The beginning

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if you want, listen to the song at the top as you read :)

I wake up on a small black couch, the sunlight hitting my face. As I sit up, I rub my eyes looking at the room around me. There were two men within 5 feet of me, one with white hair, his bangs flowing diagonal on his forehead, with a deep purple outline of his eyes and an electrifying lime green color glowing where the sun hit just below his pupil, it was mesmerizing to look at. The other man, taller with glasses, the highlight hiding the serious look in his eyes. His blonde hair dangled in front of his face, shadowing it from the sun, his hair was longer in the back and it was tied into a neat ponytail behind him.

I looked up confused, asking where I was. My attention quickly turned to a man in the back, short, wavy brown hair, that brushed against his forehead, a deep chocolate brown color, and his eyes were golden as the sun hit them, a dark brown outlining the sides of his irises. He was wearing a long, sand-colored trench coat and a lighter tan color pants, with a collared striped white and blue shirt and a perfectly ironed black vest on top. He looked tall, and his voice was soothing as he said "You're in the Armed Detective Agency, welcome!" His face had a relaxed, warm expression, with a soft smile. I couldn't help but smile back, when an interrupted "What is your name?" came from the man in glasses standing close to me.

I answered "It's y/n, what about you, what's yours?" The man looked at me and replied "It's Kunikida, Doppo Kunikida" I was about to add something else as the other white-haired boy quickly chimed in "I'm Nakajima Atsushi, over there in the trench coat and brown hair is Osamu Dazai, it's really nice to meet you Miss/ Mr" I looked at him and smiled simply adding on "It's nice to meet you too!" with a warm smile. Kunikida interrupted again "We found you near the Port Mafia Headquarters, you were passed out but it looked like they were trying to take you in there, do you have any clue why?" I sat there with a blank expression.

"I remember now, a man wearing a black coat, it was longer, he kept coughing, and he was trying to get me to come with him saying "If you don't come with me right now, i'll have to kill you" so I just went along with it, but when we got there a woman with blonde haired pulled into a bun came out, and the man escorting me seemed to get worried and then knocked me out there. The last words I heard before I passed out was something about a man named Mori, coming out of the woman's mouth." I said trying to describe it best I could. "Interesting." was the only thing I heard after explaining, coming from Dazai sitting in the back. Kunikida turned around "What do you mean "Interesting" what part of that says "INTERESTING" to you?!? Dazai simply laughs. "Calm down Kunikida, What I mean by interesting is, after they knocked (p) out, they left (p) there, on the sidewalk, they didn't even bother to bring y/n inside, so there must have been something more important they had to worry about. But at the same time, why take the trouble to get y/n just to abandon (p) there. It's just not adding up." Kunikida turns and faces me. "Hey, y/n, do you by chance have a special ability? If so that might be the reason they are after you." I look at him, "Yeah I do-" He asks once again "So? What is it?" You try and think of the best way to describe your ability.

"Well" you start off. "I can manipulate other people's shadows, including my own. For example, when I activate my ability, my eyes will fade into a pink and I can see the shadows turn to a pink. However, no one else besides myself can see this. Once my ability is active, I can whisper things I want those shadows to do, say if I wanted to break the victims neck, it would only be a whisper away, and it wouldn't be known that I did it since I wouldn't have to be near them, as long as I can see them in my view. Or if I wanted to lead a person somewhere, I can whisper that to the shadow, and their shadow takes control of them leading them wherever I please, does that make sense?" I ask.

They all look at me with a shocked expression. Except for Dazai, he seems to be amused and curious about the extent of my ability and what more I can do with it. He stares at me, almost a darkness radiating in his eyes, it makes me wonder about him. His cold, yet curious gaze right on me, it made me nervous. But, why? I'm quickly distracted when Kunikida makes a comment. "I see, your ability, it must threaten the Port Mafia, that must be why they wanted you, so then why didn't you use your ability when the man threatened to kill you?" He asked. I sat there, confused. I didn't even know why, I could have used it, yet I didn't. I started to overthink and could only reply with "I don't know, I'm sorry."

Atsushi was quick to answer. "Hey, hey, no need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. There could have been plenty of reasons you didn't use it, say for an example you were too scared in the moment, or felt too threatened, and you didn't know his ability so it could have been a risk." I smiled nodding my head in agreement. Kunikida simply said "Alright, that's okay. Atsushi, Dazai, keep an eye on y/n for a while, i'm gonna go talk with the President." They nodded their heads. As soon as Kunikida left, Dazai scrambled over next to me. "Y/n, I would like to say this in the most, comforting, and non-weird way ever, but-" He was interrupted by Kunikida walking back in to grab his notebook he left behind.

Kunikida turned his attention over quickly to see Dazai on his knees in front of you, with his hand about to grab yours. It looked like he was about to lose it. He stormed over smacking Dazai upside his head. Dazai cried out "Ah come on Kunikida, you never give me the chance to do or say anything I want" he said with his head buried against the rug. Kunikida raised his voice at Dazai. "NOT IF YOU'RE GONNA ASK (P) TO COMMIT A DOUBLE SUICIDE WITH YOU, YOU KNEW DAMN WELL THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN." I felt uncomfortable and slumped back in my seat. Kunikida stood up brushing himself off, apologizing for Dazai's behavior, and himself for yelling. I rubbed my hand against the back of my neck, saying "No, no, it's fine, seriously no need to apologize."

Kunikida gave Dazai a quick warning and walked out again, this time with his notebook. "Ouch, I swear one day he's gonna get me killed from all this hitting." Dazai says rubbing his head, intertwining his wavy dark brown hair within his fingers with a young, childish pout on his face. I laughed under my breath, which slowly turned into a giggle as a smile planted across my face. Dazai turned his attention to me confused with his hand still rubbing his head where Kunikida hit him. "What's so funny?" he asks me, the pout becoming more and more childish. "Oh nothing, you guys just seem to have a very interesting friendship" I reply. Dazai's pout turns into a gentle smile and his eyes become more calming. "Would you really even consider it a friendship, cause I don't think he likes me very much"

I laugh and say "Don't ever doubt it, I'm sure now you guys don't get along but who knows, in other things you may get along really well and have really good communication, I mean you guys are working together for a reason!" I smile. He looks at me with amusement. "You know, for just meeting us, you seem to know quite a lot, you're intelligent, it stands out, you know?" I stare at him. "Aha, just common sense." I reply. He smiles, but I know he's hiding something. I know he wants something more from me but I can't quite catch what it is.

Atsushi stands up, stepping over Dazai, who is still sitting on his knees on the floor. He smiles and says "Dazai, tell Kunikida I had to leave, Kyouka wants me to take her somewhere, sorry y/n, i'll see you later!" Dazai nods and I say "Okay! See you later then!" with a cheerful smile. Dazai stands up and sits on the couch across from me where Atsushi had currently been sitting. He stared at me, and I couldn't help but stare back. His brown, golden eyes, matching his wavy brown locks that brushed over his face so perfectly, met with my (e/c) eyes. It was intense, the reason for that being? I don't know.

"Secrets are Made to be Kept" Osamu Dazai x Reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now