Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it!

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Nicolas POV:
The amount of trauma that I have went though is Completely unbelievable, I lost so many good things in my life and to top it off my mate might die soon. So that's great isn't it said Nicola sarcastically biting down on her nails with tears forming within her eyes. But I will find out who did this and they will pay for what they have put me and my friends through. There's a saying 'If it doesn't challenge you, then it won't change you.'
Babes POV:
It's been a few weeks and Nicola hasn't left Lucas side the only thing she has left him side for was to go to storms funeral, after the funeral we get back to the hospital and then the doctor walked in and said there is a spell on his lungs which is making them so weak, and Nicola didn't take it to well she hasn't eaten anything for the last 72 hours and I'm worried about her, she needs to eat, the only way she will eat if we force feed her or we sedate her and tube feed her. However about a week ago we got a letter after storms funeral and it said that we need to keep our loved ones close or they will kill them. So Nicola went on a shouting spree within the hospital. Her dad comes and visits often to see how she is doing, he is worried for her we all are we just have to wait and see if Lucas wakes up.
[Inside Lucas head!]
I've been here for less then two hours and I can't find anything [ A/N btw when you are in a coma you don't know what day it is so for the people in the coma they think they've only been In for a couple of hours however they have been asleep for a long time, it's my imagination just saying, BACK YO THE STORY GUYS]
{Lucas wolf}
You need to wake up Luca or you will never wake up again. Meet me in 5 minutes! In the centre of your head I have really important news to tell you. Please tell me what is going to happen to my mate. Please! I don't want to hurt her. Hello! Is anyone there I need your help.
{Lucas wolf}
Calm down or you will be stuck like this,
Right now that you have to calm down, you need to wake yourself up. If you don't we will die like this and like I said before we will never see our friends or our mate again. You need to think about all the reasons why we love our mate and you need to push through and be with our mate. After that we should have enough energy to wake ourself up. So tell me what you are thinking about our mate to wake up because they have got to be genuine feelings with one another.
{Luca talking}
When the first time i layed eyes on her I could tell she was my mate, and all the feeling came rushing into me like a bunch of race cars going round a track, another memory we have is when i saw her and she came running into my arms for comfort, right after she was taken to a fighting rink.
Nicolas POV:
He was just laying there still as nothing, I can't believe the doctor told me that if he doesn't wake up soon they have to take him off life support, Of course i started to cry my eyes out because you wonder well if your mate/ partner is being take off life support, it is a really dangerous process. I swear i just saw Lucas fingers twitch but i thought i was seeing things because I've been sat here for ages two weeks to be precise, doing nothing, and just staring into space. Lucas body started moving, and then he woke up.

"Nicola is that you." Said Luca anxiously waiting for a reply."Omg, your awake" said Nicola jumping on top of him and hugging him with excitement. "What day is it?" Said Luca hugging Nicola back and not letting her go whilst she had her arms around his neck."Doctor! Help, can this patient be checked out!" Said Nicola letting go of Lucas head and shouting for a doctor to come and check him over. "What ca.... oh he's awake that's good then can you please move aside, so i can check him over please." Said the doctor calmly and patiently. " Can you please tell me what happened to you." Said the doctor again but more firmly as she placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature"I don't know all i remember is my mate crying in my arms and other then that I can't remember anything." Said Luca nervously with a banging headache brewing in his mind. "Ok, can you tell me who this lovely lady is beside you." Said the doctor kindly, whilst she was checking his heart rate and heart beat. "This lovely, pretty and smart, lady beside me is my mate/ partner i can remember her hugging me and crying into the shirt i was wearing, what day is it? I asked earlier but I don't think anyone heard me." Said Luca looking into Nicolas eyes whilst holding her hand.
[ mysterious man]
I really thought he was going to die, but now it looks like i will be killing either Nicolas mum, dad or other best friend. One more loss i will be able to take down the future QUEEN OF HELL!

Hello, everyone I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while in deeply sorry, but things have been really stressful.
Merry Christmas hope you all got everything you wanted, and hopefully i will be able to finish this story on mid of February. I know this story is almost over which is scary but i will try to get one out. Wish you all the best.
Word count: 1008

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