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Nicolas POV:
I don't know what happened, Babe transformed into a wolf, I don't think God will be happy with that, but i guess she will just have to deal with it. Ever since i met that dark figure in the woods, i can't get the feeling of Lucas being alive. But i know that is bullshit, i felt him die. We didn't find his body, i just know if he is alive, the kids will be surprised, they live with me in hell, for most of the time, but they have their own rooms at the pack house just in case we need to come up. Mum is still at the pack house, she is just finding it more harder, now that dad isn't there. She wants him back so bad, i can tell it is killing her, him not being there. I somewhat imagine what would happen if i had died instead of my dad. He was meant to live forever, but nope he got killed. I told him to stay in Hell but no he came up anyways. "What do you want to do now?" Said Nicola to Babe. "How about going to get ice cream?" Said Babe. "Lets go then" said Nicola.

As they walk to the ice cream parlour, they were stopped by a man walking past, he had a mask on, so they couldn't see his face but Nicola was certain it was the man from the woods, so she followed him. "Alexandra where are you going?" Said Babe. "I'll be back" said Nicola running after him. As she got round the corner, she didn't know where he went, she looked down every alley, but he was no where to be seen, until he pinned her against a wall. "Why are you following me?' Said the strange man. "Was you in the woods earlier?" Said Nicola. "Yes i was." Said the strange man there was no point in lying, she saw me fair and square, and  her witch side could sense if i was lying or not. "Let out your scent." said Nicola trying to wiggle free. "Now why would i do that? said the strange man. "Im curious." said Nicola. "Well that not gonna happen. Look i know you think I'm someone you know, but i'm not so stop following me." said the strange man. "How do you know, that i think you are someone i know? I never told you anything." Said Nicola. "Just stop. I can't let them see me near you, i already crossed a boundary and spoke to you." Said the strange man. Nicola had enough of his lies, so she ripped the mask off his face, to revel someone who she thought was dead. "No... no, it can't be, after all these years, you come back." Said Nicola with hurt in her eyes. "Im sorry my Love, i didn't know how to tell you but be desecrate about it." said the strange man. "Lucas, you have no idea how hurt i was when you left, i thought you was fucking dead." said Nicola, beginning to get tears in her eyes. "Please don't cry, i'll come home soon" said Lucas stroking a hair behind Nicolas ear.  Nicola wraps her arms around Lucas and hugged him, he then let out his scent and relaxed into her. "I've missed you." said Lucas kissing Nicola on the forehead. "I have to go." Said Lucas hugging Nicola for the last time.

Random person:
He is with her now, they found each other. We need to kill him asap. We can't let them be together. Kill him now.
guns shots.

Nicolas POV:
It's happening again. I am still haunted by the memory of almost losing him and losing Storm. Before I saw it I jumped in front of Lucas and got shot with yellow wolfsbane. I can tell it was wolfsbane cause when it touched my skin I fell back into Lucas. I wasn't crying. It just hurt a bit. Is this the end of me, the end of the first hybrid? Who knows but for now i need to get Babe. Get her home without her expecting anything was up. "Lucas you need to run, Here its a portal to hell use it, they wont be able to get there. You'll be safe there, I promise. Now go!" You push off him griping at your side as its pouring with blood, he places a kiss on your forehead and throws the portal into the Deeping alleyway. "I love you! Be safe my love." He said as he jumps through the portal. 

I walk into the ice cream parlour and tell Babe I don't feel well. I know if the yellow wolfbane reaches my heart it will kill me. I try and stop the spreading as much as i can with Vampire Vemon and a witch spell.  As we are running home, Babe can't help that notice i am not myself, i can't shift easy. "What's wrong?" She said catching up with me in the woods. "Nothing, I just don't feel well." I don't know if she believes me. "We need to get home quickly then." Said Babe. 

As we reach the pack house i run upstairs in the bathroom and find a silver bullet in the cabinet, i crack it open and put it on the wound. It starts to heal slowly, I cover my mouth to stop me from growling at the pain, I have been shot before so its not a big deal. "Nicola are you okay?" Said Babe trying the doorknob, I obviously locked it. "Yeah, I'll be out in a bit," Said Nicola. "Okay, I'm downstairs if you need me." Said Babe walking away from the door. It's been 10 minuets now, I think I should Go down now. 

"Who are you?" Said one of the Demons in Hell. Grabbing a knife, walking up to Lucas. Circling him. "I'm Lucas.". Everyone's expressions drop off their faces. "Your Lucas?" Said a Girl walking up to him. "Yes I am".  As he finished that sentence She runs up and gave him a swallowing hug. "Dad, is it really you?" Said Amber, In a curious voice. "It is sweetheart." With that he spins her around lifting her off the ground in circles.  I need to go and get Crystal and Diego, as she said running off. "You know, Nicola has missed you." Said one of them walking past him in a different directions. "I'll show you to your room." Said one of the demons. "My name is Octavia btw." She said as she turns into a corridor.  "Nice to meet you Octavia." Said Lucas following her. 

As you walk downstairs your mums and Babes eyes trail you. "I'm Fine Babe" Before Babe could say anything you say something else. "I'm going out, don't follow me, don't even try and track me. Goodbye Mum, Goodbye Babe." Said Nicola shifting and starts running out the pack house. I don't know what my intentions are but I know for sure I will find who ever is responsible for this, and i will destroy them. 

Word Count: 1190.

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