Chapter 20

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~2 months later

Me and Ini woke up to a small pile of presents at the end of our beds, our parents and our room covered in decorations. Each parent handed us our favourite breakfasts. I got boiled eggs and Ini got a bacon toastie.

"Happy birthday, girls!" Mum squealed, as me and Ini began scarfing down our breakfast quickly. As soon as we were finished, we began ripping open the presents. I got my general clothes, books and so. My gift from Rachel was Vocaloid decals for my laptop.

I bought Ini a pair of white over-the-ear headphones and she loved them as they matched Kokone's headphones almost perfectly. Ini bought me beautiful red earrings that dangled under my ears when I wore them.

I finally got to the final present. When I read the tag, I smiled. This was from Kevin. I tore off the paper to reveal a beautiful demin jacket. It was the usual blue, but it was outlined in red. On the small pocket at the front was a tiny embroidered image of Meiko and Kaito hugging.

We didn't get anything big, but we both had our main gifts coming later. Mine was the Blackpool holiday with Kevin, while Ini's was getting her tips dyed pink.

"Okay, our plans today are simple. We'll be getting a take-away for lunch, please choose the same place, as I'm not buying from two different places. And for dinner, we'll be having a buffet in the living room. Ini, your hair appointment is at 10:30am so it'll be finished before lunch. And Mia, Kevin is coming for dinner before you two head off to Blackpool," Mum explained.

"I am so excited!" I replied. "What about you, Ini? Looking forward to getting your hair done?"

"Is that even a question? Of course, why else would I use temporary dye and go behind the back of one of the strictest adoptive mothers ever? And for a year at that!" she answered, excitedly.

~several hours later

There was an intense knocking at the front door. I ran to get it, almost tripping over my suitcase in my haste to get to the door. "Kevin!" I shouted, greeting him enthusiastically. He was wearing a dark blue jumper and jeans. I was wearing a white jumper, black leggings, and my new demin jacket. My hair was in two plaits and my star barrette held back any flyaways.

"Mi Amor, happy birthday!" he replied, grasping my under my arms and swinging me around, causing me to giggle and for my plaits to fly out behind me.

Ini peeked out from the kitchen, a streak of butter across her left cheek. "Mia, help bring the plates through!" Mum yelled something and she turned her head to face her. "Also, she tells you to clean your face, she noticed the jam you managed to get under your right eye." I turned red from the embarrassment.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whined to Kevin as he laughed.

"To be honest, I didn't notice," he explained. I gave him an embarrassed smile before I ran to the bathroom to clean off the jam. I then joined Ini in the kitchen and we brought all the food through. Just before we sat down to eat, another knock sounded. Me and Ini looked up confused and Ini went to answer the door.

"You're celebrating your birthdays without me?!" Rachel's clear voice rang through the living room from the hallway. I immediately got a guilty look on my face. Even though I got a gift off her, my mind was too preoccupied with my upcoming trip that I completely forgot to invite her.

She bounded through and didn't seem to hold a grudge. That was proven wrong when she cloned a chair and sat herself down between me and Kevin. I gave her the stink eye. When she didn't get the message, I got up and tugged on her arm, clearly showing the message that I wanted her to switch seats.

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