Locked up

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As I run off Loads of questions enter my mind. Who was that girl? Why did she feel safe with me? How did she know I was going to help her? I want her to get home safe so I shift into my human form and walk back to her.

"Who are you?" She asks as she stands up. "I'm a friend, I'm going to walk you home now, the woods aren't safe at night." You said as you cross your arms over your chest. "I don't want to go home, I hate my home." She said sitting on a rock. " Look I'll tell you a secret, if you go home." You said trying to persuade her come let you walk her home. "Okay." She finally agrees. "Step back" I say. " As i said that she steps back and i start to shift into my wolf form. "OMG ITS YOU!" She said loudly. "Yep its me, i didn't want to frighten you off before, but i can trust you, Cant i?" I ask as i sit in front of her still in my wolf form. " I won't tell anyone, I Promise." She said with a huge smile on her face. "Get on, I'll take you home." I said as she stands up unsure what i mean. "You mean get on your back?" She said in a confused tone. " Yes." I lower to the ground where she can get on my back, she sits on my back, she hold's on tightly as i take it off into the woods towards the street, it's Midnight so no one is out. She points to a house, big enough to swallow this girl up whole. She hugs me one last time, as i watch her go in her house, her parents running down the stairs to see if it is her. They are relieved She is safe. They both hug her as they start crying. I run back to the woods and shift back.

"Wow that was the best thing I ever saw." Said someone emerging from the bushes. "Put your hands up, your under arrest." Said an Officer coming into the moonlight. "For what?". "Kidnapping." I had no idea what the officer meant but I cooperated so I didn't make matter worse for myself. " Anything you say or do will be held against you in the court of law, When you get in, you will be giving a phone call. Do you understand?". "Yes officer." I said whilst walking to the cop car. I held my head up high, thinking about that little girl Rose her name was, What will she think if I don't show up? Will she spill my secret? These evening have unravelled a whole load of events. I didn't even do anything wrong. Why am i here?

"Please place your finger in the ink and put it on the paper. Then do it for the rest." Said an officer in the jail. Once all that is done, they give me an red jump suit to slip into, they check me down, making me bend over and cough. What do they think I am? A junkie? They clear everything and let me change. This is fucking ridiculous. I walk into the main hall looking at all me. Then hear the speakers, "Nicola White come to cell 666." I heard my name and saw everyone eyes trail me, as I walk down the corridor. I an officer standing outside a cell, "Hello Nicola, I'm Officer Emmy this is your cell, and your cell mate. I'll let you get introduced.". "Hello, I'm Tammy." She sat down on her bed. "Hey Tammy I'm Nicola, Nice too meet you." I sat down next to her. "What you in here for?" Tammy Asked curiously. "Apparently Kidnapping." As i said that, she moves closer to get more detail. " So who did you kidnap?" She asked as she leans in waiting upon my response. "I didn't Kidnap anyone, that's the thing. What are you in here for?" You asked shooting the same question back at her. " I'm in here for Homicide." She said with as little expression on her face. "Who did you kill?" I asked facing her face even more. "My Family, Friends. They say I need to be locked away for life. They are not wrong, we get so many newbies In this place its hard to keep track. Just a word of advise, look out for everyone, Don't let your guard down, there are snitches everywhere in here." She said it with ease like It doesn't bother her at all. "Thanks for the advise." Then the speakers blasted out. "Nicola White come to the main hall." Then the speaker dies off. "Better get going." As Nicola Exits the cell and walks to the main hall, "What's this about?" "You have a visitor".

The officer said leading me into a room with a man I thought was dead. "Louis?" She said in a shocking voice. "Hello darling, did you miss me?" That question causes rage inside of me. Did I miss him, what a stupid fucking question of course I don't. "Not for one bit, I guess your here cause you have a reason for me being here? Am I right?" I asked him with curiosity. " I am, I have been watching you very closely, saw you take that girl home." He said "How generous of you." He said making my heart pound against my chest even more, not through terror, but through Rage. " Look we can do this the easy way, or the hard way." You said making him think he isn't going to win. There is always a way around a situation like this. "I will pay your bail if you come with me." He said sliding a photo to me. "To save your children, to save your mum, to save your pack house, to have Lucas My brother, or even to save your dear beloved dad." My heart stops. I can feel the power inside me rise, uncontrollably. "You had my father locked away this entire time!" My blood boiling quicker than it has ever before. My eyes turn black and my body is not under my control. My vampire is raging, I need blood and I need it bad. My head pounding with impulsiveness. His Jugular vein is looking more and more advertising by the second. You need to control it Nicola, I have no control, get it back right now, I'm about to go for him. I wasn't holding back, I wanted her to, not the fact that I was hungry just the fact I wanted to cause him pain. Like he caused me.

Word count 1117.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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