The Alpha training!

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" Oi, watch where you are going next time you twat!" I looked up and saw a tall man towering over me, Looking at me like I am the gum on the bottom of his shoe.... " stop" said the man laughing hardly whilst looking down at me! " Do you know who I am, little girl" he said sharply with a tiny grin forming on the side of his mouth. " No but should I" I stood up, realising he's like a fucking giant. But still holding my ground. The way he spoke to me was Fucking hot though, I'll give him that! "Ooo, look boys we got ourself a bitch" He said rolling a tiny growl off his tongue after he said that. " what the Fuck did you just say?" Standing my ground and rolling a huge growl of the tip of my tongue. I got him by the ear and said " Do you know who I am big foot, because I don't think you do as you wouldn't be saying this if you did...." I paused then said " see you around big foot" I let go of his ear and walked away sassily to alpha training on the field.
[At the field]
The teacher looked at me weirdly and said " ahhh nice of you to join us miss white" I snapped back and said "well I wasn't going to miss it was I, because if i want to be alpha of my pack, I have to come to these shitty lessons don't I!" Everyone's mouths opened wide with shock about what I just said to the teacher! " MISS WHITE,DON'T YOU DARE USE THAT ATTITUDE WITH ME" he said angrily.
I felt this presence behind me. As the teacher finished the sentence the teacher looked even more annoyed because another student is late I don't want to turn around, all the girls love sick, i wonder who it is about this person behind me I am very curious of who it is. It felt like the same presence of the cocky guy in the hall way. Should I turn around, Fuck it, I'm going to turn around.
[turns around]
"Oh Fuck it the cocky big foot guy from the hall!" Yet again everyone's mouths dropped, the cocky guy staring daggers at me. I really couldn't give a shit what he thinks of me though. However we only have half an hour of this lesson left so.... " so umm can we start the lesson now because we just wasted half an hour of our lesson."  I walked over to an empty space on the field whilst everyones eyes were trailed on me.
"Right, can you all please shift into your wolf forms please." I could hear bones crack and backs break, screams and growls from every direction, as i turned into my wolf the teacher looked at me with amazement. My fur was a purple colour! I looked around to see everyone elses fur it should be. The cocky guy from the hallway walked up to me and howled. Mate. He was my mate. I howled back and growled at everyone making sure they knew he was my mate. The females cowered and backed away from us! I mind-linked the girls to tell them the news (A/N mind-linked means they can communicate by their minds and no one can hear what they are say! ANYWAY BACK TO THE story)
"GIRLS, GIRLS, GUESS WHAT ??" " No reply" as I angrily howled. "Nicola, what's up!" Exclaimed babe and storm "I just found my FUCKING mate!" Nicola explaining excitedly. "Yay" said babe and storm " guys gotta go need to focus" "Love you guys" "love you too" excitedly storm and babe replayed.

The headmaster stepped out onto the field with this Hunter looking man and woman he held handcuffs in his left hand and she had the same but she also had a rope on her waist, the head master stepped out and said " Miss White you are under arrest for your species which are very rare in this world" he said aggressively. The chains weighting me down as everyone watched me trying to fight back " Emerald: YOU FUCKING WHORES CAN'T BEAT ME" i immediately Howled to get everyone's attention. Emerald wined and screeched with pain because a bullet full of wolfsbane hit her in her side.( A/N yep you all know the drill, so basically wolfsbane is a sort of drug that can kill a wolf there are 2 types there is a purple liquid with is mild it will hurt you but no enough to kill you straight away, then there is yellow wolfsbane where it is deadly cause It can kill you in a matter of seconds, THERE MIGHT BE MORE BUT.....  Anyway on with the story)
I passed out on the field and I could hear my mate growling at the hunters. I hear different noises by a moving truck the wind and then everything went silent until I hear this voice coming from in side my head ' baby you have to get up' exclaimed this voice in my head.
[Lesson Ends] [ in the hallway]
" Do you know where Nicola is" said storm picking her black silk painted nails! "No, I haven't heard from her since she told us about her mate" said babe shaking her head.
"Hey babe, where's Nicola I wanted apologies for last year!" Said Dylan looking around, scratching his head. " No, we don't know where she is?!" Said storm worriedly.
[Back to Nicola]
Most of the time we are outside enjoying ourselves, I am always insecure about my wolfs appearance, my mum said 'hide yourself from others somethings people are jealous of people like you.' The words playing over and over again in my head, 'hide yourself from others somethings people are jealous of people like you'
[in my mind ]
Fuck sake why are those words so important!

Hi guys, it's Lucy I'm a new writer one of my friends suggested this app to me and I just had to try it.
I am going to be updating Mostly all the week except Saturday.
Word count: 1029

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