"Suicidal Brat"

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if you want to, play the song while you read through the chapter :)

We sat down at the table and I placed the napkin in my lap and Chuuya looked at me. "What?" I say confused. "Oh, I just- I guess I'm just confused why you put the napkin in your lap-" he says. "The napkin? You put it in your lap to show manners or respect, maturity I guess." I say laughing. He still looks at me confused and says "That makes no sense, and I don't do things that don't make sense to me." "Alright Chuuya do whatever you please" I say rolling my eyes sarcastically and smiling. I could feel him staring at me as I looked out the window while the sun went down. I was thinking about what Dazai said, about Chuuya liking me, it was repeating through my head all day.

Does Chuuya really like me- like actually, like-like me? Chuuya coughed to interrupt the silence. "Ah, what's up?" I say turning my eyes back over to him. "I was wondering if after this, you wanted to go on a walk while the sun goes down?" he said trying to hide the fact that he was nervous. "Of course Chuuya, why would I ever say no? I would love to go on a walk with you." I say smiling with a small laugh escaping from my words. We had gotten out food shortly after and kept up the small talk.

After we had finished eating, Chuuya had offered to pay and then we had left. He held the door open for me as we had walked out. I couldn't help but smile and feel like he was being a bit odd. We had walked down to the park when we started going down a trail, the autumn leaves fell from the trees and flowed with the direction of the wind. The sun was setting and the sky was painted beautifully. I looked at Chuuya and his hair was flowing so gently and carefully with the wind, the sun making his hair appear golden as well as highlighting parts of his face, picking out his best features to show off.

He looked over at me and smiled. "I'm really glad i'm able to be here with you right now, Chuuya" I say with a rosy color rushing to my cheeks, as I tuck the hair in my face behind my ear, only to be met with the wind pushing it back out again. Chuuya continued to smile as he walked a bit closer to me, I could feel his arm brush against mine. "I am too, y/n. I actually brought you out here because I wanted to talk to you- it's something pretty important-" he says, his smile fading out a little bit, but still visible. "Okay, and what is that?" I say, my heart was beating faster, It must be something pretty bad if he has to bring me all the way out here just to tell me.

"I guess- lately i've been thinking, and whenever i'm around you my heart beats louder in my chest, I feel nervous, I don't really understand why I feel this way but, I really li-" he was interrupted as we both quickly spun around to a voice behind us. "Ah, there you both are, I've been looking for you." Dazai says, smirking slyly. "WHAT THE HELL- What are you doing here Dazai, you weren't invited." Chuuya says angrily, his ability faded in as his anger grew. "Now, now Chuuya, no need to be so mad, I'm just here to collect what I so long for. Y/n? Why don't you come back with me now?" Dazai says.

I could see Chuuya get more and more angry by the second. "Sorry, y/n is not going with you." Chuuya says as he grabs me pulling me into him, his arms around me as my head was buried into his chest. I responded by putting my arms back around him, to act like I was protecting him back. "Oh Chuuya, I don't want to fight you right now so please just do as I say and hand y/n over. It's not that hard, honestly." Dazai says, obviously frustrated. "I said no, now go back to where you came from, jackass. You have better things to do, go find another way to commit suicide or something." Chuuya says, trying to calm himself down.

"I'm not leaving until I get y/n back." Dazai repeats himself. "Well guess what, you aren't getting [pronoun] back anytime soon so buzz off." Chuuya takes my hand and starts walking away in the opposite direction of Dazai. Of course, Dazai follows behind us quickly. He was frustrated, so, so frustrated. He tried to grab me away from Chuuya, but Chuuya turned quickly, attempting to kick him. Dazai backed away before Chuuya could get to him. "Leave us alone." Chuuya says one last time, trying to stay calm for me.

Before Dazai could say anything, Chuuya took me in his grip and used his ability to get away from Dazai, taking us back to the Port Mafia quickly. He set us both down on the ground in front of the building. "Of course that bastard had to ruin our time together, he ruins everything I swear, sometimes I wish I could strangle him." Chuuya says disappointed. The moon was up by then and the sky colors had faded out, there was nothing but silence and Chuuya's frustrated voice, with a few cars passing by here and there. "Chuuya.." I say sadly, putting my hand on the side of his face, trying to cheer him up. "It's okay, we're away from him now right? We both came back together, and unharmed, alright?" Chuuya sighs, and takes me into his arms hugging me tightly. "You're right, I'm just glad you're with me, and not to mention safe." he says. I hug him back.

"We should probably go inside now, it's starting to get chilly out." I say letting go of him. "Yeah, you're right, let's go." he says smiling. We walk in, only to be greeted by Akutagawa standing inside. "And where have you both been?" Akutagawa says, his expression looked like he was interested to know, but at the same time like he didn't really care. Chuuya looked at him and rolled his eyes. "And why do you care? It's not like it's your business is it?" Akutagawa crosses his arms at Chuuyas comment. "Since when are you so salty? Geez if you didn't want to tell me you could have just said so."

Chuuya sighs. "Sorry, i'm just in a bad mood. We were on a walk." Akutagawa simply looks at us and walks off. "Hey loosen up a bit Chu, don't worry about what happened okay? We can worry about it later, for now let's just live in the moment." I say smiling. 

"Secrets are Made to be Kept" Osamu Dazai x Reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now