Louis bite me on my side so i darted back at him and i bit his snout [ Noise]. I saw that he was bleeding and so was i but he didn't really get me that much it is mostly his blood. I licked my wound and gave Louis a snarly growl, which rolled off my tongue. He of course felt threatened by me so i decided to jump on him and scratch his eye which now he is going to have a massive scar there now, he was talking to his pack i think he is either surrendering or he is getting some of his pack members to attack me from behind when I'm not looking. He gave me that look you know where he is like you are going down, it might not be today, it might not be tomorrow but it will be someday.
[Moon. Pack member]
'Alpha, what do we do most of us killed or injured his pack so now what.'
'Just stay there and don't leave its not safe just stay behind me and i'll take down the alpha and we can get going before more of his pack members show up.'
'ok alpha'
Louis POV:
She needs to surrender soon or other wise, i wont be able to take much more, Nicola jumped on top of me and scratched my face which hurt like a bitch, and now I'm going to have a scar on my face Fucking brilliant.

Nicolas POV:
As he jumped on top of me i put my paws underneath his shoulder blades and pushed him off and he went flying, i knew that was it, i went over and I got got him by the feet and i broke them so he couldn't walk, he screamed out in pain which that means i won this battle and he knows it, that scream was to let everyone know that he had lost and i had one, i think I'm going to take off for a holiday in hell, i have no clue where my dad went though, then i saw it blood everywhere my dad was on the floor he had scratches from the top of his body the the the bottom it was horrific, to see my father like this but i can fix him but i need to get home. As I carried my dad back to my house i put him in one of the spare rooms but if he doesn't make it, I officially become queen of hell and i wont need a man by my side to rule, I'm an independent woman.
2 weeks later
I've spent 2 weeks in hell and I've got my pack doctor checking my dad out and she says there is a 50/50% chance that he will make it. And i hope he does because I can't even control my vamp side yet I've only seen her once.
Phone rings!

"Hello." Said Nicola. "Hi, is this Nicola white" said the person on the phone.
'Yes this is she, who is this.'Said Nicola! "I'm sorry for your lose, i know its hard to lose someone as close to you as he was." "I'm sorry who are you talking about, my mate died a few weeks ago.". "Oh no, you might not have got the news sorry alpha, i send my condolences on you and your family." "Ok" The call ended.

Hey guys, i don't really know what to say except thanks for reading my story. Hope you've enjoyed my story so far. I've gotten 83/84 views I'm so happy thank you.
What happened?
Who was that on the phone and what were they going on about?
Who died?
Will Louis come back for revenge or will he leave Nicola alone now?
Find out what will happen next in the first hybrid!
Word count: 1310

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