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if you want, play the song at the stop while reading :)

It had been a couple of hours since Kunikida left. Dazai and I had small talk within those hours. I felt a phone in my pocket vibrate. I knew who it was, but I couldn't be too careful, especially with Dazai here. I ignored it for the time being. I stood up, brushing myself off and told Dazai I was going to look for a place to stay at, like a motel or something close-by. He told me his house had another bedroom I could stay in for a while, that way I wouldn't have to pay. My eyes widened "Are you sure, you're okay with that?" I said. He smiled saying it was totally fine with him, and it would be nice to have some company anyway.

A while later when it started getting dark, we were walking to his home. The whole time walking I could feel my phone vibrating, more and more. I was scared of Dazai noticing, he seemed intelligent, intelligent enough to figure out what was going on if I opened the messages, even without showing him, so I kept it in my pocket, turning the phone off all the way. He turned to me "Right up here alright?" I let out a nervous laugh 'Yeah, alright!" I said smiling.

We arrived at his door when he took his keys out trying to figure out which key opened which door. After 2 minutes of him testing every key, he opened the door. I walked in and the first thing I noticed was the scent. The strong scent of coffee and cinnamon lurked around his house. His house was overall pretty tidy, just a few clothes and old bandages lying around here and there. He offered me a drink and something to eat but I declined saying I wasn't hungry. He nodded and said "Well, the bedroom you're staying in is down the left hallway to your right, there's a bathroom across from it as well, if you need anything just ask me." I smiled and said "Thank you, I will." and started to walk down the hall. I opened the door to the bedroom and looked around.

The room was nice, the bed was placed against the left wall and there was a window in the back of the room. A small wooden nightstand next to the bed, with white and brown sheets sprawled across. I smiled and walked across to the bathroom, where I started a shower and began to undress, making sure I locked the door and got a towel. I washed my hair, face, etc, and hopped out, drying off and dressing into pajamas that Dazai had set out for me. I looked in the mirror, brushing my hair and teeth. After I had finished everything I stepped out of the bathroom to see all his other lights were off.

Did he go to bed? I thought. I shrugged and walked over to my room, I grabbed my phone and carefully krept down the hall outside in the front. I opened it. UNREAD MESSAGES FROM NAKAHARA CHUUYA (7) UNREAD MESSAGES FROM RYUNOSUKE AKUTAGAWA (2) UNREAD MESSAGE FROM OGAI MORI (1)

I know this chapter was short but bare with me :) There's more coming

"Secrets are Made to be Kept" Osamu Dazai x Reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now