Chapter 23

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~2nd December 2020

I groaned as I eased myself into a chair at our kitchen table, my laptop sat in front of me. Since the second lockdown of the year was imposed, I was taking online classes once again. My eyebrows furrowed as I booted up Zoom, and hoping the connection wouldn't cut like last time.

My memories of the previous lockdown overwhelmed me as I continued setting up my camera and microphone. I was constantly worried about the virus spreading to my hometown and potentially killing my closest friends and family. It didn't help that I had fallen pregnant early in the year, two months after my eighteenth birthday.

Don't forget the fact that I failed my final exams and retook my second year of sixth form.

"Hey, babe! I'm heading off!" Kevin mentioned, flinging his coat over his shoulders and zipping it up.

Oh yeah, and I moved in with Kevin into a small two-bedroom house that we are renting. One of the better parts of the year, I must admit.

"Don't forget to call me if anything happens," Kevin reminded me.

Okay, I'm nine months pregnant, don't remind me.

The pregnancy hit me hard, with serious morning sickness and crazy food cravings. I would be craving a different food every week. Sometimes they would be normal cravings like chocolate or crisps. But I had weird cravings, like green veggies. My doctor wasn't complaining though.

My phone rang as soon as the door closed, showing my twin sister's name. I answered and tucked my phone between my shoulder and ear, due to the fact my Zoom class had started. I muted and turned off my camera.

Ini: Yo, what's up?

Me: The usual. My Zoom class just started, I feel crappy and my back is killing me.

Ini: The joys of being pregnant, eh?

Me: Pretty much!

I used my free hands to take notes and also sent a message to my teacher through Zoom chat on how I wasn't feeling the best and that's why both my microphone and camera were off.

Ini: Who would've thought that you would become pregnant before me.

Me: Certainly not my parents. How are it at home without me?

Ini: A lot quieter.

Me: Hey!

Ini: It's true, Mia! I've made great progress on my portfolio!

Me: Wasn't that meant to be sent off a couple months ago?

Ini: I thought I told you I was taking a gap year?

Me: You definitely didn't.

Ini: Yeah, whatever. Anyway, since you're in class, I'll let you go.

Me: Thanks.

Ini: See ya!

Me: Bye!

I silenced my phone and turned my full attention back to the class, turning on my microphone. I didn't bother to make myself heard above the general chatter and the teacher explaining the concepts I already knew.

Not to mention that I barely knew anyone. I placed a hand on my head as a headache began in full force, sending jolts of pain through my skull in a regular rhythm. Nothing new. Until I started feeling pain beginning to ripple through my stomach.

I swallowed uneasily as I thought about what this might be. It could be the start of contractions. The doctor told me not to call until my waters broke or the contractions were five minutes apart.

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