Hanahaki AU - Finale

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Ini's POV

We have finally reached the weekend. It's time for me and Rachel to execute our plan. During the week, we kept meeting up in the Vocaloid World, discussing Mia's condition. We knew she would never go to Kevin's willingly, as she truly believed he didn't love her anymore.

Me and Rachel didn't agree.

We kept discussing ways to get Mia to Kevin, but we both knew that the only way to achieve this was to trick Mia. Something I didn't want to do. Luckily, I'd managed to hold my emotions down when I mentioned taking her on a supposed "shopping trip in the big city".

I watched Mia dress up warmly in a grey turtleneck and leggings while I braided my hair. I winced when she coughed up a flurry of full blue violet flowers, splattering her jumper in bright red blood. I cleaned off her top with 'Tergeo' before vanishing the flowers. Mia was trying desperately to act happy about this shopping trip, while wiping the blood off her chin, but I could see her lip trembling and the telltale sign of tears forming.

Thankfully, Mia didn't produce any more flowers when we were finally ready. There was a banging on the door and I realized Rachel was here.

"Come on! The first train will leave soon!" she yelled, loud enough to be heard through the door.

Me and Mia left and started walking with Rachel to the train station. Mia believed we were going down to Preston when we actually going up to Kendal. When we were on the train platform we kept Mia occupied, talking about topics unrelated to her Hanahaki, making sure she didn't notice the signs saying that the train we were catching was going to Kendal.

That is, until Rachel accidentally hit on a topic which caused Mia to talk about her Hanahaki.

"Apparently, I'm in the last stages of this disease. Basically, I'm at death's door. Considering that I've started to have difficulties breathing." She went into an attack at this. She gripped her turtleneck jumper tightly, near her chest and desperately tried to breathe in, sweat starting to drip down from her hairline. Thankfully, she let out a cough a couple of seconds later and a petal fluttered down onto the tracks.

"And you still haven't told your Mum?!" Rachel exclaimed in surprise, looking terrified at what Mia just went through.

"I'll tell her when we get back. She doesn't deserve to have one of her twins die on her without an explanation," she explained, one tear slipping down her right cheek.

The train came at this point and Mia accompanied me and Rachel to one of the worst compartments. Right next to the toilets. We've got Rachel to blame for that as she booked our tickets. I promised to provide the snacks and drinks on the way there as it would be a couple of hours before we arrived in Kendal.

"Hey, Mia?"

"Yeah, Ini?"

"Do you mind if I put you to sleep for the train ride? I don't want you to suffer any more from this horrible illness and plus you'll avoid the smell of the toilets which will no doubt fill this compartment."

"Yeah... I didn't sleep last night anyway. I could do with a half hour nap."

I sent the spell her way and her head immediately started nodding as she fell asleep. I felt a bit guilty as she would be asleep for a couple of hours instead of a half hour like she thought, but I couldn't have her hear the announcements. She was still capable of performing magic and I couldn't risk her Apparating away and losing her trust in me.

I sent my Soulmate a couple of texts asking about Kevin's exact address and he promised to meet us at the train station. Me and Rachel started discussing our favourite fandoms and she introduced me to the Percy Jackson series, lending me the first book. I got immersed in the new world she introduced me to, but noticing the glaring similarities it had to Harry Potter.

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