Family photo

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As i run off into the woods, I am faced with regret, and Guilt. I sometimes wonder if what ever happened to my dad and Lucas is My fault. I worry that i can't impress them due to the amount of trauma my life has brought to them. I miss my dad every day, every waking moment, I can barely sleep, i think i've slept around about 6 hours in this month, I just have a lot on my plate. I know who is behind this and i will destroy him if its the last thing i do. I try and live my life a quarter mile at a time, not letting anyone get to close or even to shallow in the depth of detail i would bring into a scenario. I just close myself off from a lot of people. I have lost countless of friends over the years due to the fact that, you can't trust anyone. I wait around in the woods to find Hope, Hope of my dad coming home hugging me telling me this is all a big dream. A dream that i have been having for the last couple of years. "Dad if your out there give me sign?". I didn't expect anything to happen, I just had a last bit of hope running through me, that he is still alive. As i run i heard cracking noises in the sky. Lighting. I love Lighting me and my dad would think of it as carnage. Wait Dad, Lighting? Maybe he is alive and this is his sign of telling me he is? I'm reading into this so much i need to stop whatever ounce of hope i had left in me got buried away in the back of my head. Running through the woods i come to a cliffs edge, laying down right on the side of it. Not even bothering to looking anywhere to see if there are human lurking around. We have had this problem for a couple of weeks now, people trespassing, using the excuse, im lost, or I was playing Hide and Seek with my mates, Luckily no one has seen anyone in their wolf forms. Until Now.

As Amber comes running into her mums room she finds her dad sat down looking at the pictures of the five of them. "It was the last memory she had of all of us being a family." Said Amber sitting on the side of the bed with her dad. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, i should have listened to your mother when she told me to turn back." Said Lucas placing the photo frame back on the bedside table. "It wasn't your fault dad, you was trying to protect mum and us. You didn't know it would lead to someone 'killing you'" She said using air quotes whilst hugging him. "I was shot with wolfsbane, hurt like a bitch, I was unconscious that's why i couldn't contact your mother. The pain she felt was not our bond breaking, it was me being shot unconscious." Said Lucas Bringing Amber into a tighter Hug. "I don't know when mum will be back." Said Amber loosening her grip. "Does she not come here often?" Said Lucas Letting go of Amber. "She does, She lives here after all but it's hard for her losing her dad and you in the space of a few weeks." Said Amber. "She has so many memories with you that she always shares with us. I think these few weeks are proper hard because she hasn't been sleeping of even eating as much as she should." Said Amber. " We usually have family Dinners every night, no matter how busy her schedule was." Said Amber again, hopping off the bed. She did a lot for our children, keeping our memory's alive, like she lives through the pain of thinking its her fault, when its not. She needs to give her self a break of otherwise she will burn herself out.

I hear cracking in the woods behind me. I growl to warn other beings that this spot is taken. Until these light eyes meet mine, a young girl comes and sits next to me, I'm still in my wolf form. "Your so pretty." The young girl say's as she runs her fingers through my fur, I didn't want to scare her off so i let her. We were both sat here in silence until she speaks. "You know, this is my favourite place to come when i want to be alone. I come here quite often." She said as she lays down and crosses her arms behind her head. " I know you can't talk cause that would be silly if you could, I just hope you find sensation up here like i do little wolf." She said whilst she flicks a beetle away from her. ' She doesn't know me, I am a wild animal in her eye's yet, she sits down next to me. Kind makes me think of back home, I miss my kids, i want to hug them and tuck them in like i always do, just before bed. This little girl puts all her trust in the sensation of, What if this wolf is aggressive? What if this wolf is sleeping? What if this wolf hurts me? All these Questions are in my head, Where as in her mind, Up here nothing can harm her. Nothing Can be more dangerous then sitting next to a wolf that could pounce on her at any second, She seems so sweet, so innocent to be out after dark. I wonder where her parents are'. "Why is the moon so bright tonight?" She asks, like she expects me to answer her. " Sorry I'm Boring you, i wish you could talk to me". ' 'Don't you dare Nicola, Don't you dare say a word.' I'm not that stupid.' "Urgh i wish my parents would stop arguing all the time, I wish they would notice me and how much pressure they put on me to be the perfect little girl, One with good grades, The one who never gets in trouble at school. Do you have Pups?" She asked curiously. "Bark at how many you have." I bark three times to indicate i have three pups. " I bet they are just as pretty as you are." She said. "ROSE? YOU OUT HERE ROSE?" Said the little girls parents. "Shit, please hide me." She said as she hides behind a rock. I sit up to make sure there is nothing they can see. "She isn't out here Derek. Maybe try her friends house?" Her mum suggested. "There's one more place we haven't looked." They start walking over to the edge of the cliff, I'm sat up trying to cover as much of her i possibly can. "AAAAAA, RUN, IT'S A WOLF." Her mum said running away from the edge of the cliff. "She isn't here Derek. Common lets go." Her mum says. Her parents both walk off out of the woods. "Can i come out?" She asks. I lay down indicating to her that they are gone. "Thank you!!" She said hugging me. I get up about to leave she looks at me saying "Thank you! Meet you here tomorrow"? She doesn't know if I'll be back tomorrow but she asks anyways, I howl and run off.

Word count 1240.

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