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I had finally given myself the courage to slip out of his arms and stand up straight for myself. I looked at him as he tried to reach for my face to wipe my last tear from my cheek. I grabbed his wrist and moved his hand back down. "Thanks, but I can do it myself." I say firmly. "I will be taking my things and staying with Atsushi from here on." He looks at me surprised, and saddened. I'm not really sure why but after I said that something in him snapped. "I'll stop trying to get Chuuya and fight the Port Mafia, but you are staying here, I will not allow you to leave, I don't want-" he stopped. I looked at him, with a frightened, but concerned look. 

"Nevermind it doesn't matter that last part, but besides that I still won't allow you to leave, you are the safest here." He says, keeping a straight face. "I already made up my mind, and Atsushi already agreed to let me stay with him for the time being, I am not staying here with you." I said, holding back my tears from slipping down again. I was making him angry, I could feel it, and I was scared. "If you leave here to go with Atsushi, I can promise you I will kill Chuuya." he says, fixing his posture and saying those words with almost no kind of emotion, or feeling. My eyes fixated on his, and a teary gloss coated my eyes.

"I won't let you." were the last words I said before running out, slamming the door. I quickly ran towards the Port Mafia headquarters, desperately looking for Chuuya. "CHUUYA? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I say, almost bursting into tears. "Y/n?! Woah woah, what the hell? What happened, are you okay?!" I heard a distance behind me, I immediately recognized the voice." Oh my god, Chuuya I'm so glad to see you!" I say with tears racing down my face, my eyes watery, sitting on my knees on the tile floor. He sat down in front of me, lifting my face in his hands to greet his saddened eyes. "Can you tell me what happened? Please?" he says gently, trying to calm me down. "Dazai- he said if I decided to leave him to go stay with Atsushi, he said, he would kill you for sure."

Chuuya widened his eyes and studied my face. "That bastard. Don't worry everything's gonna turn out fine, alright?" he said, trying to make me worry less about it. I can only nod my head in response as he hugs me gently. "Why don't we spend the rest of the day together, okay? Just so that I can reassure you that i'll be fine, and you can be with me, i'll notify Mori and tell him i'm with you." he says smiling, with a kind expression coming from his eyes. "Alright, that would be great, really great actually." I say, a smile forming onto my face, with Chuuya wiping the rest of my tears from my face.

We both stand up and start walking down the hall to the elevator. He gets a bit ahead of me before I run up and jump on his back, taking his hat and putting it on my head. "Geez, I seriously need to start getting you your own hats-" he says, starting to laugh, securing your legs around him. I laughed in response and quickly messaged Atsushi, telling him I'm staying at a Motel tonight. I wrapped my arms tightly around Chuuya's chest and my legs around his waist, as he walked into the elevator.

We started going down as I asked Chuuya "Hey Chu, can I stay here tonight? I don't have another place at the moment and i'd prefer to be somewhere I can feel safe." he smiled. "Of course you can, I have another bed in my room that's not being used at the moment, it was Akutagawa's but he switched rooms. The bed is already made up too." he says, as the elevator door dings. I simply smiled and leaned my head against the back of his, hugging him while on his back. "Thank you Chuuya." is all you could say.

He stepped out of the elevator, still carrying me on his back. He walked out the doors and was gonna take me out to get something to eat. We laughed the whole time there, the conversation kept switching up to many different things, it was endless, really. He took me into a small, but neat dining area, it was a really popular place for Port Mafia members to go to, to make sure they don't run into any ADA members. Chuuya sets me down, but continues to stand close to me in case something were to happen. "Where do you want to sit?" he asks me. "Oh, I don't care, you choose." I say smiling. "Ah come on, you make me pick everytime, I asked you first." he says with a pouty face.

I laughed softly "Okay, okay, we can sit over here." I pointed to a small table in the back of the restaurant, there was a small candle in the middle of the table and two wine glasses. The light above it was a yellow and white mixture, it was a softer, faded light, not too dark but also not too bright. The table had a neat, white cloth sitting on top, and the table itself was wooden and circular. Chuuya looked at me and laughed. "Alright, as you wish" he said, as he smiled at me. 


i'm sorry does this count as long? this is taking me way longer than it needs to lmao, if anyone want's the google docs version to read through while i'm writing it rather than waiting/ reading the wattpad you can email and i'll send it to you :) 15 pages written there so far

"Secrets are Made to be Kept" Osamu Dazai x Reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now