Crying and Obeying

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Chuuya and I started walking down the hallway and headed towards the door outside. I saw Elise come up behind us and I turned around wondering where Mori was, as he was usually with her. "Hey Elise! Is something wrong?" I say, still in hope that Mori isn't anywhere around. "I can't find Rintaro anywhere, and I want him to play dress up with me!" she pouted, crossing her arms.

Chuuya turns around quickly. "He's probably out helping Akutagawa on a mission, please don't worry Elise." I was surprised when Chuuya had said this, usually he doesn't like being in contact with Elise or anywhere near her. "Alright, fine." she sighed, walking back around, still yelling out for Mori despite what Chuuya had told her. Chuuya and I had laughed a little before continuing out the doors. "So who else is going on the mission Chuuya?" I said, curious. "I believe it's just me this time, usually if there were others they'd be here by now." he said as he looked around. "Hey but now I got you with me, so then it'd be us."

I smiled at his comment and after a little bit of small talk and walking, we arrived at a big warehouse, it was dark and dusty. The wood looked kinda rotten, and the floor had grass and weeds growing from underneath. "We're gonna be here for a couple of hours before the guy actually gets here." Chuuya said, sitting down against the wall, holding his hat on. I looked at him for a second "Did you completely forget I had an ability? If you want him here at this moment, then so be it." I said, pushing a small smile onto my face, still staying serious.

"Right, well that would be great if you could honestly, i'd rather be able to do something fun with you, aside from putting up with whoever this idiot is." he said calmly. I smiled and looked out below the hills. Shadows were everywhere, so many people, I just had to focus and find exactly who it was I was looking for. I gently whispered out the name of the victim Chuuya had spoken to me about earlier. A gentle, light pink had been picked out from everyone in my view. "Come quickly, without a trace of sound." I say lightly under my breath. The pink blur quickly starts to move within the crowds of people, and before we knew it, the man was exactly where I had wanted him to be, standing in front of me, scared.

Chuuya stood up, and walked closely in front of him, as he stood still in fear. "So tell me old man, why'd you steal from the Port Mafia? You should have known you would have gotten caught." his voice stern, and serious. The man looked at the floor, avoiding any eye contact at all. I quickly interrupt before Chuuya continues "Look at him or I'll break your bones, slowly one by one, until you cry out." The man quickly turned his head up "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Chuuya scoffs knowing full well the man was lying to him directly to his face. "Kill him, he's not telling the truth." he said. I looked at him for a second before turning back to the man. "Kill him." I say with my head down, snapping my fingers gently. Within a few seconds his body fell to the floor, and a pool of blood emerged from beneath him.

I absolutely hated killing people, even the bad ones. They have families, a job, people who love them, regardless, it was my job to listen to Chuuya, he was my superior and I had to take his orders. "Let's go." Chuuya says, sighing. I slightly frown but follow up quickly behind him. "Icecream?" I said to Chuuya as we started getting further away from the Warehouse. "Ah, sure, that'd be great." he says letting a soft smile slip onto his face. I get excited and start to skip ahead a bit, leaving Chuuya barely behind me.

"What in the- DAZAI?!" I quickly turn around to see Dazai holding Chuuya's arms behind him, and a knife against his throat. My eyes widened and I started running quickly towards them. Chuuya kept telling me to run the opposite way and not to go near them, saying he could handle it, but I didn't believe him. Not for a second could I believe that. I turned my glance over to Dazai as he said "Listen y/n, i'll make a deal with you, come with me and I'll let Chuuya go alright? That way no one gets hurt!" Chuuya's hat fell to the ground as he struggled to get away from Dazai's grip.

I felt so empty at that moment, clueless in what to do, I was scared. "Please, Dazai let him go" I said, choking my tears back. Dazai shook his head in response. He leaned his lips up to Chuuya's ear and quietly whispered something to him,as this had happened he had gently kissed Chuuya on the side of his face. Chuuya's eyes widened in disgust, and he started cursing out Dazai. I didn't know how to feel, I was shocked to say the least. "Please, RUN Y/N!" Chuuya yelled to me over and over again, as I stood there. I knew if I didn't go with him, Dazai would kill him without hesitation. "Let him go, and i'll go with you." I said, with my head down.

Dazai simply smirked at the response and let Chuuya go, Chuuya still not able to regain his ability yet. Dazai grabbed my hand and started pulling me away with him. Chuuya was running after us, yelling. In response to this, Dazai had no other option but to take the knife up to my throat. "Come near us and i'll hurt her." he said, staring into Chuuya's eyes, with a dark, serious look on his face. Chuuya didn't move, he didn't want me hurt at all, but he was helpless to do anything to get me back.

Dazai smiled, being satisfied, and continued dragging me along with him. My head stayed down the whole time we walked back to his house. He unlocked the door and told me to go into my room until he said otherwise. I listened to him. I felt like some kind of dog, but I couldn't do anything about it. I sat on the bed hugging my knees to my chest. I cried. Why, out of all people, must this happen to me?

A while later after I had calmed down, I heard the bedroom door open. "Are you doing okay? I had to come in and check up on you-" was the first thing that Dazai said as he walked in. I ignored him, wanting to be left alone. He sat on the side of the bed and rested his hand on my leg. "You know i'm doing this for the better right? You will be happier here, one day. I promise okay? Chuuya does nothing for you, he only causes trouble." Dazai says, starting to sigh. His fingers gently brushed my hair back behind my ear, and I started to tear up again, wishing it was Chuuya instead.

"Now now, don't cry, you are safe here with me alright?" he says trying to calm me down. "Maybe I am safe, but I am NOT happy here." I say, the words slipping away from my lips. Dazai frowns at this and lays down beside me, taking me against his chest. "One day, you will be." I didn't like being held like this from him, he was replacing Chuuya and I didn't like it at all, but I couldn't struggle, for the sake of keeping Chuuya safe from this Devil. 

"Secrets are Made to be Kept" Osamu Dazai x Reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now