Last Night

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if you want, play the song throughout the chapter :)

"Alright, alright, sorry-" Chuuya says putting his hand on his face, as if he felt stupid. "Awh it's okay, let's go to your room, we can continue talking and hang out you know?" I say reassuring him. He smiled at me and nodded, dragging us both up to his office, which was connected to his room in the back.

He unlocked the door and walked in, only to go towards the back of the office opening another door, which led to his room. When I walked in, there were two beds, on opposite sides of the room, cornered on both walls. The beds didn't have a headboard, it was kinda just like two mattresses stacked on top of one another. The room walls were a lighter tan, and the floors were a faded chocolate color. There was a window on one side and another small bathroom on the side of where his bed was. There was a nightstand on each side of each bed with two small lamps, and one dresser leaning against the opposite wall, with scattered papers across.

Both of the beds were made up neatly. "Wow Chuuya, I'm impressed you were able to keep your room this clean, you come off as quite a messy person!" I say as I look at him, giggling. "Gee, thanks" he says back sarcastically. He took his hat off and threw it onto his bed, plopping down along with it. I looked around for a second more before sitting down next to him. "Hey Chuuya, can I be honest with you?" I say looking down. "Of course you can, anytime, what's up?" he says looking at me. "I'm scared."

Chuuya keeps his gaze on me before asking "Scared of what?" "Of Dazai, I'm scared of Dazai, I don't want to go with him, I want to stay here with you." I say trying to avoid eye contact as I didn't want him to see how pink my cheeks were. "Hey.. it's gonna be okay, I promise." Chuuya said, taking my hand. I turned my head to him, my eyes widened, I could feel my heart begin to beat faster and faster every second. He took me in his arms and pulled me closer to him. He stopped for a second to take his gloves off before starting to play with my hair.

I stayed still, not wanting to move. I wanted to stay like this forever, just Chuuya and I with no one else around, no distractions, just us. Chuuya kept repeating "I promise you, I would never let anything happen to you." I felt flustered and being in his arms made me feel so safe, and comfortable. "Hey Chuuya..?" I say turning my head. He looked at me for a second as if waiting for what I was going to say next. "I just- I guess I wanted to say-"

Before I could finish the sentence, Chuuya spun me around, and kissed me. My eyes stayed wide for a second, but I couldn't help myself. I kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I knew I shouldn't have but I did. My hair intertwined with his fingers, on the back of my head, his other hand was around my waist. He kissed me so passionately, like he had been waiting for this moment all his life.

He leaned back, laying on the bed, with me falling right on top of him. He took my waist and flipped me over, then kissed me again. His hair fell over his face, so beautifully, his diamond blue eyes seemed so much more alive than other times I've seen him. I think for once I've finally seen him truly happy. His hair shadowed his blushed face as he looked at me. I grabbed him close to me, my chest against his. My head gently dug into his neck as I just held him next to me. Chuuya seemed surprised but just smiled and wrapped his arms back around my waist in return.

"I guess this makes the fact that I like you pretty obvious-" he says nervously. "Haha, I guess so, but I could say the same back to you, Chuuya" I say smiling against Chuuya's neck. We laid there like that for a while before I fell asleep wrapped up in his arms.

In the morning, I opened my eyes to see Chuuya still asleep, and oh my god he was adorable. His wavy, golden-orange hair laid gently on his face as he was sound asleep. He looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to disturb that. Sadly however, I had to get up. 

His arms were still around me so it was gonna be a struggle to get up without waking him. I tried slipping out underneath but it really just wasn't working for me. I guess I would have to wake him up. I turned my face back to his, and I kissed him, assuming that would wake him. To my surprise, I felt him kiss me back. "Chuuya?" You've been awake?" I say, with a smile fixating onto my face quickly. He sat up and looked at me smiling. "Of course I am, I woke up the second I felt you move." he said laughing. I stared at him with a pouting face. "Ah come on, don't be that way, I was just messing around with you." he said putting his hand on my head.

I noticed his shoulders were bare, assuming he had taken off his shirt last night from his room being a little bit of a higher temperature than normally. I pushed my legs over the bed and stood up yawning. "Hey Chuuya, what do you feel like doing today?" I say looking him in his eyes. He stood up next to me. As I had guessed, he was shirtless. My eyes couldn't help but wander down to his chest and torso. I assume he noticed because he lifted my chin up to his face and smiled. "Do I need to put a shirt on, y/n?" he laughed, teasing me.

"Very funny Chuuya, but answer my question, seriously" I say trying to shift topics. "Fine, we can go and do missions together, I mean since you're taking a break from your current mission you can help me with mine." he says, still trying to think of other things. "Actually that would be great, I would love to," I say smiling. 

"Secrets are Made to be Kept" Osamu Dazai x Reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now