Rain & Chuuya

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Since it was nice out, I decided I would walk for a bit before heading into the cafe, despite me being hungry. I took out my phone and texted Chuuya. "Good morning Chu, I hope you got some good sleep last night, I would like to get to see you soon again, hopefully sometime soon. I'm really tired at the moment and decided to take a walk this morning. Do you want to meet me somewhere in secret?" and sent. I had walked around the city for a while at this point, the sun was starting to rise quicker.

It was sort of cloudy out and even with the sun rising, it stayed somewhat dark. Clouds hovered slightly in front of the sun, which made it quite chilly. My phone buzzed in my pocket. MESSAGE FROM NAKAHARA CHUUYA (2). I took my phone out and opened it. "Hey y/n, I slept well thank you. If you're tired I assume you didn't get much sleep, did something happen? Also, yes I would love to get to see you as soon as possible, we just have to be cautious with Dazai around you all the time now." "We can meet at the bridge, I'll bring coffee." the second message read.

I smiled before replying back. "Alright, i'll meet you there shortly. <3" I guess I don't have to go back to the coffee place anymore. I shrugged and started walking back in the direction for the bridge. I shivered as it kept getting colder out, and darker as well. I walked a little faster than usual, something about the world around me didn't seem right. I arrived at the bridge, to my surprise I was there first, so I sat down on the bench and waited for Chuuya to show up.

I sat there alone, the sound of cars passing by and gentle rumbles of thunder. The wind picked up slowly and my hair blew in the direction it was going. I held my arms trying to stay warm. There was grass in the distance that swayed and the sun was soon covered fully by the clouds, with only the slightest bit of glow peeking through. I heard footsteps approaching and looked up. "Chuuya! Hey!" I said, smiling and relieved to see him. He smiled back. "Hey y/n, sorry I kept you waiting." "Oh, no it's okay don't worry!" I say back.

He held out a coffee for me. "Double vanilla with extra caffeine and a shot of caramel" he said, reading out my usual order. "Of course, I wouldn't be surprised that you remember." I giggled and took the coffee from his hand. The warmth of the cup in my hands made me warm up a bit in general, but still not enough to keep me from shivering. "Are you cold?" Chuuya asked me with a gentle tone of voice. "Ah- yeah but it's okay, don't worry about it I will be fine." I say smiling. Although I say that, I still hope for a jacket.

Before Chuuya could say anything else, rain started pouring down from the sky, it was heavy and loud. I could see words coming from Chuuya's mouth but I couldn't hear him, the sound of the rain and cars driving past drowned them out. He stepped closer next to me and covered me with a jacket. "Let's go," he said, almost yelling over the rain. I followed after him as he took my hand in his, keeping my close to him in case I got left behind.

My hair was soaking wet along with my clothes. The rain falling felt cold as it dripped down my body and clothes quickly. Chuuya's warm ginger hair fell over his face and the natural curl to it had fallen out, it laid flat. He hadn't brought his hat with him, most likely expecting the rain. He was soaked from head to toe, our hands held tightly together as we walked back quickly, but just where exactly were we going? I let him lead the way and followed him, just wanting to be somewhere warm and dry.

I wondered why Chuuya wasn't using his ability at this time, we could be somewhere warm by now if he had, but instead we were running.. just, running. My hair kept falling into my eyes as the rain pushed it back into my face. The sound of our shoes hitting the ground echoed over and over again, it was quiet, but it felt so loud. Thunder grew louder and louder by the minute, lighting was striking in the background. Soon enough, we were running through areas with smaller buildings, like restaurants and small shops.

We were really far away from the Port Mafia headquarters as well as the Armed Detective Agency, and for that matter, Dazai's house. He took me inside this smaller shop, the windows and doors were sealed, but to him that didn't matter, he just kicked it down. "We can stay here for a bit until the storm dies down, is that okay?" he said, water was dripping from his hair and clothing. "Yeah, that's fine, do you know when it's supposed to stop?" I say.

"No, I have no idea." Chuuya said, taking a couple of breaths from the exhaustion of running. I looked around, there was nothing but a dark environment and wooden floor around us, with blocked windows. "Are there any towels here, or blankets? Anything we can dry off with?" I say desperately, I was cold. Chuuya took a look around. "I don't think so, I guess we have to strip as many clothes as we can off as we can without revealing anything, and wait for those to dry out, then switch them out." he said.

"Strip?" I say surprised, who would have guessed those words would come out of Chuuya's mouth. "I mean yeah, what are our other options?" he said, out of ideas. I took out my phone, about to risk texting Dazai to pick us up. I opened it only for the phone to appear broken from the water. The keys were all wet as well as the phone itself. "Damn it, we really are stuck here." I said to myself quietly. I guess that only leaves me with Chuuya's option.

I took off the jacket and laid it beside me, as well as my shoes, socks, and belt. Chuuya looked at me surprised. "You're seriously doing it?" he said, his eyes widened. "Yeah, we don't really have any other options right now." I said, taking off the white vest, setting it down with the other clothes beside me. I untucked the black turtle neck, hesitating to take it off for a second. I felt more nervous around Chuuya than usual, and I could feel a tint of pink overtake my soft cheeks. I turned around in the opposite direction of Chuuya hoping that would make it better.

I lifted the turtleneck over my head and proceeded to take it off and put it beside me. My knees were up to my chest, covering myself out of embarrassment. I heard rustling in the back behind me, I turned my head and Chuuya had started to take off his jacket and vest as well. He was unbuttoning the last shirt below all of it and then hung it to dry over the door, and came over next to me picking my clothes up and hanging them up with his. "If you don't want me to look, you could have asked me you know, I'll respect you." he said with a softer smile across his face. "Oh, right-" I said back, getting a bit flustered.

"I miss you being around, you know?" I turned my head again, Chuuya was sitting back to back with me and his head was turned down. "It's just so different, and now that idiot Dazai has got us both controlled whether we like it or not. I hate it, I hate him. I just- I love you god damn it." Chuuya said, sighing.

&quot;Secrets are Made to be Kept&quot; Osamu Dazai x Reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now