Chapter 26 : Found you

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안녕하세요 친구!! I want to thank all of you for reading this far. This story is about to end. Maybe it only has 5+ more chapters. It's a 50/50 possibility. And also, I'm gonna post the first chapter of The Vampire Hunter/Lover (also a pervert) on my second acount tomorrow. My second account is Eia_42 . For all the readers, wave your hand if you're reading this. Hehehe. I'm a bit weird right? Learn to live with me. And for those who are mistaken of my gender, I'm a girl. Sorry for not updating yesterday.

Thank you for reading this short author's note.

WARNING : This chapter is SPG. If this is not your style, don't go any further.


( Third Person's POV )

Tears were falling from innocent eyes when they saw Sehun. They couldn't believe that Baekhyun would kill Sehun. The house that used to be a happy place, turned to a house of tears.

" I really hate Baekhyun!! " Chanyeol said through his gritted teeth. He couldn't accept the fact that Baekhyun would do this to their maknae. Everybody in Hae Joo's house couldn't accept the fact that Baekhyun would brutally kill Sehun.

Sehun was hanged. His throat was slit and his wrists we're cut. He also have sword wounds in his chest. This made everyone angry. They want to search more and more to find Baekhyun's hideout and claim justice. And also take back Hee Joo.

On the other side, Baekhyun is annoyed by what Hee Joo is acting. She's being a jerk and she's becoming bad. Not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good you know.

" Ugh. Why can't I control you. You're so stubborn. " Baekhyun cried out.

" You can't control me because I'm not a robot. Also, I'm a pain in the ass, bud. Don't try to make a wrong move. If you do, I'll kill ya. " Hee Joo coldy said that gave chills to Baekhyun. He never really expect that his experiment will turn out like this.

My apprentice surely is stupid. Why did I hire him in the first place? Geez. Baekhyun said to himself. Not knowing if he would fire his stupid apprentice or not. If he do, his apprentice will expose every secret Baekhyun has. So he has no choice but to hold onto him even if he's so stupid.

" Where are you going? " Baekhyun said when he saw Hee Joo heading towards the exit.

" None of you're business. " Hee Joo replied, still cold. She hate the fact that she's married to an eyeliner monster. She hates makeup. She believes that simplicity is beauty.

" I do have. I'm your husband!! " Baekhyun angrily shouted.

Hee Joo sighed. Holding her temper. " What happens if I tell you? " Hee Joo raised an eyebrow and faced Baekhyun.

" Uhmm..can I join? " Baekhyun pleaded. He forced a smile. Hee Joo just smirked.

" You're ugly when you smile. Try smiling more often. " Hee Joo lied. The truth is that she really likes to see Baekhyun smile and suffer. It's cute to her. She feels like she's nothing without teasing Baekhyun for a minute. " Come on. Let's go. " Hee turned away.

" Aren't we gonna bring Heehyun and Baekjoo? " Baekhyun requested. Hee Joo faced Baekhyun once again.

" We should. I want them to see happiness outside. I don't want them to live in the shadows. " Hee Joo smirked. She knows Baekhyun would be hurt by it. Her thoughts were right. Baekhyun felt that there's a needle piercing his heart. Hee Joo's words was direct. Baekhyun felt sadness building up on his system. He snapped back into reality when Hee Joo snapped her fingers.

" Where did your mind go? " Hee Joo pouted. Baekhyun was thinking of giving a Hee Joo a smooch because of her pouted lips. He leaned closer and gave Hee Joo a smooch, almost. Hee Joo knows what Baekhyun is trying to do so she immediately smirked and pushed Baekhyun towards the wall. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow as if he was curious of what Hee Joo is doing.

" Hey bud. Planning on kissing me? " Hee Joo gave him an evil grin.

" " Baekhyun lied. Hee Joo pouted to tease Baekhyun. Baekhyun swallowed the lump on his throat. " Yes. " He immediately changed his answer. Hee Joo just smirked and kissed Baekhyun. Baekhyun was shocked, but he quickly recovered from being shocked and answered Hee Joo's kiss. They were kissing. Or should I call it French Kissing.

[a/n: Yuck. Why did I let you write my story. It's not suitable for 13- ages.]

{aa/n (Assistant Author's note) : You should just thank me.}

[a/n: Hmm.. I thank you. And also, if this story gets reported and my hardwork is erased, I'll do something bad to you.]

{aa/n: Like what?}

[a/n: It wouldn't be so exciting if I tell you. Bye. Goodluck on your plan. I'll really do something bad to you if this story gets erased. I swear.]

{aa/n: Wow you're reaply scary. (include sarcasm here.)}

[a/n: You really are a.....I don't want to say it. You're still my bestfriend.]

{aa/n: Aww. I'm so touched.}

[a/n: Let's stop arguing. Continue the story bestie. Maybe Baekhyun died of happiness already.]

{aa/n: I won't let him die of happiness. Joke. But sure thing!}

After my argument with Head Author, Hee Joo already did something that made Baekhyun disgust of himself.

" You're disgusting Hee Joo!! Why would you let me kiss a dog who did not even bathe for years. " Baekhyun said in disgust. Hee Joo laughed.

" You're so mean. " Hee Joo said in her plead tone.

" I don't wanna go outside. I'm just gonna brush my teeth. You go on. " Baekhyun said and walked away from Hee Joo. Hee Joo smiled widely as if she won a trophy. When Baekhyun was out of sight, she smiled, devilishly.

" You can't fool me Mr. Byun. I'm more smarter than you. I'm more fabulous than you and I'm more talented than you. " Hee Joo said and flips her hair. " Goodbye assh*le. "


" What to buy? What to buy? What to buy? " Hee Joo said looking through the transparent windows inside the mall. She is inside the mall for 4 hours and haven't bought anything. She heard her tummy growl. She's hungry.

" Hmm..I'm hungry. I'm craving for Red Velvet cake. " She said to herself and walked towards Goldibest. She looked for Red Velvet flavored cakes but didn't find any. She only saw a Red Velvet flavored cupcake with a 'Remember' frosting. " This would be fine. "


She walked outside the shop eating the cupcake. She wanders around the mall to find things to buy but she remembered that there's a place here inside the mall where she can play. So she headed to Playzone. She noticed a herd of people on the other side of the shop. She raised an eyebrow not knowing what it was. She immediately walked towards it and saw a man dancing to just dance. His moves are graceful. You would firstly judged him as a girl. His face is gorgeous as if he was a girl. Hee Joo dropped her jaw. She's amazed to see a boy so elegant.

After the song ended, she clapped in amazement. The man was gonna type in the next song when suddenly, Hee Joo cutted in. " May I join? " She asked. The man couldn't believe his eyes.

" H-hee Joo? " The boy quickly asked her. Hee Joo's face is full of consciousness. She raised an eyebrow.

'Hee Joo?' " Do I know you? "

'She doesn't remember me? Oh, well. Maybe Baekhyun really did something to her?' " No. You don't. I'm Min Yoon Gi. Suga for short. " He replied. He streched and leveled his hands on his stomach.

" So Min. Byun So Min. " She smiled and shaked hands with Suga. " So let's dance? "

" Okay! " Suga replied. He was gonna pick the next song when suddenly,

" Hee Joo? Suga? "


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