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Nicolas POV:
It's been 2 years since storm died and my mate went into a coma which was scary but he woke up after 2 months after. We got married after 4 months of being together and on our wedding night we marked each other, however we've all moved on now and we started our own little family's i have 2 twin daughters and 1 boy there names are { amber, crystal and Diego}!
I got pregnant when i was 19 and giving birth to Diego first, had big amounts of pain on my behalf and Luca whilst i was in pain was just sat there holding my hand. Now as you know wolfs babies come faster then regular babies so i had 6 months of pure pain and Tiredness. When i had Diego everyone was like what creature is he because your a hybrid so is he wolf or part hybrid. Well they asked that question a lot once i told them i was pregnant that I'm a hybrid and of course my mum already knew that but she wanted to keep it a secret and now i know why. [  A/N Just to let you know Diego is a wolf like his father { Luca} ANYWAY BACK TO THE STORY]. My son is only 2 years old, and i know something is going to happen soon cause i have this gut feeling that something is going to happen TONIGHT, 'Don't trust you heart or your sole, trust your gut'. We will see if something is going to happen.

Secret person POV:
When i get her she will never get away ever again, because if she loves her family and she doesn't want them to die she will stay with me and my mate, I will finally have what i have always wanted. [ A/N Btw he thinks she is his mate and he will get her no matter what it takes.] Anyway me and my pack will attack tonight and i will hopefully get her back in my grasp, so i need to go over a plan with my pack so that i can get in and get out with my mate.

Lucas POV:
When my life went down hill i could only think about my mate and what would happen to her, or what she went through not being able to talk to me about her problems and I couldn't be there for her but we have 3 beautiful and talented children that we raised even tough Diego is 2 and the girls are 1. However if anyone and i mean anyone try's to take my children or my wife away i will hunt them down and i wont stop till there family is all dead.
Secret person POV:
We only have half an hour before we are suppose to attack, I'm not soft so if anyone gets in my way i will kill them in cold blood, nothing will stop me from getting to my mate. 7:20pm! It's almost time i have 10 minuets left until i have to attack my mates house, hahahahahahahahahaha things are going as planned her "mate" has gone out with the "Kids" so it gives us enough time to get in and get out with MY mate. They say 'i used to say i live my life a quarter mile at a time...' ' And i think that's why we was brothers cause he did too...' which i think is so true. My brother will never expect i am the one who took her away from him.
Time of the attack!!!
Nicola POV:
I am going to get in a bath and relax whilst Luca is out with he kids but he will be back shortly, WHAT THE HELL was that noise i heard a bang and things started to shatter and people where screaming so i decide to go out and see what was happening, i got dressed and i saw most of the houses on our land was on fire i was wondering what was going to happen i thought about the kids and Luca need to save them and fight for my pack. So i need to get dressed and shift. They are after me so they will have to fight for me because I'm not going down without a fight. " OOII, you want me so come get me but leave my pack alone you asshole." Said Nicola in her alpha voice, her voice was low but very hard going, so when she said that they stopped attacking her pack and went after her. She shifted into her vampire/ wolf form and she ran into one of the back fields where they will fight.
"Darling, you don't know what you are getting yourself into if you run, so think carefully cause this might be the last time you see your family- pack!" Said Louis he had a very calm and monstrous tone, he shifted and started to run after Nicola, Their paws were pounding on the hard muddy floor. Nicola knew what she was getting herself into once she ran and she hopped he follow and he did, she knew she couldn't beat him and his whole pack. She had to sacrifice her freedom, to save the people she loves. She had blocked Luca from feeling her emotions which that made Luca go wild. "RIGHT, you have me here, lets do this! What's the price if i come with you? And if i come with you, you have to promise to leave my family-pack alone. Do we have a deal, cause i could wipe you all out in a matter of seconds!" Said Nicola trying to scare him with her powerful alpha command. She was trembling in her wolf form, she was not ready for what will happen again.
Lucas POV:
I couldn't feel Nicolas emotions anymore, so me and the kids decided to walk back to the pack house and that when i saw it, i walked back to the pack house to find buildings burning down and dead body's on the floor sadly some of them where already dead so we couldn't do anything about it. So i started to walk in the front door of the pack house and once i entered i saw mostly all the pack member crying and scared for their life's.
"What happened!" Said Luca and they could tell i was shocked. "There was a man, and he was looking for Mrs Nicola so she came out and shouted to him that he was after her and then she shifted and ran into the woods, i think she was heading towards one of the fields round the back, she did that and then he ran after her but he said if she runs there is a possibility that she might not come back." Said one of the pack members with the most saddest expression on their face. I ran out of there, and i shifted i told the kids to go to their room and hide in the closet and i will get them when i get back. Then I realised that scent from my childhood, he was here my older brother, on mine and Nicolas wedding night we talked about our past and Nicola said that this horrible alpha took Nicola away from her pack and her family because of her species but of course she didn't know about that back then she just thought she was a wolf but my brother didn't he was a gardener for her family and he over heard a conversation with the queen and king, about her species. But when he was 20 and Nicola was 10 he said he was moving out cause he found his mate and me and my family believed him but little did we know he was planning to kidnap Nicola for him to have power over the whole world because she was the next queen of all wolves.

What will happen to Nicola?
What is going to happen to her?
Worse what is gonna happen to Luca?
Find out in the next chapter in the first hybrid!   

Yo guys what's up, hopefully you have enjoyed my story so far, thank you for being patient with me and my book i really appreciate it. I have 70 views on my story so far and that's amazing I can't tell you how happy i am to have that many view cause i thought i Would have like 5 or 10 but 70 thank you so much, see you in the next chapter, bye guys!! ✊💞

Word count: 1438

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