The cage!!

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Darkness is all I see.
[something happens]
"OMG WHAT THE actually fuck"
Today we have a special guest. She comes all the way from her home country, America. (A/N LISTEN CLOSE TO THIS PART!! ITS IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT WHAT HER OTHER SPECIE IS)
She's a Hybrid so that means everything put into one person. Which specie is she!
I could hear and smell everything from underground that's how loud it is, however their going to get me to fight, they said I'm aHybrid and I have two forms, "MY FUCKING MOTHER IS A LIAR." This bitch said I wasn't one of them I just have to access my ..... side. To win. [ speakers ]
Here she comes, she will be going up against the most feared animals in existence, if she can get them to tap out she will be let free if not she will be going to a supernatural fighting Match for the rest of her pathetic little life.
Nicolas POV:
Screams... screams, from every direction I couldn't stop hearing them, they all saw me and gasped I came up in a metal cage! I couldn't change or move because I am still in my wolf form. Even though there are metal bars round the outside, so the fighters couldn't get out. It was horrifying. I've never been to one of these match's in my life. To see all the blood On the ground was disgusting. This tall dark figure came out from the side, he wore shorts that went just bellow his bellybutton, his abs are formed perfectly, he could be in America's top model magazine, You could see he loved his body and worked out everyday and his perfectly cut jawline which was so sharp you could cut yourself by touching it. I could tell he was a werewolf like me but I'm half and he's full, I should be hanging with my girls and doing our nails, hair and makeup for the party that I was so looking forward to. I am lost In thought and I just heard 3.2.1 FIGHT !!
[The fight is starting]
The fight had just begun, I got let out of the cold metal cage a few minutes before and shifted back into my human form, the guy in front of me was stunning I know crazy right I have a mate and I love Luca but I haven't talked to him that much like obviously I'm suppose to love him for eternity but I don't know if I can, I'm going to see what going to happen and see what this guy is like!
Riccardo's POV:
I'm lost for words the girl that stands in front of me is breath taking, you can tell she is going to be an alpha of a pack one day because she has this, sort of Ora around her that makes her so mysterious, so I know she's a hybrid but I wonder if she knows that she is actually part vampire and witch! I can sense the vampirism and the magic she holds inside you can tell by her Ora around her, the way she stands in her position and her posture is so magnificent you could melt for a girl like this, I know I'm starting to and i've only just met her. I start thinking to myself I don't want to fight her she's so pretty, i don't to hurt her perfect body.
[The voices in Nicolas head ]
Sweetheart, you have to fight and free you're other side let her consume you and you will be able to win.
They are coming you need to be ready. You can't take this laying down. Their strong. Keep your friends close. Stay strong baby.
First fight:
"Look I don't want to fight you, but I'm fighting for my freedom!" Said Nicola aggressively punching Riccardo in the tummy.
He punched me, back multiple times and i dodged quite a few but in the end I won the fight I knocked him out in 15 minutes but it felt like ages. We got up and shook hands his face swelling up from my punches. I didn't really need to discover what else is inside me but I feel like the next fight is going to be a hard one.
{Second fight:}
Nicolas POV:
This short silhouette stepped out into the middle of the fighting ring, she wore a sporty outfit, the top is short and outlined her curves. She wore exercise shorts which you could barely see, she had tattoos all up her thigh you could see the full tattoo if she took her shorts off. She has a lot of muscle and she is a vampire! I'm going to have fun with this one! They say if you bite a vampire they will die but I don't want to hurt her.
Rose POV:
I saw her fighting the little Wolfe, she has moves I'll give her that, however I'm not going to go down that easy cause I want my freedom as well. ( A/N BTW. NO. ONE. KNOWS. THAT. NICOLAS. OPPONENTS. ARE. FIGHTING.  FOR.  THEIR. FREEDOM. ASWELL.  Anyway back to the story!)  She was stunning the way her body moved in time with her punches on the Wolfe. She will be hard to take down bu..........!
{ second fight starting:}
3.2.1 FIGHT!!
We shook hands, then we walked to the sides and I shifted into my wolf form and my opponent looked terrified, she knew if I bite her I could kill her, so I shifted back and she jumped on me she punched me in My face several times however I blocked most of them and i have had enough of this shit, I did the one thing that can get me out of this, I LET HER OUT.
Roses POV:
She was furious, which is what I wanted but now I'm actually shitting myself, her eyes are redder then the red full moon and her fangs  are coming through, she's a vampire that's for sure but what is she I walked up to her and shook her hand and s-she is a H-Hybrid. They are stronger and faster then anything in this whole world..
Nicolas POV:
It felt exhilarating, I letting her out I felt more open and submitted to kill my opponents, but I don't want to be that person, I have go to control my blood lust, for as long as I can. My teeth and pointy and my head is pounding.I think I'm half vampire and witch, which is confusing because I grew up with my mum as she is a werewolf and my dad is LUCIFER, the king of hell.

Hey guys, I know cliff hanger yay, I had to write another chapter because it was to good not to leave without another. Both my thumbs are like exhausted from writing this much.

In the next chapter there are going to be the rest of the fights, and you are going to meet the two people I'm dying for you to meet them both will have one part each so one with go then the other will So I will see you in the next one!
Bye guys!! 😂🥱😴

Word count: 1212

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