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"How is my lovely pack doing then." Said Nicola smiling.
"We're doing good, i heard what was going on.. Plus i can help you hide the body!" Said one of the pack members.
"Ohh no no.. we are going to send Louis pack something to remember us by, it clearly says don't mess with us doesn't it." She let out a small laugh with a cheeky grinned formed after.
"Now... who's hungry because I know i am after all that killing."
"I'd thought you were staying in hell for a few more weeks?" Said one of the pack members.
"Well i heard of a near by threat, which i had to obviously eliminate." Said Nicola smirking whilst starring down the pack member who said that. It's as if she knows that they are part of Samatha's pack. She let out a small laugh, she closed her eyes and when she opened them again they were the colour of the red moon. The pack members bowed down to her but some did not, she knew they were part of Samatha's pack so she said "Either get out, or I'll throw you out... with my teeth. Your choice to be honest." "You killed our alpha and now you killed our alphas mate, so now you will die for what you have done." Said one of Samatha's pack members. "Come at me i dare you!" She said that and one of Samatha's pack members tried to jump on top of her but Nicola speeded out of the way causing the pack member to fall on the ground.. They all just looked at Nicola in shock because of how fast she is.. they were terrified! "Too slow!"said Nicola "What are you?" she looked down and said... "i thought you knew i was a hybrid." Everybody's mouths dropped open, Nicola rolled her eyes and walked away.
She shouted "Pathetic." Then stuck her middle finger in the air...
"Nicola wait..."said Brande she ran over to Nicola and walked off with her.
"What did you want to say then?" Said Nicola calmly and patiently.
"What did you mean by your a hybrid?" Said Brande scared to say anything,
"Well... I'm half wolf, half vampire and half witch. Does that answer your question?" Said Nicola... "yes... thank you." Said Brande running off back into the pack house.

"Strange people!" Said Nicola walking off into the woods.Nicola heard a crank within the woods. "Who's there?" As Nicola shouted she letting out a loud and sharp growl. A tall dark figure stepped out from behind the trees "You need to be careful!" He spoke in a quite low and hostile tone."What do you mean by 'i NeEd To Be CaReFuL'?"said Nicola lets a growl roll off the tip of her tongue. "Nicola its not safe for you to be here right now." The strange voice said. "Look i don't need you to tell me what i can and cannot do alright! I've had a shit couple of days." said Nicola getting more angry. "I understand stand the my love but please just be careful." said the strange vanishing into thin air. "My love?" said Nicola thinking about how Lucas Used to call her that.
Nicola's POV:
I just wanted to go for a run in the woods, when a strange figure stepped out from behind a tree, his voice was low and hostile when he spoke, it reminded me of Lucas voice, i barely saw him, he didn't step out from the shadow of the tree so i have no idea what he looked like. To be honest i was getting more and more angry, he interrupted my run but then the last sentence he said he said 'my love' now only one person on this planet has called me my love and that was Lucas. I had a strange feeling for the rest of the day and the strangers words kept playing over and over again in my head 'You need to be careful' he said that in a way i had to obey him. Which kinda made my legs shake. I didn't know him but i wanted to get to know him hopefully ill meet him again.
Strangers POV:
There she was walking out of the pack house with no care in the world, I still wonder what her children look like, none of them have gone out ever since Jacob her brother took them to Hell. She's very overprotective of them, which i understand why. She started walking closer towards me and i wanted to make sure she didn't see or hear me but a branch cracked and she knew i was there, she sounded rough almost as if she hasn't been sleeping. I stepped out into the shadows making sure she couldn't see my face, we had a conversation and then i ended the last sentence with 'my love' she was my one true love after all.

"who was that?" Said Babe walking towards Nicola. "I have no idea." Said Nicola looking back toward Babe. "He was very tall, almost as tall as..." said Babe being cut off by Nicola.
"Don't say his name." said Nicola give Babe a sad glare. Babe walks over to Nicola and pulls her into a tight hug. "I can't keep living like this anymore Babe." Said Nicola Sobbing on Babes shoulder. "I know." Said Babe reassuring her. "It's so much to handle now, the pack, the kids, Hell. I just wish Lucas was here to help me. I miss him so fucking much." said Nicola slipping out of Babes arms and falling to the ground. Babe comes and cuddles Nicola on the ground sitting beside her."It will be okay. Do you want to go for a run" Said Babe. "Yes. But your an angel?" Said Nicola looking at babe. "Im sure god won't be mad if i shift into a wolf. As she said that her bones started cracking. I stared at her as she gave me a bark. I shifted into my wolf and we ran off into the woods.

Hope you guys enjoyed this.
word count: 1024

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