Only what I can hide

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if you want, play the song above throughout the chapter :)

I clicked on Chuuyas messages first.

"Y/N?" "Where are you? We have a mission right now you idiot hurry up." "WHERE ARE YOU HURRY." "Y/n are you ignoring me to annoy me because it's working." "Omg okay drop the act now haha you're so funny" "Nvm, Mori told me what's going on, sorry for bothering you (ps. when you get back, i got us matching hat's, i thought it was funny lmao) I read the messages and giggled. Chuuya always had some silly comment to add, he just liked to make me laugh. I replied "Hey ChuChu, sorry I didn't respond earlier, I was talking with the people at the agency and getting to know them better, I think by next week i'll know a lot. Except for this one guy, Dazai, I feel like I should be more careful around him. Anyway, good night i'll see you soon :)"

I opened Akutagawa's message next. "Did they believe you?" "Hello?" I giggled as I read them. "Yes Aku, they believed me. I made it sound pretty convincing so just gotta keep the act up for a while longer." I send back. Last was Mori's, but if I'm being honest I can't stand him, he makes my blood boil. I get he's technically my boss and the Mafia Leader, but there's something about him that makes me want to rage. I opened the message. "Hello dear, just checking in to make sure everything is alright and going according to plan? :) Elise misses you so please hurry with your mission alright?" Ugh. What an annoying use of words. "Ok." I reply. I didn't really care to talk to him. I hurried back inside, set my phone down on the nightstand and fell asleep shortly after. Man, what a long night.

The next morning, Dazai woke me up, with a plate of food and a coffee. The plate was made up of 2 pancakes, with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top of it, along with some bacon strips and eggs. He smiled with the plate in his right hand, the coffee in his other. He set them down on the nightstand and asked if there was anything else he could get for me. I smiled shyly and told him "No, thank you, but I really appreciate the breakfast, it looks delicious!" You took the plate in your lap and started to cut the pancake into smaller bites. Dazai sits down on the side of your bed as you look up in surprise.

"Hm?" I managed to say, chewing on the pancake. He just stared at me, looking me up and down. Is he studying me? "What are you doing-?" I say staring back at him. He simply says "Nothing, just making sure you like the food!" He says, ever so innocently, if he was lying, I wouldn't have been able to tell myself. He gets up and my phone buzzes on the nightstand. He looks over and says "Oh! Want me to get that for you?" "No thank you, it's probably just some scam call again." I say nervously. "Mm, you should probably check just to make sure." His eyes are scanning my every move. He watches my expressions closely, as well as my actions. I can feel it.

I say again "No seriously, I get too many scam calls a day it's kinda just the same cycle everyday at this point." He laughs "Alright, if you say soooo." he says as he walks out. I finish eating and look at the phone. UNREAD MESSAGE FROM NAKAHARA CHUUYA (1) I open it up with a smile. "You know I hate when you call me ChuChu. Anyway, I forgot that bastard Dazai works in the agency. That isn't good. He can find out more than you think about you with something as simple as eye contact or any kind of movement. He's threatening. Be careful. Otherwise, good morning, how did you sleep?" I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he cares so much as to ask something as little as "how did you sleep," it just makes me happy. "Awhh, I slept well, and I am being careful :) Also can't wait to try on the hats w u <3" I sent.

Little did I know, as I stared down smiling at my phone, Dazai was observing me. My actions, my eyes, my emotions, my ways. I set down my phone to get dressed for the rest of the day. I put on a long sleeved sweater, it was grey, with bleached, light blue jeans, they were more baggy then i had expected. I tucked my phone into my back pocket covered by the longer sweater. The shoes were the same white ones I had worn the day before, but I wasn't going to complain, I mean they were comfortable after all. I left the bedroom and told Dazai I was going to the store to pick up some new clothes for myself, which he nodded to and let me go.

Again I know it's short, i'm adding all I have at the moment :)

&quot;Secrets are Made to be Kept&quot; Osamu Dazai x Reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now