Chapter 24

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~4th July 2021

"Are you excited, Mia?"

"Obviously, Rachel, now stop pulling on my hair so hard."

I was sat on a kitchen chair, holding six-month old Lily in my lap, who was happily sucking on a teething ring. Behind me, my best friend was curling my hair for the upcoming wedding being held today!

"I'm trying my best, but I can't be perfect," she protested, and she gave my hair a playful tug to retaliate.

"Mia, I know you're nervous, but stop griping at Rachel." Ini was sitting across the room from me, waiting for her own hair to be done.

A rumbling went through the baby I was currently holding. I grimaced before I took a cautious sniff of her nappy. 'Oh goodness, that stinks,' I thought.

"Ini, you have nappy duty!" I said, holding Lily out, who, I noted, had a relieved smile on her face.

"Oh, gross, where is Kevin when you need him?" she complained, taking Lily and holding her at arm's length.

"Wedding tradition. Bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other until the ceremony," I explained, a small smirk on my face. "And since my best friend is holding a very hot curling iron close to my scalp, I'd rather not risk getting up."

Ini left the room, holding Lily out in front of her, who was still happily suckling away at the teething ring.

"And she wanted to be a mother?" Rachel asked incredulously. I nodded.

"She never seemed to think about the more unpleasant aspects of motherhood. And she hasn't felt the maternal instinct yet," I commented, remembering how my brain immediately told me that my child was to be loved and protected at all costs.

Ini came back into the room about five minutes later, Lily laying in the crook of her left arm. Ini used her index finger of her right arm to tickle Lily's tummy, who was letting out adorable laughs.

"Warmed up to her pretty quickly when she had a clean bum," I teased, and she flushed a pale red. "My experience in motherhood has been amazing, but having almost no sleep is killing me."

"Please, don't put me off," she begged, her face growing more pale by the minute.

Her words didn't change the fact that I've dealt with all the weird and wonderful things I've had to deal with raising a baby. Especially the sleepless nights, every time I would drop off to sleep, Lily's cries would pierce the peacefulness of the bedroom. Not that Kevin would wake up though, he would keep snoring away next to me. I swear he could sleep through anything. Thankfully, we are entering the stage of Lily finally sleeping through the night.

"Okay, Mia, your hair is done," Rachel said, handing me a mirror. I looked at the curls on my hair, and seeing all the tiny roses weaved in, which were red and white.

"Oh, Rachel! It's beautiful!" I exclaimed in delight.

She moved onto Ini, and would sorting out her own hair. Ini and Rachel were my bridesmaids and would be having the same hairstyle as me, with their roses matching the colour of their dress. Their dresses were the same, with long flowing skirts, and silver outlining the skirt and the short sleeves, but in different colours. Ini was wearing red, while Rachel was wearing dark blue.

Rachel was able to complete Ini's hair pretty quickly. "We're identical, but not for much longer," she said, giggling and I knew she was referring to the different dresses we would be wearing. "Come on, let's get your dress on."

She seemed much more excited than me, despite it being my wedding. However, on the inside, I was freaking out. I was finally marrying my Soulmate.

We got to my old bedroom, which now was solely owned by Ini. I'd stayed over, to avoid seeing Kevin until the ceremony. My wedding dress was hung on the back of my door, and it was gorgeous.

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