Chapter 13

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"The video?" I tried to comprehend it. What about the video could make Ini's adoptive mother so angry? I was the one in the video.

"She hates anything foreign," she explains. "The Japanese singing and Vocaloid Actor thing, which she learnt about through the news, pushed her over the edge." She sighs and grips her empty glass tightly. Her hair was loose and slightly messy. This was the first time I've seen her hair loose and it made her look even more like me.

"Did she think it was you in the video?" It was understandable, we're identical after all.

"No, I appeared in the background as I went to the back room. Our hair styles proved who we were." I quickly checked the video and noticed her near the beginning walking behind me. I never noticed her at the time. She was in all pink and she had her usual high ponytail, and if you look closely, you could just notice her heart barrette. "See, my heart barrette proves it!"

"Then, why did she disown you? There was no reason to," I asked, feeling sorrier for her by the second.

"It's because of you, Mia," she started, as she begins to cry again. Mum passes her another tissue. "Since you are a Vocaloid Actor, she didn't want me to see you again! But I couldn't just abandon you, and I'm a Vocaloid Actor as well. So, we began fighting, and when I wouldn't give in to her demands, she told me to pack my stuff and get out! And that she wouldn't look after me anymore!" Well, that explained her suitcase.

"You can stay with us tonight, and we'll contact CPS first thing tomorrow morning," Dad outlined, and I gave him the most deadpan stare I could. Has he forgotten?

"Dad, have you forgotten that Ini is also your daughter?" I asked, and he looked at me until the penny dropped. He slapped the heel of his hand into his forehead. "I feel so stupid, we can apply for custody of our own daughter."

"Well, Ini, we don't have much room, so you can bed down in Mia's room. We can clear the couch and make up a bed for you." Mum seemed ecstatic. "We'll call CPS and see if we can apply for custody. If we can get you back, we will get you a proper bed. You and Mia can share a room!" I admit that when she said that, I became excited as well. I can finally live with my twin sister!

We sent Ini to the bathroom so she can change while me and my mum started the mammoth task of clearing the couch, covered with books, clothes and god knows what. "Well, having my twin sister in the same room with me will encourage me to be tidier!" Mum just chuckled at that, as she moved a pile of books to the bookshelves behind the couch. I opened my drawers and crammed all the clean clothes in.

"We will need more space for Ini's clothes," Mum realised, biting her lip. I knew what she meant, all my drawers were full to the brim with my clothes, half of which I don't even wear.

"My summer clothes can be put into storage and we can go through the rest to see what to keep and what to chuck," I replied, throwing all the random stuff into an empty cardboard box that I decided to keep in my room for some reason. "That should make enough space!"

Ini came into the room, just as the couch was fully cleared. She was wearing white button-up pyjamas with pink roses dotted over them. Mum left the room to grab some bedding. Ini's eyes were closing and opening, showing how tired she was.

She sat on my bed and tried desperately to stay awake. "Here's what happened," she said, and I received a video through Mind-Message. I watched it and was shocked at what I saw. The composed woman I saw before, was red in the face, yelling at Ini.

"I forbid you from talking to Mia! She's an abomination!"

"Mum, she's my twin sister! I can't just abandon her after I just found her!"

Secrets Revealed (Book #3 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now